F3 Knoxville

Hill full of 20 somethings

THE SCENE: 70deg, dense fog, beautiful dark gloom

5 HIMs on Rush Speed work, 16 HIMs on the beatdown below.

Hill Billy Squats, Reach for the sky, Butt kicks, Cherry Pickers, Newton’s Craddle with Merkin, Bonnie Blair, Mountain Climbers, Freddy Mercury
Mosey to the closest guardrail (some not surprised by this).

  • 20 Derkins
  • 20 Tricep dips
  • 20 Small Rock Overhead claps

Cross the street to our favorite little hill: Jucomajaro

Every 100 feet a new Exercise chalked out.  HIMs had to choose one time to crawl bear, bear crawl, crab walk and bernie, rest were mosey between.

20 of each:

  • Newton Cradle with Merkin
  • Burpees
  • Mountain climbers
  • Bonnie Blair
  • BBS
  • V ups
  • LBC
  • Side crunch L
  • Side crunch R
  • Downhill Merkin
  • Uphill Merkin
  • Diamond Merkin

Mosey to the summit and hit the stations again on the way back down.  6 swept with the group finishing in time to mosey to the flag.

Dealers choice: Flutter kicks, mountain climbers, American Hammers, planks
You all are impressive.  You do the hard things out here really well.
The verse I want to look at today: Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.  James 5:16
An area of the Christian life we don’t spend much time talking about is confession of our sins. Out here it is deep and hard and uncomfortable. Maybe it’s because of that or maybe it’s the complicated dynamics of southern hell fire and damnation preaching style or a catholic image of telling some sins to a priest in an ornate wooden box.
But we are called to do it. It’s in the Lord’s prayer and all throughout the Psalms

I see 4 types of confession and all are important to all the time:

  1. High School level confession: coming clean on blatant sin; probably having to do with actions – Maybe outbursts of anger, or the way you drive or sexual sin.
    God is faithful to forgive. Jesus conquered sin and death. Rest in that!  Praise God for that!
  2. College level confession: gets to the pride and heart and emotion and ways we have broken His Law privately and in our thoughts and desires
  3. Masters level confession: searching your heart for sins of omission and small ways we have turned our back to God and hurt Him and others
  4. Doctorate level confession:  is seeing that even in our good deeds with less than 100% pure motives are filthily rags to God.   God hates hypocrisy and says in Isaiah 64:6
    We have all become like one who is unclean,
    and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment.

Even if I’m doing the right thing for my wife and kids but my heart is doing it so my life is easier or people think higher of me or whatever the reason, that can be sinful and we need to confess that.
Or take leading a Q. I encourage you all to sign up for a Q soon. But if it is so you think more of me or I get to boss you all around for 45 min, That’s sin I need to confess.  This week I checked my motives and confess they were not 100% pure but God rooted much of that out.
Are our motives ever perfectly pure – not this side of heaven, but are they increasingly motivated by the Holy Spirit and from a place of love? Be growing in that.  Do the hard work of examining your heart.  Pray God will show you the truth.
Don’t take this college level analogy too far – it falls way short – we must practice all levels of confession no matter how long we have been walking with Christ.   We must all get double doctorates in rooting out the sin in our hearts
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.
James 5:16 (ESV)

It is a call to holiness, It isn’t some magic word; but it is a part of the walk of a follower of Jesus
Spend some time with the Lord confessing your sin. If you want to knock the power of sin out – confess your sins to a brother.
As HIMs we need to be willing to humbly confess sin.
Prayer for Wander’s son’s upcoming surgery and pain – praise for Pool Boy’s friend Sam who continues to recover
IornPax Challenge Week 0 on Friday.  Sign up here

The Project – IPC Week 0

THE SCENE: 71 and muggy

1. Welcome F3 (Fitness, Fellowship, Faith)
2. Not a professional, FREE, here of your own will. Be careful, modify as needed.
3. CV19 Precautions: Maintain distance, no shared equipment or touching partner exercise, gloves recommended – if you are sick and have CV19 symptoms – go home.
4. Cell phone for emergencies.


1. Tempo Squats 5x/Squats 5x (4-ct)
2. Big Boy Sit-up 5x
3. Tempo Merkins 5x/Merks 5x (4-ct)
4. Bonnie Blairs 5x (left leg, 2-ct)
5. Burpees 5x
6. Mosey to ORHS track

IronPax Week 0
(4 Rounds for time)
• 50 Air Squats
• 40 Big Boy Sit-ups
• 30 Merkins
• 20 Bonnie Blairs
• 10 Burpees
• 400 Meter Run

No Time

11Strong: Erector, Chaco, Kickflip, Slappy, Mailbox, Pi, Nuclear Ninja, Trolley, Pool Boy, Mathlete

DONUTS! I wanted to thank, celebrate, and bless the pax, especially after Week 0 of IPC, and specifically commemorating Nuclear Ninja’s VQ several weeks ago. Ninja and Pi are not able to stay afterward for Coffeeteria (school and work), so we brought some Donut Palace to bring Coffeeteria to them.

