F3 Knoxville

Memorial Day BBQ

THE SCENE: 60 & damp.

Some stretches, Imperial SW I.C. X11 (Q learned to slow these down a bit),  Tempo Merkins x15, SSH I.C. X20, Double Tong clicks x50 (these didn’t do anything but were great to get into character)

mosey with a pork butt around the park past Drifter’s house to wave hi to the family & back to the grindstone. Cops were suspicious.

All exercises were performed “low & slow” to the proper internal temp for great BBQ. One buddy performed the main course while the other ran to the other end of the grindstone to munch on some apps- 2 jalapeño poppers (burpees) before returning for some mains.
Ribs- 140 internal temp (reps) of knee to elbow BBS

Pork Butt- 205 internal temp Iow & slow squats

pause for some side dishes: macaroni- 100 macaroni shaped crunches

pork shoulder- 205 internal temp- plan push/pull w/ CMU

PAX was finished & ready for seconds so we did 100 4-cart curls & another mosey.

BBS x15, Superman 4-ct x25, Merkins to time


you won’t achieve a transformation by doing the right things ONLY on the days you feel good. I’m not sure you’ll achieve anything if we’re being honest. #consistencyisdiscipline

Ginder is for grinding

THE SCENE: the air was warm. The sky was dark. The moon was full.

20 SSH, 15 Little Baby Arm Circles (both ways), follow the leader lap.

Simba count ups to 8. Bear crawl back

Broad jump/Al Gore count ups to 8. Overhead cmu lunge back.
4 lines: 5, 10, 15, 20 reps

Start at 5 rep line, bear crawl between lines when going toward pull-up bar. After 20, run to pull-up bar for 5 pull-ups and run back to 20 rep line. Work back down to 5 crab walking between lines this time.

PAX choice workouts: BBS, Thrusters, Merkins

Circle of fire type thing. Everyone feet up while 1 PAX runs around pushing everyone’s feet down, then the next goes, etc.

Superman swims for time.
12 dudes

Psalm 1 written from memory

Oh the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked

Or stand around with sinners, or join in with mokers.

But their delight is in the law of the Lord

And they meditate on it day and night.

They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season

Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all that they do.

But not the wicked. They are like worthless chaff scattered by the wind.

They will be condemned at the time of judgement. Sinners will have no place among the godly.

For the Lord watches over the path of the godly. But the path of the wicked leads to destruction.

Back to Drifter: I encourage you guys to memorize some scripture. It is the best way to meditate on it.

Don’t forget about off the chain!

No CMU No Problem




SSH x 20, Cherry Pickers x 10, Arm Circles x10 both ways

The CMU bandit struck again so had to change up at the last minute.

  • Merkins x 5
  • BBS x 5
  • Squats x 5
  • Iron Mikes x 5
  • Run 1 Lap

Increase everything by 5 reps and run 2 laps, increase by 5 again and run 3 laps until you get to 25 reps and 5 laps and start working your way back down.

102 Overhead Claps and cash out with LBC
5 HIMs gave their all
We need to be adaptable and able to make changes on the fly.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Going back to beat down #1

THE SCENE: 60’s and nice

Mosey and Cherry Pickers and Arm Circles
Modified Route 66 ala Hammy 6/23/20

Mosey to the fountain area.  Split into 2 groups of 6.  One does Route # 1 while the other does Route #2.  When I call it we switch Routes.

Route # 1

  • 1 WWII, run to 1st light pole 11 Merkins
  • 2 WWII, run to 2nd light pole 10 Merkins
  • 3 WWII, run to 3rd light pole 9 Merkins
  • 4 WWII, run to 4th light pole 8 Merkins
  • 5 WWII, run to 5th light pole 7 Merkins
  • 6 WWII, run to 6th light pole 6 Merkins
  • 7 WWII, run to 5th light pole 5 Merkins
  • 8 WWII, run to 4th light pole 4 Merkins
  • 9 WWII, run to 3rd light pole 3 Merkins
  • 10 WWII, run to 2nd light pole 2 Merkins
  • 11 WWII, run to 1st light pole 1 Merkins

    Alternate 5 WWII and 5 Merkins until Recover is announced

Route #2

  • 1 Burpee, run to 1st light pole 11 SSH
  • 2 Burpee, run to 2nd light pole 10 SSH
  • 3 Burpee, run to 3rd light pole 9 SSH
  • 4 Burpee, run to 4th light pole 8 SSH
  • 5 Burpee, run to 5th light pole 7 SSH
  • 6 Burpee, run to 6th light pole 6 SSH
  • 7 Burpee, run to 5th light pole 5 SSH
  • 8 Burpee, run to 4th light pole 4 SSH
  • 9 Burpee, run to 3rd light pole 3 SSH
  • 10 Burpee, run to 2nd light pole 2 SSH
  • 11 Burpee, run to 1st light pole 1 SSH

Alternate 5 Burpees and 5 SSH until Recover is announced.

After you finish both routes go to Mt. Crumpit and do the following until Recover is announced.

Mt. Crumpit 7’s

  • 1 Dry Dock / 6 Box Cutters and going up the hill: run, Bernie, run, Bear Crawl, Run, Bernie


Cashed out with 2 minutes of LBCs
12 Hims enjoyed the morning with a guest appearance of Pinocchio.
This was my 100 beat down and the 1st beat down I did on June 23, 2020 with Hammy on Q.  I talked about how much my life has changed since joining F3 from being a sad clown to strengthening my life in all 3 Fs.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Running Through Cards

THE SCENE: 61 and feeling nice

SSH IC x 30

Tempo Squat IC x 10

CMU OH press IC x 15

Drop CMU at other end of Grinder and run loop from playground to Apex and back to Grinder. Return to Grinder and await card game with two decks of cards. Every time card is drawn, 2 Blockees performed for buy in before designated exercise. Exercises for cards as follows:

Cards 2-8: # of down and backs running width of grinder

Cards 9-10: thrusters

J: 10 burpee CMU jump overs

Q: Run loop we warmed up with

K: 10 down and backs

Ace: bear crawl, crawl bear width of grinder once

Joker: 5 dry dock, 5 wide merkins, 5 diamond merkin

*If done early with card, perform air squats until PAX ready to go*

CMU OH flutter kicks IC x30

LBCs to close final 20 seconds

10 total HIMs
I grew up loving the Rocky movies. It was the underdog story that really interested me. Recently I was watching a video that referenced Buster Douglas and Mike Tyson fight where Mike Tyson was heavily favored. Mike Tyson was coming into the fight undefeated. Buster Douglas was knocked down in the 8th round of the fight and no one gave him a chance to come back in the fight. He kept swinging and knocked Mike Tyson out/ won the fight in the 10th round. With his back against the wall, knocked down on the mat and the whole world thinking he would lose, he kept swinging and prevailed. When life has us against the ropes and knocks us out, just keep punching because it’s not over.

When asked about what helped him keep going to win the fight, Buster Douglas said his mother gave him the motivation. She had just died but told Buster he would win and knock out Mike Tyson. Just remember there is always someone in your corner standing behind your punches no matter who may not believe in you.