F3 Knoxville

Using the Pullup Bars

THE SCENE: 66°F, Cloudy and wet

  • SSH x20 IC
  • Merkins x10 IC
  • Squats x10 IC
  • Burpees x5 OYO

Mosey to the CMU pile

  • CMU swings x20, then run up hill to pull-up bars, 5 let downs (negative pull-up)
  • Supermans x20, then run up hill to pull-up bars, 5 let downs (negative pull-up)
  • Push-ups x20, then run up hill to pull-up bars, 5 let downs (negative pull-up)
  • American Hammers x20 (four count), then run up hill to pull-up bars, 5 let downs (negative pull-up)
  • Plank jacks x20, then run up hill to pull-up bars, 5 let downs (negative pull-up)
  • One leg squat x10 (each leg), then run up hill to pull-up bars, 5 let downs (negative pull-up)



  • Quad stretch
  • Runner stretch
  • Pidgin stretch
  • Plank
    • Hand and leg up
    • Switch to other side
  • Flutter Kicks x36 IC
  • LBC x30 IC

Guardrail, Dart Gun, Shrubbery, Lil’ Spice, Stitch, Stiff Arm, Data, Erector,  Wheelchair, Room Service, Frenchie, Archie (QIC) -12

When your feeling tired, be inspired by this verse.
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”
‭‭Hebrews 12:1-2 ESV‬‬

JUCO Battleship

THE SCENE:   Mid 60s and drizzly.  Perfect for a beatdown.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

  • Grady corns?
  • Phelps
  • Willy Mays Hays?
  • Tempo Squats
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Down/Up dog
  • Thread the needle
  • Projectivator?
  • Quick mosey


8 parking lot lines.  Bear crawl 1 line, do 8 merkins mosey back.  Bear crawl 2 lines, 7 merkins, mosey back.  Repeat until 8 lines, 1 merkin.


Battleship.  Separate into two teams.  Each team has half the parking lot and 12 cones, grouped into a set of 2, two sets of 3, and a set of 4.  At “go” PAX run and grab a ball then run to one of six battle stations.  Perform the exercise, then throw the ball at the enemy’s ships.  Work at each battle station before you repeat one.  Continue until one team’s ships are sunk.

Exercises were;

  • 20 Merkins
  • 15 carolina dry docks
  • Lunges 10 each leg
  • 25 plank jacks
  • 25 Mountain Climbers (count one leg)
  • 7 burpees


Rehabilitate your fleet (i.e., stand up your cones) and flip the cards. Play another round of Battleship, this time exercises were;

  • 5 donkey kicks
  • 15 diamond merkins
  • 25 hello dolly
  • 15 Bobby Hurlies
  • 7 burpees
  • 25 flutter kicks (count one leg)

Guantanamo again.

Play the song “Turn it up” by Oh The Larceny.  SSH to the cadence of the song.  Burpee each time they sing the phrase “Turn it up”.  28 Burpees + what felt like about a thousand SSH…


Team Races.  One lap around the pond – first man back wins a point for his team, then leads us in an ab exercise.  Repeat a few times.


Me and 11 of the best men I know.


We say this in F3 – “leave no man behind – but leave no man where you found him“.  If you are striving to be a HIM, you will not be the same man next year that you were this year – because you are always growing, always be getting better.  This morning, we thought about which of the three Fs you will see growth in by the end of summer.

From Anders Ericsson’s book, “Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise”. To be excellent at something, you need…

  • …feedback. You need to be another man to know your plan, to see your work, and to provide you with feedback on your performance.

For the area that you are going to see growth in, what does “feedback” look like?

  • …to get outside of your comfort zone. Anders tells us this may be the most essential aspect of purposeful practice. He puts it directly: “If you never push yourself beyond your comfort zone, you will never improve.”

For the area that you are going to see growth in, what does “outside your comfort zone” look like?

A few men shared their goals and how they are going to pursue feedback.


Team One with the dominating win!  Well done!


  • May 25 – AOQ Change at Shamrock
  • May 30 – Rampart AO Launch, 7:00 AM Fort Southwest Point
  • June 4 – Speedway Launch
  • June 11 – Family Workout at The Project.  9:00 AM
  • July 2 – Convergence at JUCO

Unoffendable Juco UNO

THE SCENE: Just right

Tempo squat x 10
windmill x 10
Little Baby Arm Circles forward/back x 10
Tempo Merkin x 10
stretch ONO


Took some inspiration from Blindside and tried some F3 UNO. Moseyed to setup where we had a plywood board and CMU’s setup as table and chairs. Let’s play some UNO!

