F3 Knoxville

Shamrock – Commitment

THE SCENE: 41F perfect F3 weather

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 25

Monkey Humpers (IC) 4 CT x 10

On your back Side Straddle hop x25 OYO

Merkins 10 – 4ct 


Mosey to Racquet Club lot

There are 12 parking space lines

Line 1 – 25 Merkins

Line 2 – 25 Big Boys

Line 3 – 25 Squats

Start over at line 4. 

We will end up at 100 reps per exercise. 

Mosey to Weigels Hill  stopping to bear crawl for 30 seconds. Once at the top we mosey back to racquet club. 

Another round of the basics. 

Line 1 – 25 Merkins

Line 2 – 25 Big Boys

Line 3 – 25 Squats

Start over at line 4. 

We will end up at 100 reps per exercise.

Total of 200 reps for all exercises 

Mosey back to AO.

We did 90 seconds of burn without rest ( flutters, scissors, box cutters, repeat )
Trolley, Flower Pot, Betty, Mermaid, Clickbait, Hurl, Baby Boomer, Music City, Dumpster Dive, Osteen, Jenner, Anchorman,

Commitment has been on my mind this week. With the cold weather and even some rain you guys showed up ready to encourage and be there for each other. 

We are very lucky to have such a committed group of high impact men. 

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.” Kenneth Blanchard

“Commitment in the face of conflict produces character.” Anonymous

 Motivation is what gets you started. Commitment is what keeps you going.” Jim Rohn

6 For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near. 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. II Timothy 4:6

Trolley’s wife, Curveball’s wife, Brendan friend of several with cancer, Jenner’s meeting, Hurl & Clickbait adoption / foster care.

Dora Go Round

THE SCENE: Chilly mid 30’s

4ct SSH x 20 (IC); 4ct Tai Fighters x 10 (IC); Tempo Squat Jumps x 5 (IC)

Mosey toward practice field; stopped along the way for extra warm up; 10 merkins/10 SSHs/10 Rocky Balboas OYO; Rinse and Repeat for a couple rounds

Round 1: 8 cones form a circle roughly 25 yards across; Each cone has an exercise assigned to it; Pick battle buddies and a starting  cone; HIM 1 takes a lap as fast as possible while HIM 2 does AMRAP of the exercise at that cone; HIM 1 swaps and does the exercise while HIM 2 takes a lap; the two then move to the next cone and rinse and repeat until all 8 cones completed; (Exercises: Merkins, Lunges, Hello Dollies, SSH, Carolina Dry Docks, Squat Jumps, Flutter Kicks, and Burpees).

Round 2: Flip carboard with exercises at each cone for a new set of exercises; Complete the Dora-Go-Round in same fashion as Round 1; (Exercises: Pickle Pounders, Side Squats, V-Ups, Snow Angels, Plank Jacks, Twinkle Toes, Superman, and Monkey Humpers).

Round 3: Same exercises from Round 2; Complete the Dora-Go-Round in solo style; At each cone do 25 single count reps and then run a lap; Move through all 8 cones.

Mosey back to AO

@Hurl had 39yo Birthday so we got in 39 Monkey Humpers (IC); Performed 6 De-motivators (start at 1 and work up); In honor of @Betty, we completed a few reps of Square Bears; Finished up with deep groin and hip flexor stretches, some Cherry Pickers, Downward Dogs, and Cobras.

Reflecting on the battle of Thermopylae and brave Spartans that stood in the gap to fend off the fierce Persian army.  Encouraged the PAX to consider their battles and importance of being prepared for the spiritual warfare going on around them.  Whether it is the battle for integrity when alone in front of a computer or the need for battle on our knees for our families and community, God’s Word and Prayer are our best weapons.  The battle is coming, so we must be ready to fight.

Proverbs 27:17 “Iron sharpens iron”… F3 is a great training ground to prepare for the frontline battles we will definitely face.

Bring coats!

