F3 Knoxville



  • Overcast
  • 60s
  • BSIA was hiding this morning.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith 
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning 
  • A few things before we begin: 
    • I’m not a professional 
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you. 
  • FNGs?


  • SSH: 10×4
  • Squat: 10×4 
  • Merkin: 10×4 
  • Rockette: 10×4 
  • Imperial Walker: 10×4 


(Mosey to the rock pile by the gates)

(1) Quarter Pounder

  • 4 rounds of the quarter pounder: 25 reps 91 ct) of an X with a rock, than take a lap around the lot
    • R1: 25 curls 
    • R2: 25 chest presses 
    • R3: 25 rows 
    • R4: 25 squats
  • Circle up 

(Mosey to the Pavilion)

— Warm o Rama #2 — 

Why? Because just like Legos, w’re building something together this morning. 

  • Mountain Climber: 10×4 
  • Baby Arm Circles: 10×4 (F)
  • Baby Arm Circles: 10×4 (B)
  • Carolina Dry Dock: 10×4
  • Calf Raise: 10×4 

(Mosey to the New Pavilion)

(2) The Double Trouble

  • 2 rounds – 5 Xs – all 20 reps (1ct) – rinse and repeat 1x
  • The Xs for both rounds 
    • Incline Merkins
    • Dips 
    • Squats 
    • Box Jumps 
    • Pull-ups
  • Circle Up

— Warm o Rama #3 — 

Why? Because we’re STILL building something together this morning.

  • SSH: 5×4
  • Squat: 5×4
  • Merkin: 5×4
  • Rockette: 5×4
  • Imperial Walker: 5×4
  • Mountain Climber: 5×4
  • Baby Arm Circles: 5×4 (F)
  • Baby Arm Circles: 5×4 (B)
  • Carolina Dry Docks: 5×4 
  • Calf Raises: 5×4

— RIP / fellowship walk to The Island —

(3) The FP

  • Get into teams of 4


SWS (Stretching With Steam) + 1 lap around the parking lot


Count-Off: 19

Name-o-Rama: Matlock, Crispr, Crawdad, Veggie, Jumbo, Dung Beetle, Brick, Short Sale, Turtle, Musk, LuLu, Waffle House, Swimmies, Cheatsheet, Pusher, Pele, Abacus, Choir Boy, Steam


Lego Movie Takeaways From This Past Week 

I was watching The Lego Movie this week (no shame) – and surprisingly, or maybe not surprisingly, I took a lot from it. Man I used to love Legos. And I still do, but haven’t bought any in a while. But there were two specific things I wanted to share this morning, from the movie. 

(1) A quote that invites a powerful mental shift — “You don’t have to be the bad guy. You are the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe. And you are capable of amazing things.”

  • I think there are a ton of people in our lives that need to hear this, more than we think. 
  • Take the word “bad” out and replace it with what fits — “Hey you don’t have to be the lonely guy anymore.” “You don’t have to be the addicted guy.” “You are the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe. And you capable of amazing things.” 
  • Maybe they’re not the most talented or interesting or extraordinary person to you, but to the Creator of the universe? Absolutely they are. And they need to know it.
  • There’s a whole generation of people walking around like Emmet from The Lego Movie – thinking they’re just a normal, boring, uninteresting, life form that’s taking up space. That because of nature or nurture don’t know that God above uniquely created them to be capable of doing amazing things. 
  • I mean think of the power that something like this might have on a person? To intentionally say this to them? “Hey I know you’re this person, or you were this person, but you don’t have to be anymore. You were created to be talented, interesting, and extraordinary. And you’ve been created to do amazing things”………wow. Now that’s the power of helping someone unlock some things. 

(2) What are you building?

  • I think a lot of times life can be a lot like Legos – there’s an infinite number of pieces out there, all with different connectors and functions, and intentionally-designed characteristics.
  • And we’re all building something. Even if you don’t think you are, or if you can’t see it yet, you’re building something. So what did you build this week? And what can you build next week?

