F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: 68 and cool still humid

20 SSH

5 Cherry Pickers

10 merkins

Get a coupon mosey to the outhouse. Tabata workout four sets with 50 seconds on and 10 seconds

  • curls
  • Freddy Mercury
  • Hernia
  • OHP
  • Box Jumps
  • No hand get-ups
  • Wall squats
  • LBC with CMU
  • Merkins
  • Squat Thrust


Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The Equalizer – Monday 8/30/21


Side straddle hops; touch your toes; windmills; baby arm circles front/back; this/that
CMU Ladder:

10 – Squat thrusters

9 – KB Swings

8 – Tall Rockys (toe tap the CMU standing upright)

7 – Bicep 21s

6 – Shoulder tap / alt leg raises

5 – Blockees

4 – American Hammers

3 – Over The Top Merkins

2 – Goblet Squats

1 – Imperial Walker

  • complete the assigned number of reps for each exercise, in sequence.  When finished, run (not mosey) to midfield to complete 10 reverse crunches or plank jacks, then bernie back to your CMU
  • Pick up the SIX and work through what they have remaining alongside them.  No man left behind.
  • One the SIX is up, return to your CMU and begin again – this time starting one step down the ladder (R1 – start with thrusters; R2 – start with KB swings).

Finished a few seconds past time
2 Timothy 4:3-4 – For there will come a time when men will not put up with sound doctrine.  Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.  They will turn away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

Romans 12:2 – do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind
Don’t look to the things of this world for comfort, satisfaction, or any other type of fulfillment; and stay away from echo chambers – they are the way of the world, not of God.

I shared this quote at Dogpound a few weeks ago, but it’s applicable every day and worth sharing again

“If we consider the unblushing promises of reward and the staggering nature of the rewards promised in the Gospels, it would seem that our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too week.  We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea.  We are far too easily pleased.”

CS Lewis – “The Weight of Glory”

Hardship Hill is going to be an awesome time.  Let’s shoot for 100% Equalizer registration.  Tank will be out to Q us and fill us in on all of the specifics this Friday.  Be there.

Back to back coffee-terias coming up Friday 9/3 and Monday 9/6

Equalizer and F3 Knoxville shirts have active pre-orders right now.  Get one or two today, and go in with another PAX to avoid shipping charges.

F3 Knoxville – https://f3.mudgear.com/collections/active-preorders/products/f3-knoxville-send-me-pre-order-august-2021

Equalizer – https://f3.mudgear.com/collections/active-preorders/products/f3-knox-the-equalizer-pre-order-may-2021

Quarter Pounder in Paradise


Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins
Mosey to Soccer Field:  Perform 2 Rounds of The Quarter Pounder: Run 25 yards and do 25 Merkins before running back to start.  Repeat at 50 yards, 75 yards and 100 yards with 50 Squats, 75 Mountain Climbers, and 100 SSH.

Mosey to Bleachers for EMOM:  10 Box Jumps, 10 Derkins, 10 Derkin Plank Janks.  Did about 10 rounds or so with a slight mod midway (changed to 5 jumps).

Mosey to Playground:  Seabiscuit Style Grinder with 5 pullups, 10 Merkins, and 15 BBS before running 1 Lap around the adjacent soccer field.  Repeat with 2 Laps, then 3 Laps, etc.

Did some Dealer’s Choice at the first soccer field while picking up cones.

5 Strong

God First, Life Second.


Hardship Hill

Don’t be Conformed

THE SCENE: 74 and Humidity with a beautiful moon.

1 Burpee

20 grady corn

20 SSH

Mosey to the bottom of Matterhorn

  • start a t the bottom of hill, run to top of slope and do 25 reps of an exercise, return to starting position and do 25 SSH. R&R 4 times, totaling one hundred of the exercise.
  • round 1: Carolina Dry Docks
    • Mosey to the bottom of the steps
  • Round 2: LBC (Single Count)
    • Mosey to the pee rocks pile
  • Round 3: Lunches (Single Count)

Romans 12 :2


100th Post / 20th Q for Blindside!