Ridin the Burpee Rail

  • Scene: 47 – Damn nippy
  • The welcome and warning was delivered – ie – you are free and crazy – and so are we
  • Warmup
    • 52 SSH
    • 52 Toe touches
    • 52 Merkins
    • 52 Freddy Mercuries
    • 2 burpee Indian Run to Cedar Bluff Elementary
      • Stop and do a round of Reverse Burpees (Thank daughter Lucy for those)
      • Stop and do a round of “The Smoke House” (Big Boy – roll – superman – roll – Big boy)
  • Workout
    • Caterpillar Burpee Rail: Line up at wall – do a burpee on either side of wall then side step. (Called it the Caterpillar crawl – Riding the burpee rail.
    • Indian Burpee Rail Line up at second wall – Do step ups or box jumps while last person does a 2 burpee (1 per wall side) round and runs to the front of the line.
    • Caterpillar Burpee Rail: Go to third wall and do the caterpillar burpee rail crawl
    • Two Stair Climbs
    • Alternating Speed Bump Sprint / Walk – to get back home to AO.
  • Mary
    • 3 Smoke Houses
    • 52 Freddy Mercuries
  • Circle of Trust / Ball of Man

100 yard Burpee Broadjump Dash

  • Scene: We thought it was gonna rain.. it was muggy damp for sure but no rain.  66 degrees felt like 77.
  • Welcome: FFF – Live it love it breath it – the only payment is in sweat 
  • Warm-up:
    • SSH
    • Slow Lunge stretch
    • Slow Cherry pickers
    • More slow lunge stretches with holds.
    • Slowsey
    • Several burpees combined with high knees on the way to Track
    • Couple random downward dogs + upward dogs
    • More high knee + burpees
    • Two Burpee broad jumps
    • Reverse Bear crawl across street
    • Two Burpee broad jumps
    • Bear crawl across street
    • Two Burpee broad jumps
    • Bernie across street
    • Two Burpee Broad jump
    • Sprint across street.
    • Slowsey to track.
  • Workout
    • In single file line progress down the football field using this pattern of exercise
      • Burpee Broad jump for 5 yards directly down the sideline
      • Reverse Bear Crawl Straight across field on the 5 yard line
      • Burpee Broad jump for 5 yards directly down the sideline to the 10 yard line
      • Bear Crawl Straight across field on the 10 yard line
      • Burpee Broad jump for 5 yards directly down the sideline to the 15 yard line
      • Bernie Straight across field on the 15 yard line
      • Burpee Broad jump for 5 yards directly down the sideline to the 20 yard line
      • Sprint Straight across the field on the 20 yard line.
    • Repeat the above pattern zig zagging across and down the field until time called. We made it to the 20 yard line.
  • Circle of Trust
    • Luke 8:15 “But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.”  God’s word is the surgeon we need  (Hebrews 4:12), I encouraged and exhorted the men to retain and persevere with, in and through God’s word today. You won’t regret it, it will bear fruit.

  • Announcements
    • Congratulations to Judge Judy – our new Natan – transitioned this last weekend.  Remember to lift him up in prayer.



Hills, ponds and peace bell…

THE SCENE: beautiful morning mid 50s

Welcome, I’m Rocket & I’m on the Q today; I am not a professional, you are here on your own accord, F3 is free, I don’t know your injuries so work hard but modify if you need to, and make sure to social distance

  • Side straddle hops (IC) 4ct
  • Plank, lower and raise distance to ground
  • downward dog
  • Moroccan night club (IC) 4ct
  • Stretch on your own

Insert information about the workout.

  • 7s at bell, booby hurly and derkins
    Mosey to K-25 hill.
    2x – modified Blimps: 5 burpees, 10 lunge each leg, 15 imperial walker stop and run the hill and back. Then 20 merkins, 25 plank jacks, 30 squats, stop and run the hill again. Repeat that sequence twice.
    Mosey to pond and partner up. One runs the pond while the other does: flutters, dolly, LBC.
    Mosey back to bell, and do partner merkins. Hold plant while partner does 10 then switch. Do this until each person does 50 merkins.

We did player choice on mary for 5 minutes

Insert the WORD here.
For the word, we kept with the theme of quotes and discussing their meaning. This is from Y0-Yo Ma as his underlying goal: Strive to build trust through the seeking of truth all within the idea of service.