Final — We have a great opportunity to take everything we do in F3 – and engage in a intentional and relationally-driven weekend together this fall – something called Forg3 – a weekend retreat created by F3 men, for F3 men. And I’d love to just  invite you into this space with us this fall, as we head to DRG September 22nd – 24th, to focus on why our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd F efforts are so important in the context of community as we continually pursue high impact manhood. 

To find out more about Forg3 2023 and how to get plugged in and register – click here! 

Pickett’s Charges

THE SCENE: Beautiful day at the Asylum, temps in the mid-60s and sunny

15 Side Straddle Hops

5 Cherry Pickers

10 windmills

10 baby arm circles each way

Little bit of this and that


Mosey down towards west of park, turn on mulch path and go down to culdasack.

10 Rocky Balboas in cadence

15 curb dips own

Mosey to Dora landing.

On own do 10 star jumps, 10 plank jacks and then do wall sit until everyone completes and Q releases you.

Mosey down path set that winds over to the base of Pickett’s Charge.

1st go through do following at each tier, starting at the bottom

1 burpie

2 merkins

3 squats

4 LBCs

Then run full loop back to bottom of Pickett’s and repeat, except that the exercise amounts now double each time…so:

2, 4, 8,16, 32…. Burpies



8,16,32,64,128… LBCs

Some stretching after the hard work
12 men

My son has recently had 2 friends his age pass away. One due to a car wreck, one due to cancer. It just doesn’t seem fair, but at the same time it reiterates the point that we are all lucky to still be here and we are not promised one more breath in this life. We are all lucky to be able to stand here, beat ourselves up for 45 minutes and hang out afterwards.

This summer take advantage of what little time you may have left. Try something you have wanted to try. See something you have wanted to see, Go somewhere you have wanted to go. Just take advantage.

I have long regretted not traveling more when I was younger. I figure why not take advantage now. Next week I will set forth across the country and back for more than 3 weeks. It is exciting, yet I am anxious now as I prepare to leave. It will be great though, I will see things I have longed to see for a long time and will be giving my daughter something she can carry with her the rest of her life. Think what you may want to accomplish before it is too late and I encourage you to take advantage.

This was tough, the jump to the 32 burpie level may be too much, may try doing it pyramid style if done again and start counting back down after the 8 burpie go ’round.
Asylum Volunteer workday will be June 10th, more info coming soon. Hardship Hill May 29, Asylum PM obstacle work on Wed, May 10. Forg3 F3 Retreat coming up this fall.

Forg3 2023 Registration is LIVE

 Forg3 2023

A weekend retreat created for F3 men, by F3 men. 

Men of F3 Knoxville! With a full heart I am pumped to announce that we are rolling out our first F3 Knoxville men’s retreat this fall – Forg3! Forg3 was created with F3 men in mind – to strengthen the bonds we have with each other and our Creator, over the course of a weekend retreat.

Please see below for all of the preliminary information about this year’s retreat, as registration goes LIVE today!

Forge (v.) – to shape and mold into a new condition, by heating in a fire / to move forward gradually and steadily.

Forg3 (n.) an invigorating 40-hour weekend retreat to challenge and encourage F3 men in their pursuit of high impact manhood. You can expect to engage with other men in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd F sessions, to better understand who you are, whose you are, and the High Impact Man God has called you to be. You’ll have opportunities throughout the weekend to seek adventure, to rest, and to sharpen iron with other F3 men physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. 

If you love adventure of the heart, mind, body, and soul – Forg3 is for you. Forg3 was created for F3 men, by F3 men, as a way to engage together for a purposeful and relationally-driven weekend to step further into the men God has called us to be.

