F3 Knoxville

Making Biscuits With Aunt Ida

THE SCENE: Fluctuating rain with high humidity.


15x Little Baby Arm Circles, 25x SSH, Little Bit This/ Little Bit That, Free leg stretch


  • Burpee Shuttle Run- run to light poles and curb doing 1x up to 5x burpees and back each time
  • Captain America- 4x lateral jumps to 1x burpee, all the way to doing 5x burpees and 20x lateral jumps
  • 11x’s- Decreasing 10x incline merkins by increasing one Bruce Lee leg lift to 10x
  • Biscuits and Gravy-10x merkin, 10x BBS, 10x Squat, on each round of laps all the way to 4 laps around parking lot

Jane Fonda- 20x 4ct each leg


Why we keep coming back?  Because things difficult to obtain and make men work allow us to covet things in a healthy way.  It can be the difference between work and play for men.  Easy workouts allow F3ers to see it as work, but harder workouts can be problematic not allowing us to grow. At that point the workout is pure drudgery. It requires a balance of searching for hard things to challenge us to be stronger, if it is easy it is just busy work to pass the time.  This makes for soft dull men, making them inert thus making them Sad Clowns.  When your a Sad Clown you are not at your best for the people in your sphere of influence.

From Freed to Lead,  by Dredd and OBT

PMers kicked butt in the rain.

Heat Wave

THE SCENE: Sunny, HOTt, humid… typical E TN summer day.


-Motivators (5 count, descending)

– 10 Plank  Jacks (4-ct, IC)

– 15 Moroccan Night Clubs (4-ct, IC)

– 15 Overhead Seal Claps (4-ct, IC)

– 10 Steve Earls (4-ct, IC)

– Little of this and that


MOSEY to the Bowl area by the Bermuda Triangle.

  • JINXY’S FOUR AND A QUARTER. Start at bottom of hill, run to top of slope and do 25 reps of an exercise, return to starting position.  R&R 4 times, totaling 100 of the exercise.
    • Round 1: Carolina Dry Docks
    • Round 2: LBCs (single count)
    • Round 3: Lunges (single count)

MOSEY to Grassy Area by Base of Everest.

Totem Pole.  Start at 10, do all the exercises, then run to the bench by the road (or to Summit, dealer’s choice), do 10 SSH, and return. Then start at 9, etc.

  • 10 Burpees
  • 9 Mountain Climbers (4-ct)
  • 8 Diamond Merkins
  • 7 Box Cutters
  • 6 American Hammers (4-ct)
  • 5 Imperial Squat Walkers (4-ct)
  • 4 Hand Release Merkins
  • 3 Prisoner Get Ups
  • 2 Squats
  • 1 Star Gazers (10 seconds).  Rabbits R&R

We got about 75% of the way through this.

Go up Summit twice, once must be Bernie.  Do 25 MERKINS, 25 BBS, 25 SQUATS, and 25 IMPERIAL WALKERS somewhere along the way.  Rabbits rinse and repeat the exercises until 6 catches up.


Ran out of time.  Did some light stretching.
22 Strong
Special WORD by Lilydipper, who has been out with an injury for a few months.  Thought it would be great to have him address the PAX as he recovers from hip surgery.  Here are his words:

Gents, I haven’t been able to work out with you guys since mid-March.  Here we are in August, 5 months later.  Your fellowship lifts me up.  Thank goodness I have been able to come to board meetings.  I get to share a beer with you, see my brothers, commune with you.  Man, I need that fellowship.  I know Jinxy has needed it as well and that is why he was hobbling on crutches to the board meetings before he healed enough to join you guys in workouts.  The well-wishes you shared with us and the prayers you prayed for us have meant more that I think either one of us can say.

But what I want to share with you today is the importance of the workout.  I have been thankful to have fellowship with you brothers at board meetings and Coffeeteria.  Yet, I can’t wait to get back to the workouts.  Of course the workout makes us more physically fit.  I must admit that I have gained about ten pounds since mid-March.  But it is not physical fitness that I want to talk about.  It’s the bond created by going through the gloom, the heat, the sweat, the grime, the gasps for breath, the spilling or merlot, the dizziness, the pain, the questioning of self, the suffering through hell with one’s brothers – that is what I want to talk about.

Jetlag and I were conversing about Coffeeteria the other day.  Both of us agreed that part of what makes it so special is the suffering that precedes it.  Somehow that coffee and bagel just tastes better when you have made it through the torture with your brothers. As Crawdad says, “It’s the reward, baby!”   And, believe me, an ice cold beer at the Board Meeting certainly tastes better after suffering through the heat of the Fake Gloom.