F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Done & Done (albeit with a LOT of chatter from the gallery)


SSH IC x 20 | LBAC IC x10 each way | Tempo Squat IC x10 | Tempo Merkin x10


The Q might have mentioned to many of the PAX at the CSAUP on Saturday that there wouldn’t be any running during this CSAUP Recovery Q. The Q misspoke and meant that there wouldn’t be a lot of running. 

Mosey to each location and perform 5 exercises, 20 reps, or for 20 seconds each (Five 20s = 100)

  • Flagpole 
    • 20 Dips | 20 Derkins | 20 Squats | 20 Imperial Walkers | 20 Second High Plank
  • Playground
    • 20 Shoulder Taps | 20 Toe-Touches | 20 Knee-ups | 20 Merkins | 20 Second Rocky Balboas 
  • Dock
    • 20 CDD | 20 Skater Jumps | 20 LBCs | 20 SSH | 20 Second Low Plank
  • Rock Pile 
    • 20 Rows | 20 Curls | 20 OH Press | 20 Triceps | 20 Second Jump Overs 
  • Bath House
    • 20 Burpees | 20 Pull-ups | 20 BBS | 20 Australian Snow-Angels | 20 Second Beast Plank
  • Stonehenge 
    • 20 Box Jumps | 20 Lunges | 20 Squat Jumps | 20 BBS | 20 Second Plank
  • Splashpad
    • 20 Flutter Kicks | 20 Hello Dollys | 20 V-Ups | 20 Box Cutters | 20 Second High Knees
  • Basketball Court (missed the turnoff, completed exercises at the Tennis Courts)
    • 20 Diamond Merks | 20 Wide Merks | 20 Right hand forward merks | 20 Left hand forward Merks | 20 Second Butt Kicks
  • Tennis Courts
    • 20 Mountain Climbers | 20 Freddy Mercury | 20 Plank Jacks | 20 Bear Crawls | 20 Second Hold Squat
  • AO
    • 20 Smurf Jacks | 20 American Hammers | 20 Iron Mikes | 20 Broad Jumps | 20 Monkey Humpers 


Finished before Mary was an option. 


2 for Pre-Ruck

12 for Beatdown 

0 FNGs 


Today was my 100th posting and 20th Q. While a vast majority of those posts and Q’s have come from the Equalizer, I have also been able to post at Asylum AM, Asylum PM. Asylum Sat., Truckstop Sat., The Dogpound, Shamrock, and the Quacken. I have also was lucky enough to have 2 downrange postings at F3Low Country on Hilton Head Island this summer. I started tracking my Posts and Q’s a while back after noticing a “100 Posts in 2021” patch on the F3 Gear website. 

The HIMs of F3Knoxville will never know their impact on my life in just the few months I have been participating in workouts. Before March 1st, I was in a rut that I didn’t even know how deep. The running workouts I was doing on my own became less and less frequent and when I did run, I pushed myself less and less. Most of my friends had moved away from Knoxville over the past few years, and those that were in town were able to get together with little to no frequency. My faith was waning. I did not have a routine in which I had a healthy prayer life. 

F3Knoxville allowed me to find the answers to all 3 of these problems. I didn’t realize it at the time, but the answers were even in the name! I was struggling with all three F’s and didn’t even know it! Since that early Monday morning on March 1st, all three F’s in my life have grown tremendously. I have a fitness routine that mixes up all styles of exercises that I can always count on a great beatdown, I have men in Knoxville that I can call on for anything and everything, and I now know that I will leave each workout uplifted through the prayer of the PAX. 

Thank you F3 Brothers. I am lucky to have all of you in my life. 


Prayers for: 

Ribbed’s wife and family

Hans’ ankle

Seeking joy and life from God and not the world.