F3 Knoxville

Let’s get Physical

AO: shamrock
Q: Eliza
PAX: Dumpster Dive, Eliza, Jardet, slappy, Anchorman, Tailhook, Free Fall (Justin Whitaker), Curveball, Stitch, Tinker, Honeydew
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Chicken Fat song

THE THANG: Grab a partner. Run from end zone to end zone rotating 90 degrees every 10 yards. Max merkins in two minutes. One partner counts. Run back and switch. Repeat with big boy sit ups.

Little stretching with sit and reach.

One mile for time.

MARY: scissor kicks, LBCs, H2H, pickle pointers, hello dollys, PLANKs


COT: read Brick’s Asylum PM post. Don’t give up. God will deliver you.

On a hill You created

AO: shamrock
Q: Anchorman
PAX: Bed Wetter, Skidmark, Stitch, Mermaid, Smokey (Matthew Bonn), Oscar Meyer, Eliza, Curveball, Hot Pants, Anchorman
FNGs: None
Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 15
Cherry Pickers
Smurf Jacks (IC) 4 CT x 10
Runner’s Stretch
Bobby Hurleys x 10
Cobra / Down Dog

Line up at one end of parking lot.

Round 1: Bear Crawl to the 1st line and do 1 merkin, BC to next line 2 merkins, BC to next line 3 merkins all the way to 10 – for 55 total

Round 2: Crab walk to the 1st line and do 20 American Hammers single count, repeat at each line all the way to line 10

Mosey to the CMU pile:
Grab 2 blocks for farmer carry.
Stop for 4 or 5 breaks to do 3 burpees
To the soccer field.
Murder Bunny to midfield then do 50 CMU Presses
Carry CMU back to the asphalt
50 single count Windshield wipers
Farmer Carry Both CMUs to midfield then do 25 feet & hand CMU merkins
Farmer Carry back to asphalt
50 CMU bench presses
Rifle Carry to candle then do 50 curls
Rifle carry back
Then we recovered and farmer carry all the way back to CMU pile
Mosey back to the AO

Freddie Mercury, scissor kicks, buns of steel, cobra.

COT: Pray for Mermaid’s daughter’s friend who lost her dad. Praise for his daughter that survived the allergic reaction.

Word: So Will I (100 Billion X)
Song by Benjamin William Hastings and Hillsong UNITED

On a hill You created
The Light of the world
Abandoned in darkness to die

On a hill that he created.
On a tree he created.
With iron nails that were mined from the ground he created.
With a whip made of leather from an animal’s skin that he created.
Damning words from the mouths of those he created.
Hands that he created that beat and killed him.

How extreme his perfect humility was to willingly accept all of that complete disrespect from his creation, so that he could save us from our wickedness. It’s just so backwards. It doesn’t make sense.

Lucky’s Hangover

AO: shamrock
Q: slappy
PAX: Free Fall (Justin Whitaker), Stitch, Mermaid, Skidmark, Dumpster Dive, Anchorman, Tailhook, Nacho Libre, Crawlspace, Eliza, Lizzy
FNGs: None
– fat guy in a little coat (renamed from twistys)
– reach for the sky-let it hang
– Tie fighters
– Tempo merkins
– Mountain climbers

Lucky the leprechaun partied too hard last night and lost all of his gold. He needed our help collecting it and he left clues across campus on where to find it and what to do to retrieve it.
– 1 burpee per shamrock
– 1 set of stadium steps down and back
– 50 dips and 50 step ups
– 1 set of mucho CHESTO
– 25 – curls, OHP, squat thrusters, and KBS
– 7s at the hill with iron mikes and squats

Flutters, dollys (2x), Freddy mercs, plank, big boys, something Lizzy led, pickle pointers

Sign up for Escape from Haw Ridge

St. Patrick’s Breastplate Prayer:

Go you Chicken Fat, Go!

AO: shamrock
Q: Eliza
PAX: Dumpster Dive, Base Salary, Curveball, Eliza, LeBling, Lizzy, Mermaid, Waxjob, Stitch
FNGs: None
WARMUP: “Go you Chicken Fat Go!”- Robert Preston complete with exercises

THE THANG: Part I: Mosey to the Pavillion. Complete sets of 12,10,8,6,4,2 of Step Ups, Derkins, Dips

Part II: Grab 2 CMUs. Murder bunny Merkin 6 parking spaces. 25 bench press, 25 curls. Lunge walk back to first CMU. 25 American Hammers, 25 Flutters. Lunge walk back and repeat exercises. Farmer carry back and rack em.

Part III: Elevens- squats and iron mikes OR rocky balboas

MARY: hello dolly’s, snow angels, captain thors

ANNOUNCEMENTS: respect q Wednesday with Stitch

COT: Post downrange even if it’s locally.

Battleship at the Shammy

AO: shamrock
Q: KickFlip
PAX: Commission, slappy, LeBling, Oscar Meyer, Stitch, Gringo, Honeydew, Mermaid, Jardet, Anchorman, Eliza, Base Salary, Curveball, Crawlspace, Toretto, KickFlip, Snaggletooth (Elijah Tafao), Nutcracker (2.0)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: RFTS/LIH, Cherry pickers, TIE fighters, down dog, $tretch, merkins, mountain climbers, predator jacks, walking stretch kicks, walking fence steppers. Mosey to the big parking lot.

Divide into two teams for Battleship. 5 sets of cones set out facing each other. Run and grab a tennis ball, sprint to your far side, sprint to a battle station and perform the exercise on the cardboard, fire your tennis ball at the other team’s ships. Repeat until one team sinks all of the other team’s ship.

Team 1 wins Round 1. Team 2 wins Round 2.

Teams hold plank while 1 man sprints to collect a tennis ball and comes back. First team to 17 balls is our winner.

“Turn it Up” by Oh the Larceny. Burpee each time the song says “Turn it Up” – SSH the rest of the time. Crawlspace and Toretto finished and hereby join Erector in the PAX Hall of Fame as men who have completed this challenge!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mermaid’s home tonight, Rainbow Falls hike tomorrow, Mountain Biking AO launches Monday, Escape From Haw Ridge April 5th – details for all these are on Slack.

Tagged on to Crawlspace’s COT from Wednesday – specifically about having discipline over your thoughts.

Take every thought captive…and make it obedient to Christ… 2 Corinthians 10:5

Philippians 4:8
“…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Let’s work to get really good at realizing when our thoughts are negative and we are daydreaming about guilt, mistakes, slights (real or imagined), and other unhelpful darkness where (whiny voice) “I’m the victim…” Let’s get good at shifting out of that mindset and into virtuous thinking. One of the best ways to shift from negative thinking to positive thinking is by expressing gratitude.