Here are the fast facts about Forg3 2023:
  • Dates: Friday, September 22nd (7pm) – Sunday, September 24th (11am)
  • Location: Doe River Gorge (Hampton, TN)
    • Situated in the F3 Northeast TN region up near Johnson City and Elizabethton, Doe River Gorge’s campus is tucked into the side of a mountain and offers incredible beauty, very clean and comfortable cabins by the river, and miles and miles of adventures to be had.
    • From Knoxville: only around 1.5 – 2 hour drive
  • Cost: $110 (Covers all of your lodging, meals, and retreat materials for the weekend)
    • Via Venmo or cash to Waxjob

How To Register/Get Connected

Our team has created a user-friendly and comprehensive registration process – all through Google Forms. Please see below for how to register, get connected, and where to send any questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you at Forg3 2023 this year!

How To Get Involved

Want to get involved or be a part of Forg3 2023? If you have any interest in serving on our planning team, in any capacity, we’d love to connect! Shoot an email over to [email protected], or DM Steam (Dan Henson) on the F3 Knoxville Slack workspace.

Iron Sharpens Iron!


Murph Prep / 2 For Tuesday

F3 Q  – 5.2.23

  • Asylum PM 
  • 5:45pm – 6:30pm
    • Pre-ruck / Shield Lock at 5:10pm

[ The Scene ] 

  • 60s
  • Windy 
  • Sunny

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith 
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning 
  • A few things before we begin: 
    • I’m not a professional 
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you. 
  • FNGs?

The cool thing about today? It’s 2 For Tuesday ON May 2nd. So let’s roll. So let’s roll. 

[ Warm o Rama ] 

  • SSH: 5×4
    • 5 merkins 
  • SSH: 10×4
    • 5 merkins 
  • SSH: 15×4
    • 5 merkins 

(Rinse + Repeat — 2FT!)

[ The Thang ] 

— Mosey to the Coliseum — 

(1) Murph Practice — May’s Metric Workout

  • Murph 
    • 1 mile run 
    • 300 push-ups
    • 200 squats
    • 100 pull-ups
    • 1 mile run
    • All with a 20lb weighted vest
  • TOC (Top Of Coliseum)
    • 5, 10, 15 model — all on a 1-count
      • 5 shoulder presses (in place of pull-ups — hitting the lats)
      • 10 merkins 
      • 15 squats 
      • Sprint, not mosey, sprint around the circle as fast as you can 
      • Rinse and repeat once 
    • 10, 10, 10 model — all on a 1 count
      • 10 dry docks
      • 10 merkins 
      • 10 squats 
      • Sprint, not mosey, sprint around the circle as fast as you can 
      • Rinse and repeat once
    • 10, 20, 30 model — all on a 1-count
      • 10 shoulder presses 
      • 20 merkins 
      • 30 squats 
      • Sprint, not mosey, sprint around the circle as fast as you can
      • Rinse and repeat once 

— Mosey to the picnic tables beside the Coliseum —

(2) There And Back Again

  • Points of contact: picnic table + far bench on the hill
  • Ping Pong Model
    • 5 pull-ups on the table / 5 merkins on the bench
    • 10 pull-ups on the table / 10 merkins on the bench
    • 15 pull-ups on the table / 15 merkins on the bench
    • 20 pull-ups on the table / 20 merkins on the bench

(3) Enough Upper, Focus on Lower

  • Points of Contact: picnic table + wall at the Coliseum
  • Ping Pong Model
    • 10 squats / 10 squats
    • 20 squats / 20 squats
    • 30 squats / 30 squats

— Mosey back to the AO — 

[ Mary ] 


[ COT ]

  • # off — 9 
  • Name o Rama 
  • FNGs
  • Word — Tear Up The Planks – God Wants What’s Underneath

No doubt I now grew very pale; — but I talked more fluently, and with a heightened voice. Yet the sound increased — and what could I do? It was a low, dull, quick sound — much such a sound as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton. I gasped for breath — and yet the officers heard it not. I talked more quickly — more vehemently; but the noise steadily increased. I arose and argued about trifles, in a high key and with violent gesticulations; but the noise steadily increased. Why would they not be gone? I paced the floor to and fro with heavy strides, as if excited to fury by the observations of the men — but the noise steadily increased. Oh God! what could I do? I foamed — I raved — I swore! I swung the chair upon which I had been sitting, and grated it upon the boards, but the noise arose over all and continually increased. It grew louder — louder — louder! And still the men chatted pleasantly, and smiled. Was it possible they heard not? Almighty God! — no, no! They heard! — they suspected! — they knew! — they were making a mockery of my horror! — this I thought, and this I think. But anything was better than this agony! Anything was more tolerable than this derision! I could bear those hypocritical smiles no longer! I felt that I must scream or die! — and now — again! — hark! louder! louder! louder! louder! —

