F3 Knoxville

Life To The Full – The Equalizer 4-8-22

THE SCENE: Approx 42 degrees and breezy with a mostly clear sky

Side Straddle Hops IC x 5; feet together reach for toes 15 seconds; feet apart reach for each <right, left, middle>15 seconds each; Little Baby Arm Circles IC x 5 each way; Tempo Merkins IC x 5; Downward Dog hold for 20 seconds; Tempo Squat IC x 5.
* Two lines of cones were placed 20 yards apart in the front parking lot of the AO.  The workout consists of 3 Rounds – each containing a movement technique for 20 yards from one cone row to the next, 10 reps of a high-plank core exercise, a 20 yard uphill Crawl Bear back to the start, 10 Burpees, and a prescribed amount of laps around the track.  The PAX set goals of 1a – don’t stop moving and 1b – finish the workout on time.  Both goals were met.

  • Round 1:
    • 20 yard Imperial Walker
    • 10x Shoulder Tap Merkins
    • 20 yard uphill Crawl Bear
    • 10 Burpees
    • Run 2 Laps around the track
  • Round 2:
    • 20 yard forward lunge
    • 10x Bird Dog (2=1)
    • 20 yard uphill Crawl Bear
    • Run 3 Laps around the track
  • Round 3:
    • 20 yard Toy Soldier
    • 10x Switch Climbers
    • 20 yard Uphill Crawl Bear
    • Run 4 Laps around the track

Early finishers circled back around the track to join the Six and encourage them to press on to the finish.  Once all were in a 60 second Canoe Hold was enjoyed by all as time expired
“Every man has two lives, and second one begins once he realizes that he only has one.” -Unknown

Are you making the most of your days?  Jesus described the shepherd / sheep relationship as one in which the sheep are given a life that is far beyond what they could ever imagine for themselves.  David described this life from the prospective of a sheep, and it’s so desirable.  Jesus wants everyone to have a life through him that blows away all of their limited beliefs about what life can be, and there are brothers at F3 who can help guide you to that path if you feel like something is missing in your life or if you know that you’re currently off track.
John 10 and Psalms 23
Flag Handoff at The Equalizer – Friday 4/15.  Be there or be square.

Monday @ The Equalizer: 3-21-22

THE SCENE: Chilly but not freezing

Feet apart – stretch to the middle, then right, then left.  Grady Corn IC x 5.  Imperial Walker IC x 5.  Tempo Merkin IC x 5.  Down Dog 20 count.  Neck Rolls x 5 each way.  Tempo Squat IC x 5.  Mosey to the Smokehouse, grab a CMU, and position yourself on the baseline of the bball court.
Ab Circuit30 seconds of work; 15 seconds of rest; 4 sets of each exercise; 40 seconds between exercises to run to the opposite end of the court and back before beginning again.

1 – Elbow Plank

2 – Flutter Kick

3 – Freddie Mercury (slow Fred –> foot goes all the way back to the ground between reps for full range of motion through the hip flexor and lower abs)

4 – Dead Bug a.k.a “X-Factors”

CMU Circuit – 20 seconds of work; 10 seconds of rest; 6 sets of each exercise; 40 seconds between exercises to run to the opposite end of the court and back before beginning again.

1 – Curls

2 – Goblet Squat

3 – Overhead Press

4 – Split Squat 3/3 (weighted with back foot on the ground, or un-weighted ‘Bulgarian’ with rear foot on a CMU standing vertical)

5 – Hip to Halo (CMU goes from one hip, across the chest to the opposite shoulder, around the head, and down to the other hip.  Next rep is in reverse of that)

6 – ‘Kettlebell’ swings


Held plank for a short time
11 present and accounted for
Don’t take for granted that Christ has called you to follow him.  Think of how powerful of a moment it must have been when Matthew sat down to recount the time that Christ called him, and stood up for him against the haters (Pharisees).
Matthew 9:9-13 and Hosea 6:6
The Equalizer shovel-flag will be handed off on [Good] Friday April 15th.  Brother Ribbed will be taking over as AOQ, so you’ll want to be there!

Focus on Form

THE SCENE: Cool, clear, and perfect!

SSH (4ct) x 20
Tempo Merkins (4ct) x 10
Tempo Merkins (8ct) x 5
Tempo Squats (4ct) x 10
Tempo Squats (8ct) x 5
Little baby arm circles (4ct) x 10 forward/10 reverse
Little of this and that stretching x 30 sec
Cherry Pickers x 5

3 stations: Lower body, Upper body, Core.  Simple escalator style, no break between sets.  Lather, rinse, repeat until timer.
Today’s workout is designed so that each PAX can go at his own pace.  Focus on form and quality reps.  Don’t worry about quantity or speed.

