THE SCENE: Mostly cloudy with a brisk temperature of 34. Wind NNE at 1.243 mph. 94% percent humidity with the barometer reading at 30.12. …or just kinda chilly.
Done with enthusiasm as always…
- SSH (x10)
- Willy Mays Hayes (x10)
- Tempo Squat (x10)
- FLBAC (x10)
- RLBAC (x10)
- Grady Corn (x10)
- Chattanooga Cherry Pickers (x10…stressed finger form)
- Knoxville Cherry Pickers (x…??? gotta pick up what was left on the ground)
Mosey to dip bars. Group 1 pull-ups (x20). Group 2 plank. Flapjack. Then mosey to Amphitheater.
Commence building Santa B.O.M.B.S.
Partner up. Pax 1 does exercise while Pax 2 runs up the hill to the North Pole. Swap out and continue the exercise until each amount of reps are complete. The exercises and reps were:
- 50- Burpees
- 100- Overhead Claps (I mean…where else do you get an “O” for “bombs”, am I right?)
- 150- Merkins
- 200- Big Boy Sit-ups
- 250- Squats
PAX completed B.O.M.B.S. then moseyed for another round of pull-ups and planks.
- Tuba – Prone …wait! He faked us out! Basilisks in honor of Biohack (x10)
- Rocket – starfish (x10)
- Three-Peat – 4 count Merkins (x10 because 150 was not enough!)
- Snaggletooth – LBCs (x10)
- Slappy – Freddie Mercury (x10)
- Bobbitt – Flutter Kicks (x10)
- Kick – Plankettes (x10)
Something happened a few weeks ago.Tons of people in Chattanooga and some up here were posting pictures of a sunset. It was phenomenal! It wasn’t as good as being there, though. Yet it’s clear something amazing happened.
Something amazing happened 2,000 years ago at Christmas. We may not have been there but the evidence that something that changed the course of history exists.
We tend to lose the wonder somewhere along the line, however. Busyness is one reason. Distance in time is another. Our analytical thinking is one thing that gets in the way that we don’t often notice. We like to dissect things until we’ve destroyed them. We enjoy music until we break it apart to study it. We enjoy art until we analyze it to death.
YHC’s and his M were driving along 40 and noticed two random Christmas trees on the side of the road. They are fully decorated and look nice. While YHC wanted to figure out who put them there and why, the M commented, “Why do we have to understand it. Just enjoy it.”
YHC heard about a church that was again going over the Virgin Birth. A young teenager came out of the kitchen in the middle of the argument and said, “It’s just so beautiful, it has to be true.” The argument stopped and the adults in the room wondered why they were even arguing.
What does it mean to recapture the wonder of the simple truth of Christmas. God became man. Deity became humanity. The almighty stepped down from his throne and was willing to become a defenseless baby for this daring rescue!
This Christmas, what does it mean to recapture the wonder of the Nativity; to stop analyzing and dissecting, how to hear the surprising message only revealed, not to kings but ti simple shepherds. “It’s just so beautiful, it has to be true.”
- YHC considered Wallpees as a tribute to Mathlete but then remembered “if you can’t do it, don’t Q it.” Not today.
- Tuba promised a Christmas gift of many Prone Rows in his appreciation for the generosity of reps. YHC was giddy.
- Coffeteria at Dunkin followed.
- Fun was had by all.
Hike at LeConte tomorrow. Leaving from Hardin Valley Dunkin at 5:30. See Slappy for details!
KickFlip to bring the Yule-Tide pain on Christmas Eve Eve.