“Villains!” I shrieked, “dissemble no more! I admit the deed! — tear up the planks! — here, here! — it is the beating of his hideous heart!”

  • The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe

— RD’s talk at the Fellowship men’s retreat – he spoke on this idea of “tearing up the planks.”

— More recently, I’m learning a lot about flooring. We’re going to have to replace our wood floors at some point this year, and unfortunately, due to some water damage from the dishwasher and fridge, the subfloor is now damaged in some places too, which means we’ll have to replace that. Ah, the joys of home ownership. 

— All that being said, when we first realized some of the planks were warped and twisting up, and probably needed to just be taken off and covered, we tried to get them to lay flat again, or covered them with a rug.

— If you think about your life like a floor, you have a couple of components

    • Planks (floor) top level
    • Subfloor is underneath
    • Whatever is under the subfloor 

— My journey in vulnerability over the past year or so has increased tremendously, and to be honest, more rapidly than I am comfortable with — but I don’t think we’re called to be comfortable in this life. It’s in the uncomfortable places that growth happens. 

— Maybe this is true for you – it definitely it for me. Here’s what happens a lot of times: something really tough or hard happens in our life, maybe that we’ve done or caused, or maybe that someone else has, and we want to stow it underneath the surface so no one can see it. And we nail that plank down super hard – with self-denial, disassociation, coping mechanisms, distractions – these are some of the nails we use to do this. 

— This is a good fix – it’s safe for the time being, it’s underneath the surface where no one can see it. But up top on the surface, man! That floor looks good. Polished, put together, everything’s cool! 

— But unfortunately like in my case with my house — what’s not addressed and brought out of the darkness and into the light, can damage the subfloor over time. It can be maddening – just like in The Tell-Tale Heart. How does everyone not see this?! Surely they’re on to me and know what I’m struggling with! But unfortunately, our culture have become masters in the art and tactics of camouflage. 

— Over time, that plank needs to be ripped up and dealt with, and addressed — but what’s true in my life is that anytime I get the sense that the plank I don’t want to come up starts to come up, I grab some of those nails (self-denial, disassociation, coping mechanisms, distractions) and nail that sucker back harder than the first time, or the most recent time that is. 

— “I’m not ready to tear that plank up yet! I don’t want to go there. It’s too painful. I’m the only one that deals with this. No one would understand or be empathetic.” These are all lies. 

— But God is not just interested in how you look from the outside, he wants what’s underneath.

— You know what a good homeowner does? They don’t just pay attention to what’s on the surface in their home, they deeply care about what’s going on underneath. God is the best homeowner – because in reality He does own the home (our lives). And over the course of our lives there is a sometimes gentle and sometimes more urgent invitation to tear up the planks. He wants what’s underneath. Those places that are really hard to go sometimes. And His deep care and love for us wasn’t enough, he puts people and things in our life, just like F3 and our community of men, to help in this process.

The journey of vulnerability and tearing up the planks is not easy nor is it comfortable, but it is good, very good. 


Talk Less, Smile More

THE SCENE: Started off a bit misty, but turned out to be cloudy and downright pleasant, around 65 degrees

Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community.  I’m Pele and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!


– Motivators (5-ct, descending)

– 10 Windmills (4-ct), in cadence

– Michael Phelps

– 10 Tempo Seal Claps (4-ct), in Cadence

– 10 Tempo Overhead Claps (4-ct), in Cadence

-10 Steve Earle’s (4-ct), in Cadence

– OYO leg stretching


MOSEY to Small parking lot south of Colosseum.