Still, what makes the workout even more special is being able to look at your brother and think, “man we have been through this together.”  Each man in F3 has a respect for the other because we know what the suffering is like.  Yeah, Swimmies may run around the Caribbean three times faster than me.  He respects that pain and he knows I am feeling it too.  We each know that we are pushing to get better.  He respects this old man because I am willing to go through the same ring of pain that he is.  I love that about F3.  I also love how we encourage each other.  Doubtfire is one of the best at doing this. “Hang in there, Lily, you got this.  I’ll run with you, c’mon, let’s get over that hill.”  We cheer for each other, pull each other through.  “Leave No Man Behind.”

Bros, I appreciate you allowing me to join you for fellowship after the workouts.  I see you guys drenched and grass-stained after a difficult beat-down and I almost feel guilty for showing up in my dry clothes.  Just know that when I am fully healed (which the surgeon says should be about mid-October) I will be glad to hook shields with you and battle beside you once more.

Prayers for Guppy’s sister, who is expecting.  UPDATE, shortly after the workout, she delivered a healthy baby daughter!  Prayers for those affected by the flooding in Tennessee.  Also, we presented Lilydipper with a ruck sack/plate/patch gift to help him with his recovery.
Iron Pax coming up, food drive continuing for a few weeks, Hardship Hill obstacle construction help needed (contact Sparkler).

Paying the Price

THE SCENE: Humid as all get out, thunderstorms in the area, low 80s.

Nailed it.

A minute or two late getting started, as the Pavilion we were going to use for the workout was reserved, forcing us to switch locations at the last minute.

SSH, Cherry pickers, BAC forward and backward, Rockettes, Tempo Squats, all 10 or 20x, 4-ct, IC


DORA suicides.  Partner 1 does exercise with coupon, AMRAP, Partner 2 does the movement, then switch, as shown below [Exercise/Movement]

  1. Curls/Jacobs Ladder (4-ct Bear Crawl/4 2-Ct Mountain Climber/4 Merkins, R&R about 10 meters, return via Bear Crawl)
  2. Overhead Press/Jacobs Ladder
  3. Rows/Suicides (suicides to first three signs, then a fourth light pole, 5 Burps at light pole, return to start)
  4. Squats/Suicides

Moved into Pavilion for some AMRAP Tabata Pyramids.  30 seconds of exercise AMRAP, 10 seconds rest.

  1. Leg Burner.  Pyramid of Prisoner Get Ups, Iron Mike’s, Squats. Bobby Hurleys as 60 second bonus exercise.
  2. Ab Burner. Pyramid of BBS, Flutter Kicks, Am. Hammers.  Gas Pumps as 60 second bonus exercise
  3. Cardio Burner. Pyramid of SSH, Half Burps, Step ups.  High knees as 60 second bonus exercise

Yoga stretches by Steam.  A young man, 10 yrs old was watching us and invited in to join in the Mary and the bomb.  We named him KTM because he likes mountain biking.  He’s from out of town, however, so we may not see him again.  Maybe a seed was planted…?  Nice young man.
10 HIMs, Grid Iron not tagged
Talked about how easy it is to have convictions when it doesn’t cost you anything. Easy to stand up for others who are week, oppressed, or marginalized when it doesn’t cost you anything.  Easy to be a good Christian when it doesn’t cost you anything.  Easy to claim that you support our country’s democratic ideals when it doesn’t cost you anything.  Who will you be when it DOES cost you something?  As HIMs, we need to make the decision now, before we’re faced with it, that when the time comes, we will pay the price, not only for ourselves, but for others as well, if we can.
T-Claps to Doubtfire and High Heels, who were on their second work out of the day, and Guppy, who ran a few miles before the workout.  Lilydipper and Jinxy met us for the Board meeting.
CSAUP! Get signed up! Also need Wesley House Qs.

Thunderous Workout

THE SCENE: Low 80s, drizzling with little bit of thunderstorms.


Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community. I’m Jetlag and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!


  1. Side straddle hops
  2. Raquet
  3. Windmill
  4. Leg stretches


Workout 1: 20s

  1. Side straddle hops
  2. Jump squats
  3. Butt kicks
  4. Frog hops
  5. High knees
  6. 4ct Mountain climbers

Workout 2: 20 Pull ups, 20 Squats, 20 kneeling to squats, run 1 lap around parking lot

Workout 3: 20 merkins, 20 derkins, 20 decline merkins, 20 shoulder press with squat using the CMU, run 1 lap around parking lot

Workout 4: 20 tricep ext, 20 biceps, 20 4ct planks, 20 mountain climbers, run 1 lap around parking lot

Workout 5: Suicides – run and bernie going back

Workout 6: Suicides – sprints


6 HIMs


Push yourself to the limit but always remember to listen to your body. It’s nice to push your boundaries, but also make sure that you don’t push yourself too hard that it defeats your progress. Train, eat, and recover. Recovery is as vital as training. This is where you absorb all what has been put in during the work.

