F3 Knoxville

Ai-CAN Legs and Bro-CAN-back Mountain

THE SCENE: 60ish and cloudy.  No rain yet!

SSH x20; Now grab 2 cans each from Charmin’s food drive box; Imperial Squat Walkers x 20; Tie fighters x 11 each way; line up on the baseline curb for some Rocky Balboas. All in cadence.

  • Mosey to the Cloud for some Aiken (or Ai-CAN) Legs:  20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 Mary Katherines, 20 Rev. Lunges, rinse and repeat.  Stop midway for 10 burpees (10 burpees every time someone drops a can!)
  • Rest with Flutter kicks IC x 20.
  • Mosey to the Pavalon and partner up.  20 step ups on the tables while the partner wall sits with cans held out. Rotate out. Rinse and repeat.
  • Mosey to bottom of Baby Everest (or is it Little Cardiac??).  Vote to hold on to the cans for the remainder of the workout.
  • Bro-CAN Back Mountain:  Doras with your partner.  One partner Bernies up the hill (back pedal) and then runs down while the other is doing SSH or Moroccan Night Clubs (250 total for each exercise).
  • Back to the Cloud for Can Ups:  Grab a bench, plank position with cans in front of you.  Place one can up on bench from plank, then merkin, then other can up on bench, then merkin, then one can back down on ground, merkin, and other can back down on ground and merkin.  That’s 1.  Do 10 of those.
  • Mosey back to AO

Code Brown led in some Canned Thors, then some Canned Dollies

Food drive message: “Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, ‘Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”  John 6:8-10.  We never know what small thing will lead to big miracles.  Have faith and great things can happen from even the smallest gesture.

Prayers for Pacman and his wife as she goes to Vanderbilt for evaluation of eyesight issues.

  1. Last week for the food drive!  2) Brolympics on Nov. 9.  Sign up now!!

The Sampler Platter…

THE SCENE: A bit humid and around 70 degrees at circle up.

Started with 25 SSH on 4ct, Baby Arm circles front and reverse it x10x Cherry pickers x10, Tempo Merkin x10, then to curb for butt kickers 1/2 parking lot jog out rest, and skip 1/2 parking lot jog out rest.
Grab a CMU and circle up for 1 MIN AMRAP’s of 1. Curl 2. Overhead Press 3. Squats 4. Block Merkin 5.BB with Block

Mosey up little hill to dragon tail. 10 Tempo Merkins waiting on 6. Run halfway down, 10 Tempo merkins waiting on 6, at bottom of dragon tail do 20 Rocky Balboa on 4ct on curb.

Mosey to hill at base of new soccer field. 11’s with Smurf Jacks at bottom and Man Makers at top

Mosey back to cloud. Let Hands lead in set of 20 4ct flutters while picking up 6. Then do 6 Captain Thor’s Mosey back to AO


Plenty of time left to cash out with ATM’s, Temp Squats x10, and finish with 40 SSH on 4ct

F3 is a great metaphor for what God wants to do to us.  God wants to transform us over time into what he made us for.  As believers, we need to realize that our relationship with him will bring forth change.  True lasting change.


No Ordinary Men

THE SCENE:  Cloudy 56 degrees Just a touch of gloom

Start out 20 SSH 0n 4 Count, Cherry Pickers x6, Tempo Merkin x10, Temp Squat x10
Mosey to the Church

Ring of 20 SSH in cadence, 10 burpees OYO rinse and repeat (5 Rounds)

Mosey to Lower Parking Lot

4 Cone Workout

Cone 1 Squat x20 Mosey or Bear Crawl to Cone 2

Cone 2 Merkin x 20 Mosey or Crab Walk to Cone 3

Cone 3 BB x 20 Mosey or Bear Crawl to Cone 4

Cone 4 Squat Jump X15 Mosey back around to Start-Rinse and Repeat (4 Rounds)

Mosey to Base of Little Hill

Up and Down 3x’s With 1, 2, 3 burpees at top

Back to AO

Finish American Hammer’s x20 on 4 count, Hello Dolly’s x20 on 4 Count

Brought up the movie Dunkirk about how allied forces were surrounded by German forces on the beaches of Dunkirk France in WWII.  The solution to save lives of trapped allied soldiers was to use ordinary men and fishing boats to get to stranded troops.  It took ordinary men in fishing boats to go across the English Channel to help save lives.  It’s the same with us and Christ.  He calls us ordinary men to go out and be Christ every day.  We may feel ill equipped, but we aren’t.  It takes a leap of faith and doing.  Ordinary men doing extraordinary things.  It’s the same thing Christ looked for in the disciples.  Ordinary men willing to not ask questions and just do.  Let’s be ordinary men doing extraordinary things!


The Agile Bear

65 and Humid!

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Arm circles IC 10 reps FWD then BKWD
Cherry Pickers IC 10x (4 Ct)
American Hammers IC 20x (4 ct)
Side-straddle hops IC 20x (4 ft)

Playground Shuffle 7/7/17 (3x)
7 bench jumps, 7 derkins, 17 Big boys
7 derkins, 7 big boys, 17 bench jumps
7 bench jumps, 7 big boys, 17 derkins


Agile Bear
Cardiac hill-run to spot 7 burpees, bear crawl to next curve 7 burpees, run/bear crawl to top and perform 17 of 1 exercise mosey to bottom start over and do the next exercise at top
-@top of hill:
17 mountain climbers
17 side straddle hops
17 squats
17 high knees
17 bicycles

Indian Moseys back to AO

Number Off and Name-O-Rama

Live each day as they come and give every adverse situation up to the Lord. We do not know what each day holds and we cannot plan for everything. Each situation and event is given to us by the Lord and he provides us strength. Live each day at peace with what is going to happen