  • Do each group of exercises, running a loop after each group is completed, for a total of 5 times around the lot. Can be done in any order.  Exercise groups are:
    • 20x: LBCs, BBSs, American Hammers (2-ct), Dead Bugs (2-ct)
    • 20x: Merkins, Carolina Dry Docks, Bottle Openers (2-ct), Shoulder Taps (2-ct)
    • 20x: Bobby Hurleys, Iron Mikes (2-ct), Froggie Jumps, Squats.
    • 20x: SSH (2-ct), High Knees (2-ct), Butt Kickers (2-ct), Mountain Climbers (2-ct), Smurf Jacks
    • 10 x: Cherry Pickers (4-ct), Windmills (4-ct), Grady Corns (4-ct)

Mosey to Road by Roundabout.

  • 5 sets of 30 seconds, AMRAP, 10 second break, BERNIE up to Curb at end of each set:

MOSEY to roadway leading up to AO.

  • PARTNER PYRAMIDS! Partner up with like speed. Start ½ way between flag and tree. One partner runs towards flag, other partner runs towards stop sign or tree and back.   Meet at center point and   do the following exercises in REPS of 15.  Then switch directions.
    • LAP 1 Patty-cake Planks (2-ct)
    • LAP 2 Patty-cake Planks, LBCs
    • LAP 3 Patty-cake Planks, LBCs, Mtn Climbers (2-ct)
    • LAP 4 Patty-cake Planks, LBCs, Mtn Climbers (2-ct), Bobby Hurleys
    • LAP 5 LBCs, Mtn Climbers (2-ct), Bobby Hurleys
    • LAP 6 Mtn Climbers (2-ct), Bobby Hurley s
    • LAP 7 Bobby Hurleys

(we got about 1/2 way through this before running out of time.)
7 sweaty dudes

Early in the musical HAMILTON, Alexander Hamilton introduces himself to his hero (and future killer), Aaron Burr.  He’s nervous, trying to make a good impression, etc. is kind of hyper, talking passionately, and he’s sort of running off at the mouth a bit.  Aaron Burr stops him and gives him some advice.  “TALK LESS.  SMILE MORE.  DON’T TELL THEM WHAT YOU’RE AGAINST OR WHAT YOU’RE FOR.”

I constantly go back and forth with this concept in my head.  I’ve heard athletes, politicians, movie stars, all sorts of public figures say some version of “I’m going to speak my mind and I don’t give a BLEEP what you think about it.” And they get applauded for it.  Yeah, you go girl.  That’s right, tell them what you think and don’t let anybody tell you you’re wrong.

Well, the knife cuts both ways sometimes.  I was recently in a pretty intense discussion about some deep topics with a friend of mine. I was pretty dang sure that I was on the right side of the argument.  I was dropping knowledge bombs left and right.  Boom. There’s another one, Boom!  Big one coming, BOOM!  Shock and Awe kind of stuff.  And became more and more frustrated and angry that my friend wasn’t agreeing with me or seeing things the same way.  Afterwards, it really bothered me NOT that he didn’t agree with me so much, but that I had been so hard on my friend for not agreeing in the World According to Pele.  I went back to him and apologized, and those lyrics from Hamilton ran through my head.  Talk less. Smile more. Hmmm… maybe I should do that.

This probably isn’t a news flash to you, but people aren’t always going to agree with you.  And when that happens (not if, but when), don’t be like me, and don’t let your emotions get the best of you.  Give THEM an opportunity to explain what their point of view is and be patient, don’t interrupt them at every step pointing out what you think are the flaws of their argument.  TALK LESS.  And at the end of it, even if you never reach an agreement, shake their hand and say you respect their position.  SMILE MORE.  Like the Avett Brothers song says, No Hard Feelings.  Love Thy Neighbor (even when they’re wrong, hee hee).  Friendships are worth more than a fight about who’s right and who’s wrong.

Prayers for various PAX, their families and friends
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.