Last Saturday after the Asylum AM workout, I was fortunate enough to meet the living legend, our F3 brother, Pinto and he delivered a great BOM. Going thru multiple surgeries and therapies the past few years, he may not be as strong as the man he was, but he’s definitely a better man than before – as he told about his journey to recovery and slowly getting back to working out with F3 again.

Prayers for Abacus’ mom as she prepares for surgery.

CSAUP at Dog Pound end of July.

DORAS Galore!

THE SCENE: Rare gem of a day! 80 degrees, sunny, low humidity.


Done and Done!

– 20 SSH (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Windmills (4-ct), in cadence (We came close to starting over because PAX lost count, except for Jetlag, who bailed everyone out.  Then the smart-alecks started exaggerating the count, shouting it out excessively loudly, which was actually kind of hilarious)

– 10 Steve Earles, (4-ct), in cadence

– 20 Grady Corns (4-ct), in Cadence


MOSEY to rock pile below Coliseum. BATTLE BUDDY UP!  Each set of partners pick up a pair of equally sized rocks. Alternate carrying the rocks between the partners as we run around.  High Heels picks up a pebble so small that a toddler could easily lift it. 🙂

MOSEY to parking lot below Coliseum. DORAS! WINGS UP x 100

  • Partner 1, RUN up to end of roundabout, 10 ROCKY BALBOAS (2-ct), run back
  • Partner 2: Do exercise, until cumulative total = 100

MOSEY to stop sign at southern corner of circle drive. DORAS! WINGS DOWN x 100

  • Partner 1, BERNIE to tree about 50 yards away, 10 SSH, run back
  • Partner 2: Do exercise, until cumulative total = 100.

MOSEY to Amphitheater. DORAS! WINGS OUT x 100

  • Partner 1, Run up hill, 10 JUMP SQUATS, run back
  • Partner 2: Do exercise, until cumulative total = 100.


  • Partner 1, Run down stairs, 10 HAND RELEASE MERKINS, run back
  • Partner 2: Do exercise, until cumulative total = 100.

MOSEY to Stop sign at northern corner of circle drive. DORAS! CURLS x 100

  • Partner 1, BEAR CRAWL to edge of guard rail, 10 Diamond Merkins, run back
  • Partner 2: Do exercise, until cumulative total = 100.

MOSEY to grassy area on north side of Pickett’s Charge. DORAS! ROWS x 200 (since these are easy…)

  • Partner 1, EL CAPITAN to tree about 10 yards away up the hill, 10 IMPERIAL SQUAT WALKERS , run back
  • Partner 2: Do exercise, until cumulative total = 100.

MOSEY to Rock Pile. DORAS! PUNCHES x 100

  • Partner 1, REVERSE LUNGE up hill, 10 MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS, run back.  (These didn’t work too well.  Really tough to actually reverse lunge uphill, although Abscess gave it his absolute best.  This was actually hilarious, as he was trying to go backwards, but really not going anywhere.  TClaps for trying, though). Modified to forward lunges or Bernie up the hill instead.
  • Partner 2: Do exercise, until cumulative total = 100.


Leg Stretches
18 strong! No FNGs. Grid Iron not tagged.

The Screwtape Letters were written by CS Lewis to his good friend, JRR Tolkien. The character Screwtape is a senior demon in hell who counsels his nephew, Wormwood, how to corrupt a human (called “The Patient” in the letters).  Wormwood is rather incompetent, and wants to try all sorts of extravagant tricks on the Patient, but Wormwood counsels him to take a more nuanced approach, such as the one depicted in this letter.  As he says to Wormwood in another letter, “… the safest road to hell is the gradual one – the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts“.  The take home message of the letter that Judge Judy posted in the 3rd F channel is that disagreements on things such as politics can distract us from our internal (i.e., religious) growth and development.  So next time you feel your blood pressure rising after watching cable news, or see you that one post on Facebook that you are just dying to respond to, maybe try to take a deep breath, disconnect, and focus on something you can do to serve your community, your family, your God

Prayers for several PAX going through difficult challenges, particularly with health issues to them or their families.
Wesley House work day this Saturday! Off the Chain CSAUP coming up.  Start thinking about Hardship Hill teams!