Mosey to 1st station near the dumpster.
Lower Body – 15 minutes

  • Squats
  • Iron Mikes
  • Calf Raises – single leg
  • Flutter kicks (4ct)
  • Side lunges (each side)

Indian run with 20 lb slam ball to 2nd station at the playground.
Upper Body – 15 minutes

  • Merkins (standard)
  • Dips
  • Wide arm merks
  • Pull-ups
  • Carolina Dry Docks

Indian run with 20 lb slam ball to 3rd station at the outhouse.
Core – 10 minutes

  • V-ups
  • Side crunches
  • LBC
  • Hello Dolly
  • American Hammer

Indian run back to AO (with slam ball of course)

Finished up with a minute of Freddy Mercury’s!
7 men sweating in the gloom!
Our word today come from Galations 5:22-25
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

On spring break this week, there was a conversation between my BIL and his aunt in which I was a silent participant.  He’s currently living with his girlfriend and he opened the door for her to comment, “You know you’re living in sin.” “I know I am, but…(irrelevant and unremembered reply).” “But you don’t have to.  It’s a choice.”  And she was dead on.

Our sins are a choice that we make.  Our society has made sin easy, convenient, and accepted as the cultural norm.  But what messages are we sending to our children, our wives, our fellow PAX, and our communities by accepting and engaging willingly in sin?  What example are we setting?  We have an example set forth by Jesus Christ of how to act, both in private and in public.  The Holy Spirit resides in those of us who have accepted Him and guides us and enables us to walk in faith and produce the fruits of the Spirit.  Do you recognize these traits in your fellow PAX?  Your family?  Yourself?  Start with yourself.  Get right with God.    Focus on your form and lead by example.  Live by the Spirit.  Keep in step with the Spirit.  Live for Him and become a true HIM.

Prayer requests: Cosmo’s mother (chemo today), Earmuffs’ wife (job interview), Ukraine
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The Equalizer De-Escalator

THE SCENE: Pretty chilly, most of the snow is now gone 

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done and Done Well


Blindside’s Standard Warm-up: 

SSH IC x20 | LBAC x10 IC each way | Little of This, Little of That | Rockettes IC x10 | Tempo Squats IC x10 


Equalizer De-Escalator: 4 Stations; 3 Exercises per station; Do number of reps for all three; mosey to next station; Return to the first station and do the new amount of reps 

  • Dock (25, 20, 15, 10, 5 reps)
    • CDD 
    • BBS
    • Freddie Mercury
  • Rockpile (25, 20, 15, 10, 5 reps) 
    • Curls 
    • OH Press 
    • Rows 
  • BathHouse (10, 8, 6, 4, 2 reps)
    • Pull-ups 
    • Burpees 
    • Mountain Climbers 
  • Stonehenge (10, 8, 6, 4, 2 reps 
    • Box jumps 
    • Derkins
    • Imperial Squat Walkers 


1 Session of Boat/Canoe

1 Session of Superman/Banana 


6 HIMs; 2 Pre-Ruckers 


Peter the Tentmaker. On top of the mountain during the Transfiguration of Christ with Moses and Elijah, Peter is the only Apostle that speaks. He tells Jesus that they should build three tents for each of them there. He wants to keep this moment forever. Peter basically word-vomits. He suggests something that doesn’t make sense for the situation. Much like Michael Scott from The Office. Starts a sentence and has no idea where it is going. 

We should have the faith that as long as we are honest and good-hearted, God will be pleased with our speech. Jesus does not rebuke Peter.

Matterhorn Circuit

THE SCENE: 39 degrees Fahrenheit, slight breeze – no sweatshirt needed

  • SSH IC x 25
  • Tempo Merkins IC x 15
  • Tempo Squats IC x 10
  • Cherry Pickers (Dog Pound Style) IC x 5

Indian Run to Matterhorn & Battle Buddy up. Travel to each cone between Speed Hump and the Pav-a-lon.

  • Partner Merkins x 20
  • Pull-ups/Knees to Chest x 20
  • Reverse Lunge up Matterhorn
  • 25 Squat Hops
  • 11’s – CDD’s & Dips
  • BC down hill
  • R&R for time


  • Flutter Kicks IC x 20
  • Spidey Stretches



Arguing with your wife is like reading the EULA on the internet. You get part way through and just agree… This month there is a call out from F3 to take the M out for a nice date. Let’s take the wife out!!

Link to podcast here: https://soundcloud.com/f3nation/stuff-worth-trying-podcast-episode-23?utm_source=clipboard&utm_campaign=wtshare&utm_medium=widget&utm_content=https%253A%252F%252Fsoundcloud.com%252Ff3nation%252Fstuff-worth-trying-podcast-episode-23


Ribbed disappears at 615a sharp. Aladdin has wheels and we found out that a CDD is a dip according to Trunk.

Check the email.