Several pax shared good news that we had been praying for in the last several weeks and months, which we were sure to thank Sky Q for!

1. Iron Pax – register @ F3 Greenwood
2. Hardship Hill Oct 3
3. Tuba moved to OR – F3 helped his family get moved (off NY)

Saint Peters Circle – Rich Welcome

✔ THE SCENE: Not too bad. A little muggy.



  • Twisting Pickers
  • Phelps
  • Big Arm Circles
  • SSH
  • Star Jacks
  • Squat Jumps
  • Bobby Hurlies
  • Froggers
  • Mtn Climbers
  • Crab Kicks
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Merkins
  • Wide Merkins
  • L Alt Merkins
  • Right Alt Merkins
  • and then back up through the whole sequence.

U Indian run

facing the linear hills – Get inline six feet apart.  Last person sprints up the hill then back down then to front of line and sprints up that hill and back down.  Everyone holds a squat or plank while waiting their turn.

  • Mosey to beginning of Loop and Go Through each of the 10 stations

The Thang:  Saint Peter’s Circle


  1. Dirken shuffle Around Circle
  2. Bear Crawl to Corner
  3. Lunge to Speed Bump
  4. 10 Wall Dips
  5. 10 HS Push-ups
  6. Reverse Bear Crawl Over steps
  7. 10 Blockees
  8. Reverse Bear Crawl Over steps
  9. Inchworm over speedbump
  10. Sprint to Finish

We did a little over two laps.


  • Flutter Kicks
  • American Hammers
  • Dead Bugs
  • Freddy Mercuries


2 Peter 1: 3-11: His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins. 10 Therefore, my brothers and sisters,[a] make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble, 11 and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

This scripture convicted me and gave me hope. Lately I’ve been dealing with some wandering with lack of purpose and “vision” or “mission” , “why am I here” type of questions.  However, knowing my salvation is secure – I say “Well then, what now”.  I’ve gone through some major ministry “corrections” and “redirections” – and the path doesn’t seem straight – and quite frankly seems hard to understand.  Also being challenged by marriage – this verse caught my attention with the promise of the possibility of  “you will never stumble“.. I’m like, well I stumble all the time, so maybe this scripture has some good advice & wisdom I can glean.  For purpose and goals,  you can, for example, “Make every effort” to work on any of these things:

  1. Goodness
  2. Knowledge
  3. Self-Control
  4. Perseverance
  5. Godliness
  6. Mutual Affection
  7. Love

Those are awesome goals to choose and work towards.  Be sure to know yourself, pace yourself, keep it real, don’t overwhelm yourself, find others along the same journey and calling,  rise up to the call, know that you are not alone, hold onto the “great and precious promises“, know that our faith is a gift, we are not earning our salvation, but we are earning aspects of the “rich welcome” that Peter mentions…  Therefore — MAKE EVERY EFFORT!!  Notice Peter says that twice.


Shamrock 8/21/2020

THE SCENE: Gloomy with a slight hint of Fall. Upper 60s

Cherry Pickers, SSH, BOCs


Mosey to CMU pile…

Line up on practice football field sideline with battle. While HIM1 does exercise, HIM 2 runs across field and back.

  1. CMU squats
  2. Back Rows
  3. Merkins
  4. Shoulder press    (do 3 rounds of each)

Return CMUs

Mosey to parking lot….

One exercise station at each corner of lot. HIM 1 runs left, HIM 2 runs right —>doing exercises at each corner. When you pass your battle buddy, you give a high five then do 5 burpees. (Do this for the remainder of the time.) 

4 Exercises are:

  1. Dry Docks (20)
  2. Mike Tysons (20 4ct)
  3. Squat Jumps (20 4)
  4. Flutter Kicks (20 4 ct)


17 HIMs.

Music City, Cheatsheet, Pringle, Bekky, Flower Pot, Mermaid, Trolley, Fabio, Honeydew, Anchorman, Slappy, Key Fob, Slim Reaper, Dumpster Dive, Sparrow, 15-Love, Curry.

Encouraged men to think about what they could do today that would matter in 100 years and in eternity.

