F3 Knoxville

Death by Dora

THE SCENE: Cool but clear

10 SSH
Dora style workout with death by squats mixed in. If you don’t finish the squats in the minute, reset count back to one and continue. Run for the Dora was across the grinder and exercises were as follows

  • 100 shoulder press
  • 200 lunges
  • 300 curlS

Flutter kicks x15, LBCs for time


7 including a 2.0


“Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear” Nelson Mandela
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Crazy 8 Suicide

THE SCENE: A brisk breeze with nothing but clouds but luckily no rain

  • SSH x10
  • Windmills x6
  • Show work out moves

2 sides approximately 10 yards apart.  8 workouts (4 per side).  1 minute per work out (no reps; just go until time). 15 seconds to get to the other side via bear crawl, crab walk, jog, side shuffle, jog backwards.

Side 1

  • Thrusters
  • Side to side over brick (start with right and left foot on ground on right side of block, left foot up to block, right foot up to block, left foot down to ground on other side, right foot down to ground on other side; do it as fast as you can)
  • Stork brick row (one leg on ground, bend over with other leg going straight back, pick up brick with one hand, single row with brick, replace brick, back to upright position; alternate legs)
  • Superman

Side 2

  • Merkins over block (left hand on ground, right hand on block, merkin; left and right hand on block, merkin; right hand on ground, left hand on block, merkin – reverse)
  • Single leg v-ups (left hand to right leg; right hand to left leg)
  • In place lunge (leg forward; leg backward) with CMU, rotate side to side after forward and backward; repeat for other leg
  • Dirty 30s (30 suitcases, 30 American hammers, 30 second suitcase hold) – suitcase is similar to LBC but legs go straight out as your back goes towards the ground)

30 second suitcase hold
Espy, Napster, Drifter, Veep, Grouch
1 Peter 5:9-10 Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.

While Peter is talking to those who are called to be shepherds of God’s flock, the idea of suffering rings true for all his sheep as he states in verse 9 by saying “knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.”

YHWY never said this life would be easy but he did say that we will always have him to go to battle for us and strengthen us.  He knows that our burden will be too much to bear at times and we should not go it alone.  We need our brotherhood and our Father to overcome the trials of the enemy.  We should always look to encourage each other and pray for each other and why Galatians 6:2 says, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

The coop

THE SCENE: Just another February morning in the valley

Mosey to track some walking rdls and knee hugs along the way

  • The Cooper +
  • 10 burpees , 10 Squats, 10 HR Merkins
  • 1 lap around track
  • repeat decreasing reps by one.
  • 1 lap each round

On way back to grindstone from stop sign by track 10 walking lunges 10 steps. Repeat for about 50 yrds

10 leg raises 10 2ct flutter kicks

Being a father is such a special thing for a man. I have seen what it means to be a father from a lot of different perspectives. From losing my father at a young age, becoming a father at 21, or being a step father to a young man who’s own father is not in his life as he should be I have seen the affect a father has on family and kids.

I wanted to share three quotes from a book i have about being a father

Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad”

To become a father is not hard. To be a father, however, is.”

“It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father.”


Fat Amy visits the bombshelter

THE SCENE: Dark n 30s

Imperial walkers x10 IC, 1 burp, squats IC, 2 burp, IMP squat walkers, 3 burps, Hill billies, 4 burp, and back down……

  • Fat Amy:
    50 Squats
    – 10 Burpees
    40 BBS
    – 10 Burpees
    Lunge to cone( 60 yards) run the toll bridge, ricky bobby loop back to the pavalon
    – 10 Burpees
    20 Star Jacks
    – 10 Burpees
    Bear crawl to cone (60 yards) run the toll bridge, ricky bobby loop back to the pavalon
    – 10 Burpees
    20 Star Jacks
    – 10 Burpees
    Lunge grinder to cone (60 yards) run the toll bridge, ricky bobby loop back to the pavalon
    – 10 Burpees
    40 BBS
    – 10 Burpees
    50 Squats

LBC IC x10, Flutters IC x10, Hello dolly IC x10, LBC x10 IC
7 brothers
Darkness cannot drive out darkness, onlyy light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.

-Dr Martin Luther King Jr.
I expanded on this a little in the COT but need I say more here?
After almost 4 years of Radio Shack…..he has his first Q this thursday! I am excited for him and. Its never too late!


THE SCENE: Clear skies, balmy 28 degree


10 thighmaster IC bilateral

10 jump squats OYO

5 burpee OYO

Mosey around the loop used for beatdown.

6 cones laid on benches along running path with one starting at grindstone. 5 burpee buy in before running loop. At each bench perform the prescribed exercises:

incline merkin

split squat

decline merkin

Rep count for first loop is 10. Second loop is 15. Third is 20. Once all loops completed, move on to next exercise.

Ring of fire, sent squats around circle while pax hold Al gore with increasing rep count

Ring of fire, sent tempo merkin around circle while pax hold high plank with increasing rep count

hold iron cross to hello dolly IC x 10

Alphabet abs spelling I LOVE F3!

Heel taps IC x 20

LBCs to close

7 HIMs with special guest Espy at the Arsenal
I’ve been reading a few more books these days trying to invest in myself and grow in areas where I need it. I recently read a great book entitled Wild at Heart where the author John Eldredge talks about how men have lost themselves in this world. He uses words like freedom, adventure, and passion to describe things that men long for but are unable to attain due to mainly self limitations. The book really challenged me to find passion in things again and take chances in this life. Here is one of my favorite quotes from the book:

I have studied many times

the marble that was chiseled for me—

A boat with a furled sail at rest in a harbor.

In truth it pictures not my destination

But my life.

For love was offered to me, and I shrank from its disillusionment;

Sorrow knocked at my door, but I was afraid

Ambition called to me, but I dreaded the chances.

Yet all the while I hungered for meaning in my life

And now I know we must lift the sail

And catch the winds of destiny

Wherever they drive the boat.

To out meaning in one’s life may end in madness,

But life without meaning is the torture

Of restlessness and vague desire—

It is a boat longing for the sea and yet afraid.

– Edgar Lee Masters

Had to audible d/t too many reps for each exercise, was initially pyramid of 10 15 20 15 10
Avocado care package sent at end of week. Attend a beatdown to sign card/ deliver goods