F3 Knoxville

Where Do You Want to Go

THE SCENE: 33 degrees F, 97% humidity, overcast skies

SSH, Cherry Pickers, Little Baby Arm Circles, Overhead/Forward Hand Claps

Run to Dalton Street and then down to the base of Waxjob Hill for a set of 7’s.  Started with one BBS at the base and 6 Burpees at the top.  Each time was Bear Crawl up and Mosey down.

Three stations using CMU’s

Station 1 (Touch It)

  • Incline Merkins – x17
  • Toe touches – x17/foot
  • Decline Merkins – x17
  • Dips – x17
  • Crossover Planks – x17
  • Bobby Hurleys – x17
  • Shoulder Taps – x17

Run length of the Grinder and return to Station 1.  Bear Crawl with CMU to Station 2.

Station 2 (Lift It)

  • Bent Rows – x12
  • CMU Swings – x12
  • Squat to OH Press – x12
  • Dead Lifts – x12/arm
  • Triceps Extension – x12
  • Curls – x12
  • Goblet Squat – x12

Run length of Grinder and return to Station 2.  Overhead carry CMU to Station 3.

Station 3 (Throw It)

  • Two hand CMU push throws toward West direction.  Throw six times.  Retrieve and OH carry back to Station 1 then run length of the Grinder.

Return to Station 1 and repeat stations 1 through 3.

Flutter kicks, box cutters, LBC’s, ABC’s (capital letters), LBC’s
Total of 18.  No FNG’s.
I try to read two books a year.  I just made it under the wire in 2018 when I finished “Everybody Always” by Bob Goff on December 30th.  In the book Bob mentions that he recognized each of his 4 children’s 10th birthday in a special way.  His question to them was, “where do you want to go?”  His 4th child is an adopted boy from Uganda who had been mutilated by a witch doctor in that country.  His genitals had been cut off when he was 8 years old and left to die.  Charlie at age 10 wanted to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro.  After a few days they made it to 16,400 feet when Charlie decided he could not go any further.  At that point Bob holds a ceremony and gives Charlie medals for his efforts.  Medals for bravery, for effort, for strength.  He proclaimed him a Mountain Climber.  Bob Goff finishes Chapter 23 with this encouragement:

The most important part of our ceremony wasn’t what I said or all the medals.  It was what I didn’t say.  You see, I didn’t tell Charlie how far he had to go.  I said, “Charlie, look how far you’ve come.”  People who are becoming love celebrate how far the people around them have come.  They’re constantly asking the question, “Where do you want to go?”  Then they help the people around them get there.

Go do that with the people you love, including your enemies.  Don’t talk to them about their failures and the dark places they’ve been.  Talk to them about who they’re becoming and the bright hope that is their future.  Speak truthful and wise words over them.  Bring a few medals too.  As you put the last one on their chest, look them in the eye and tell them, “Look how far you’ve come.”  Knowing that the journey you and I are on never really ends, we can ask the people we love one of the most important questions ever conceived.

“Where do you want to go?”

I personally want to add that I see a lot of this going around with the Bomb Shelter HIM’s.  Sometimes we even intuitively know where our partners in the gloom are going.  We are there for them and we help them get there.

Continued to lift Derrick up in prayer as he endures a long recovery from an auto accident  We added Tony for surgery recovery and also Rainman from F3 Knoxville.
Partnership construction with Blount County Habitat for Humanity has been cancelled for this Saturday.  A reschedule for late February is anticipated.

Kraken at the Scrapyard

THE SCENE: It was like 60

SSH x 15
Squat 4-ct x 15 IC
OH Claps 4-ct x 15 IC
Bodybuilders x 5 IC
Kraken at the scrapyard
2 different sets of exercises to alternate each round. Run down to the street for a single bodybuilder then run back for the next exercise:
First round
1. Merkins 2. Squat touch jumps 3. Mt climbers 4. Burpee 5. Lunge 6. V-up 7. Diamond merkin 8. Split squat
Second round
2. Dry dock 2. Squat 3. Ww2 sit-up 4. Derkin 5. Deadlift touch 6. BBS 7. Pull-ups 8. Plank jack
LBCs x 20
Repeat twice
18 HIMs came out on an oddly warm January morning. Couldn’t tag Potato.
“There is no passion to be found playing small–in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” Nelson Mandela

“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” Michael Jordan

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Thomas A. Edison


THE SCENE: 31 degrees and a bit frosty

We did burpee jac web between each exercise. Going with one BJW, do 2 over head claps, do 2 BJW and 4 overhead claps, 1:2 ratio all the way to 10 burpee jack webs: 20 overhead claps. The exercises we did between each of BJW were:

SSH, squats, Hill billys, IMP walkers, IMP squat walkers, cherry pickers, all IC x10 reps each. then CMU curls x 20 I x 2, Rows for bros x20 IC x2

  • Every 2nd light pole, do 2 burpos until we get to the bottom of MT Crumpit
  • Broad Jump up Mt Crumpit to the Christmas Tree
  • Behind the tree on the right, we did 11s. Tsunami Burpees and Flutters. Starting with 10 Tsunami and 1 flutter
  • Tsunami Burpee = Start on your back, rock back then forward onto your feet, jump out of it, then drop and do a full burpee, that’s one rep. Ocean calls is a deck squat burpee, but it reminds me more of getting rolled up in a violent wave after you have done several reps of them. its like you are caught in a TSUNAMI BRO! Totally tubular!
  • Well, a lot of moaning and groaning going on doing the 11s but thanks to Snorkel and his super powers, he finished his 11s when I was about 85% done so I decided to say RECOVER!
  • Mosey to the bottom of Mt. Crumpit, on the way back to the AO, 2 tuck jump burpess at every 2nd light pole.

Flutters x 10 IC

Power T flutter x10 IC

Lazy boy

Broad Jump burpee to the bathroom wall on the grinder. you can thank PUP for this suggested exercise!
11 Pax survived the Tsunami
Give the best present you can give this Christmas and that is BE PRESENT with your family!
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
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Exponential Fun

THE SCENE: 25 degrees. Chilly!

Quick warmup…

  • Cherry Pickers x10 IC
  • Arm circles x10 IC

Exponentially increasing reps! Do the 3 exercises called out. Run down to the end of the grinder, do 1 burpee, run back, you’re now on the next round. Multiply whatever round you are on by itself to determine rep count of each exercise.

Lap 1 = 1 rep of each…… Lap 2 = 4 reps of each……. Lap 3 = 9 reps of each….. Lap 4 = 16 reps of each….. etc.

  • Round 1 – Merkins, BBS, Chin ups (went approx 15 minutes, most made it to round 6ish which is 36 reps of each)
  • Round 2 – Bobby Hurley, Box Cutters, Shoulder taps (went approx 15 minutes)
  • Round 3 – Burpees, V-ups, Step ups (went approx 10 minutes)

Finish out the last 45s with LBC’s
10 HIMs braved the cold!
It’s extremely easy to focus on the negatives of each day rather than seeing the positive. Our minds tend to gravitate to find all the things going wrong, and not what’s going right.

2 Corinthians 4:17-18        For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

God woke us all up this morning because His plan for us isn’t finished yet. Make the best of your day, and pay attention to what IS right, and what you DO have.

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.


Moses moving day coming up Saturday!

Columbian neck tie

THE SCENE: 50 degrees or so, gloomy, wet, slight rain/drizzle

Ssh x20 ic

sqauts x 20 ic

merkins x 10 ic

2 rounds w cmu of

cmu curls x 20 ic

cmu tricep extension x 20

cmu squats x 15 ic

Finsplints x 20 ic ( cmu on feet sitting on table , raising feet up and down working the shins )
Reverse Indian run to the Hump

  • 7s at the Hump. Big boys at the top, sundials at the bottom
  • Columbian neck ties which is basically a Carolina wine mixer burpee
  • At the base of kiddie slope, run to the first cone and back to the start , one CNT, run to the 2nd cone and back , 2 CNT, keep doing that increasing the reps. We had 17 cones spread out over about 200 yards . We made it to 10 CNT.
  • Due to time , we ran all the way up the kiddie slope to Plataeu of Pain and did 11 more CNT
  • Indian run around to Mt Crumpit for Lt Bernie . Run backwards 10 steps -4 squats, repeating this to the top of Crumpit
  • indusn run back to the AO

No time left
10 pax
Focus on what’s in front of you and not what is way ahead of you !
GUILTY! I was the one to set out the 17 cones all the way up kiddie slope to plateau of pain . Nobody else new how many cones we had to do when I was explainig Columbian neck tie. Well, when we crested the first hill, we all looked up and saw that we had A LONG WAY TO GO AND LOTS OF CONES! It made it worse thinking about how much we had to do to get to our goal which was the 17 cone .17 mikes away.

If I would have only focused on the next come in front of me and only that cone, it would have been easier. For me, I set the cones up but was still guilty of thinking about the end goal instead of the task at hand, the next cone in front of me. We can achieve much more than we think but only by taking it one step ( one cone) at a time. With out the men to my right or left of me this morning, I would have stopped short . Thanks for the push ! Love you guys
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