F3 Knoxville

JUCO Care Bear IPC

THE SCENE: Not bad, about 65 degrees.


IPC – little time to stretch, most folks came early to stretch on your own


Move to the adjacent parking lot
Format – AMRAP for 45 min
Start at cone 1 and bearcrawl to cone 2 and perform 25 air squats
After the squats, bearcawl to the left to cone 3 and perform 25 merkins
After the merkins, reverse bearcrawl to cone 4 and perform 25 big boy situps
After the big boy situps, bearcrawl to the right to cone 1 and perform 25 burpees
Various mods through (some lunged, LBCs, mosey, side shuffle, etc)


Isaiah 1:1-16-17
Wash and make yourselves clean.
Take your evil deeds out of my sight;
stop doing wrong.
Learn to do right; seek justice.
Defend the oppressed.[a]
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow.


Message is simple, stop doing wrong, learn to do right.  Only through the power of Jesus can we do right


Count to 100

THE SCENE: 70ish

Imperial walkers, SSH, Windmills, cherry pickers, Moroccan night clubs

Mosie to large parking lot by the lake, with a quick pit stop for dips and box jumps.  Shuttle run to increasing distance parking lines, bernie back and exercises at starting line:

10 Burpees

20 BBS

30 Lunges

40 Merkins

50 SSH

60 Squats

70 Overhead claps

80 Flutter kicks

90 Calf raises

100 LBCs

Ran out of time

Check in on your friends, and if you need help reach out to someone.  Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.
Sign up for Iron Pax, we will start week 0 this Friday.


THE SCENE:  68 and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Blurted out at 0529 so we could squeeze every last minute of fitness in.  No FNGs…you all know the drill.  

  • Phelps
  • Fence steppers
  • Grady corns
  • Finkle swings
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Willy Mays Hays
  • Merkins
  • Mountain climbers
  • Down/up dog


  • Mosey to the guardrail. 20 bulgarian split squats (10 each leg) + 20 Dips + 20 Derkins


  • Mosey across the street to JUCOmanjaro.  Mosey up the hill to a cone.  Stop for some merkins and flutter kicks, then back down the hill.
    Give each man a playing card.  When I say “go” – sprint up the hill toward the cone.  The first man who makes it there will turn around at the cone and come back down.  When that man passes you, lay your card down where he passed you, then come back down the hill with him.
    Back at the bottom…we do some Mary and a short rest.
    Time for another sprint up the hill.  You know how far you made it last time (where you laid your card down).  You can make it farther this time!  When your legs and lungs are aching, dig deep and keep going.


  • Mosey to Tune-Up Salon.  7 of diamonds with…
    • Diamond Merkins
    • Iron Mikes
    • Burpees


3 minutes of Mary – dealer’s choice


Me, 14 of the best men I know, and two of the best 2.0s I’ve ever known


I combed my hair this morning…because every third Friday in August is “National Men’s Grooming Day”.  So, that’s what we talked about…grooming.

Of all the books in the New Testament that are attributed to Paul, the book of 2 Timothy is believed to be his last writing.  Paul was imprisoned in Rome and knew that he would be executed soon.  In writing to Timothy, Paul warns him about types of men that he should avoid.  Paul says to avoid men who are arrogant…abusive…ungrateful…treacherous…reckless… he names 19 characteristics of men to avoid.  The last of those is “have nothing to do with men who have the appearance of godliness, but deny its power”.  Men who have an appearance…who created and maintain a façade…men who groom themselves to look like something that they are not authentically.  Avoid that type of men.  We talked this morning about how we can avoid being the type of man who grooms himself to try and look like something that he is not. 

In F3, we use the acronym EQV.  It’s short for the Latin phrase, “Esse Quam Videri” – “to be, rather than to seem.”  To BE…rather than to seem.  All these things that you are called to be as a HIM – faithful, trustworthy, kind, supportive, generous – to strive to genuinely BE them in your core, not just to seem to be them.  EQV means your motives and thoughts match your actions.  We are striving to be the Real Deal.