Step Up – Fulfill Your Responsibilities!

THE SCENE: Dry but about to produce some sweat.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER + COVID distancing: Administered + Cell Phone

IC 10 x Moroccan Night Club (Erector almost missed this one but quickly rose to his feet!)
IC 10 x Oompa Loompa IC (everyone in the warmup circle squat alternating with the person next to you)
IC 7 x Overhead Clap
IC 10 x Raise the roof (calf raise + air press)
OYO 10 x El Capitan
IC 7 x “Power T” Merkins (S/O to Mailbox for this one – it’s a hand release merkin but arms go straight out to each side)
OYO 5 x “Projectee” (burpee + donkey kick after the push-up part – it didn’t flow like I wanted but it was hard haha)

THA-THANG:Picture of the Workout path from 1 (Warmup) to 7, stop at 3 on the way back and finish at 1:
Mosey to 2: 7 runs total to the first light pole:
1 warmup
5@100% sprints
1 cool down

Mosey to 3 aka the International Friendship Bell
Do 10 each exercise for the duration of the “Friends” theme song (full length)

Freddy Mercury
Rocky Balboa (high steps)
Incline Merkins
El Capitan
Newton’s Cradle
Step Ups

Mosey to 4 Descending Route 66:
11, 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 burpees – 1 set per parking space + 1 Projectee (burpee + donkey kick) per set
Q-called this one with most PAX starting at 5 or 4.

Mosey to 5 Will the Circle Be Unbroken:
During the song:
Verse – Newton’s Cradle
Chorus – Lunge in alternating circular directions starting clockwise
Instrumental Break / Bridge – Q called several PAX to name a core exercise that we did until the next verse / chorus

Run to 6: Wagon Wheel as necessary while pushing the pace from mosey to faster
At 6 we did 10 of each of the following (out and back like a “wagon wheel):
Diamon Merkin (I think we did these – a car came and we had to break for that but then they turned away)
Crab walk

Mosey to 7 for Mucho leg-o (okay so no song “directly” goes with this one but Bailamos was the best I could find)
1) Narrow squat (feet together),
2) regular-stance squat,
3) wide squat,
4) Bonnie Blair (jumping lunge) with left foot forward,
5) Bonnie Blair with right foot forward (then back to narrow stance).
Repeato until you look like a baby giraffe stumbling across the Savannah.
Q called it after ~10 sets so 40 squats but doing them slowly, 1 at a time was a new DOMS experience for sure!

Mosey back to 3 with a Wagon Wheel along the way that included an unexpected detour through the grass.
At 3 do 10 Step-Ups OYO (that’s all the time we had left!)

No time for that.
11 PAX Stepped It Up Today to be HIMs! (picture in link)

Initial Question: What are you responsible for? F3 (Q, follow, invest), wife/gf (if you have one), children, friends, family, church… Think about it- are you passive or active? Are you idle or do you take initiative?
2 Thessalonians 3:10-15
10 For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let
him not eat. 11 For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. 12
Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to
earn their own living. 13 As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good. 14 If anyone does not
obey what we say in this letter, take note of that person, and have nothing to do with him, that he may be
ashamed. 15 Do not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.

3 Questions we can ask from this passage
1. What are you being idle about?
For me? Very clearly: My PE Exam study. I’m getting my application in this week and will follow my study schedule that I’m going to make.
2. Who do you need to warn as a brother with regard to idleness, passivity?
You reading this is me warning you if you’re being idle. Of course I’m aware of people I need to warn (and am praying about when to say this warning to them), but we are called to go directly to our brother and not gossip (Matthew 18) so I’ll leave you with that thought to consider yourself. Also, I’d love to talk to any of you who wrestle with this (because it’s common to us all)
3. Last, how can you rely more on God to work in you and in others?
If we try to be busy working on our own but not relying on God, we can despair if we “fail” or become prideful if we “succeed.” Philippians 4:6-7 has served me well in many hard times – in the moment, take a moment and pray and rely on God’s strength as you act yourself and as you warn others who are busybodies but not busy working.

Praise and continued prayer for Slappy’s father-in-law as the doctors/tests have found they’re unsure what to make of his health situation as they can’t find anything wrong with him in all the testing and markers.
Prayer for Erector’s pastor who was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer just this past week

Somewhere along the way I lost a glove. I took it off to use my phone to play the mp3s of all of the songs and then I forgot to put it back on. Always wear gloves! I had such a fun time Q’ing. But I’m still learning- and boy do I have a long way to go!

Announcements: Iron PAX Challenge coming up in September Friday’s at JUCO & Shamrock