UNO Instructions
# Card = Exercises x multiplier
Color on Card = Exercise
Reverse = Repeat an exercise you’ve already done
Skip = Save to pass on a future card of your choice. Draw again.
Wild = any color exercise. Reps x 10
Wild Draw 4 = All 4 colors. Reps x 3

Partner up and draw a card. Choose from 2 sheets of exercises and do the reps based on the card drawn.
Partners can’t repeat a sheet more than twice.
First 2 sheets are Arms or Legs:

Diamond Merkin x 3 Green
Werkin x 3 Red
Carolina Dry Dock x 3 Yellow
Hand Release Merkins x 3 Blue

Squat x 10 Green
Iron Mike x 10 Red
Heels to Heaven x 10 Yellow
Imperial Squawkers x 10 Blue

After completing a card, mosey a short loop and draw another card. Rinse and repeat for ~ 8-10 minutes.
After ~10 minutes pick up CMU chairs and table and rifle carry a short distance to setup again.
Partners have 2 new sheets to choose from:

BBS x 10 Green
Kick Throughs x 10 Red
Freddy Mercury x 10 Yellow
Shoulder Taps x 10 Blue

Burpee x 1 Green
Body Builders x 1 Red
Prisoner Cell Merkin Burpee x 1 Yellow
Spiderman burpee x 1 Blue

Play some more UNO. Draw cards, do exercises, mosey, repeat for ~8-10 minutes.
After time rifle carry/curl table and chairs to third location for 2 more sheets to choose from.

Press x 5 Green
Curl x 5 Red
KettleBell Swing x 5 Yellow
Tricep Extension x 5 Blue

Toe merkin x 3 Green
Toe merkin x 5 Red
Toe merkin x 7 Yellow
Toe merkin x 9 Blue

Q watches the time and calls recover when it’s getting close. Head back to flag.

Had enough time for 30 seconds of flutter kicks.


I was reading a book recently called Unoffendable by Brant Hansen. The premise of the book if that we can choose to be unoffendable. We can choose to not take offense.

Offense comes from anger or resentment we feel when there’s been a violation of our natural right to something. The classic example that comes to mind is driving. If you view yourself as having a natural right to go where you want to go, as fast as you want to go, it’s going to be tough getting anywhere. We’ve probably all experienced this ourselves in many areas of life.

Giving up our natural right denies ourself and points us toward others. It allows us to not get angry when things happen to us. It allows us to forgive others.

We can choose to be unoffendable.

We should choose to be unoffendable.

We are called to forgive, not be angry.

Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.

— Prov 19:11



Better Late Than Never Egg Hunt + Prey-Predator Game

THE SCENE: Mid 50’s and cloudy.

  • Overhead Claps x 11.
  • Seal Claps x 10.
  • SSH x 11.
  • Plan Position (30 sec).
  • Shoulder taps x 10.
  • Merkins on your own x 10.

Mosey to the new building.

We did some laps around the new building stopping at each entrance. The exercises at each entrance were:

  • 15 Lunges.
  • 10 Burpees.
  • 10 Heels to Heaven.
  • 15 Derkins / 30 Toe Merkins.
  • 20 Box Jumps / 20 Dips.
  • 20 BBS.
  • 20 Squats.

Egg Hunt.

We divided ourselves in 2 teams, we collected as many eggs as we could and we gave the eggs that we collected to the other team as a present :)…then the teams had to run around a loop (800 feet), crack open the eggs and do the exercise prescribed by the egg :). Team number 2 did a great job finishing all of the eggs in less than 10 mins…great work gents!!!

Prey-Predator Game.

Two Stop signs. Three predators and many preys. The objective was to carry as many eggs as possible from one stop sign to the other douching for the predators. If you get caught by a predator, you do 10 burpees, you become a predator and the predator becomes a prey. It was a really fun game, but there was not much time to do many rounds :'(.

No time.
16 Strong HIMs showed up this morning.

Reflected about happiness and how easily we can take things for granted. Let’s try to see love and beauty in the small things.

Proverbs 20:27

“The Spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, searching all the innermost parts of his being”.

No time.

Blockee Totem Pole

THE SCENE: 55 degrees and dry. Fantastic.

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Cherry Pickers
10 merkins OYO
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Overhead Clap and Seal Claps x10
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Tempo squats

Mosey to the coupon pile.

  • Rifle Carry to Sophomore Hill
  • Blockies Totem Pole
    Starting with 10 counting down to 1.
    20x SC flutter kicks and run a lap between each set
  • Rifle Carry to coupon pile
  • Mosey back to the flag

No Time…
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
“always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Ephesians 5:20 NIV

If you’re in the Bible study we’re on a 21 day gratitude journey. I love these. Not only is it a positive experience while you’re doing it, but when you go back and read through everything you’ve journaled, it’s pretty cool too.
Thank you gentlemen for challenging me! I have nothing but respect for you guys.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
CSAUP thei Friday 9p-Midnight
Family Friendly Workout at the Project Saturday May 7