To be, rather than to seem.”

Here’s the hard question:  Is there an area of your life that you’ve groomed yourself to have an appearance of something instead of genuinely being?

I have two.

  1. I want to BE a fully devoted and faithful husband.  By that I mean not only outwardly…not just 99.9% of the time… but also in every actionin every secret thoughtin every private moment… Truly faithful at all times, in all ways, in my very core.
  2. I want to BE an authentic friend.  Not just the appearance of a friend – but a real, genuine, valuable, friend.  That requires me to be transparent and vulnerable with my friends.  It also requires me to speak hard truths to my friend about his missteps, it requires me to hold him accountable to a high standard*.  None of those I enjoy – but they are what an authentic friend does.

I’m working on those things.  How about you, BB reader?  Will you do some work today on living authentically?  Work on BEING instead of SEEMING.  Not groomed, not appearance, but the genuine real deal.

Proverbs 10:9, “The one who walks in integrity will experience a fearless confidence in life, but the one who is devious will eventually be exposed.


*Hat tip to Guardrail for being this kind of friend.  After a time I was Q a few weeks ago, he caught up with me and corrected me on an important point I made during the BOM.


Prayers for BK’s uncle, for Guardrail’s daughter, Dart’s father, Shrubbery’s friend, for Wingman’s family.

Passing the shovelflag at The Project on Tues.

Having the right stones

THE SCENE: Clear and 60’s

Cherry Pickers, SSH, Windmills, Tempo Squats, Toe Merkins.  Basically anything to avoid getting on the pavement and goose poop.
Choose your rocks wisely then a slow march around the parking lot while doing: Overhead claps, seal claps, curls, triceps, and holding T pose.

Incline, Decline Merkins, BBS run a lap x 3

Mosey over to big parking lot and Lunge to light 50 Squats, run to next 50 LBC, bear crawl to end and then reversed back with crawl bear, bernie and reverse lunges.

Mary in the poop free parking lot and jog back to flag.


Watch our tongues, it can do harm or build people up.  Make sure we are using them for good.
“what did you gain by regularly praying to God?” the man replied, “Little. But, let me tell you what I lost: anger, ego, depression, insecurity and fear.”

Sometimes the answer to our prayers is not gaining but losing.
Iron pax is starting on Fridays in September.

The Switch Up – Leaders must serve others…

THE SCENE: 73 degrees and in between storms…

• Side Straddle Hops (IC) X 10
• Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
• Overhead Claps X 10 (IC)
• Baby arm circles F & B X 10 (IC) with Michael Phelps
• Tempo Squats (IC) 4 CT
• Hand Release Merkins X 10
• Mosey to get CMUs


Coupon Work – Back & Biceps
• 25 curls
• 30 Single Arm Bentover Row (15 Left & 15 Right Arm)
• Run the stairs & do pull-ups or hang for 25 seconds
• 25 curls
• 25 lying lat pullovers
• Run & do pull-ups or hang for 25 seconds
• Rinse & Repeat
Dice Game
• Exercises included skaters, planks, mountain climbers, sumo squats

Freddy Mercury x 25; Hello Dollies x 25; Big Boys x 10

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

Leaders must serve others…

“But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be a servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and give his life as a ransom for so many.” Matthew 20:26-28

I am extremely thankful to be a part of this group. I was lured in by the first F Fitness, but the third F Faith is was what I needed, and the second F Fellowship was the glue that kept me coming back.

F3 is such a great organization to be a part of. You guys challenge me on and off the court! Your workouts are hard (sometimes CSAUP), but the challenges you lay down at the end, your words, your actions, your prayers, that’s where the magic is!!

You challenge me to be a better man. To be a better husband, a better father, a better leader in my home and in my community. To serve others and be what God has called us to do.

I’ve got a lot of room for improvement, but I want to thank you for the push!!

I encourage you to look for opportunities to serve : things like Work Day, volunteering at the homeless shelter, donating blood, etc

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Welcome Bus Stop!!