F3 Knoxville

4 Cones in the Rain

THE SCENE: Rain but the temp was nice for December…around 60 degrees at circle up

Due to rain we grabbed some CMU’s and did warm-o-rama in pavilion.  20 SSH 4CT, Thai Fighter F and B x10, Cherry Picker x8, Some old man leg stretches, and slow table rows x10
Partner work- Partner 1 stayed and did round 1 CMU squat AMRAP while partner 2 did:

Mosey to parking lot perform 5 monkey humper’s at every cone (4  cones) and lunge in between…mosey back

Round 2 partner 1 did CMU Curl AMRAP while partner 2 did:

Mosey to parking lot perform 5 merkins at every cone (4 cones) and bear crawl in between…mosey back

Rinse and Repeat.


had about 30 seconds left so we did bbs oyo


Be more like Paul.  Be a HIM no matter your circumstance.  Don’t let circumstance control being content or not.

Stop Complaining

THE SCENE: 41 degrees at circle up.  Cloudy but dry

Start with 25 SSH on 4ct, 10 Tempo Merkin, 10 Windmills on 4ct, Cherry Picker x8, A little this and that, Baby arm circles forward and back x8

Everyone grab 2 CMU’s from pile and place them at the bottom of Little Everest. (leave them there and mosey to Circus Maximus.)


4 Cones set up around Circus Maximus. Perform 20 Merkin, 20 Monkey Humper, 20 Dry Docks, and 20 Freddie Mercury at each cone.  Mosey back up to little everest…Grab 2 CMU. Farmer carry up and then back down Little Everest.  Rinse and repeat.  (x3)

Mosey back to AO. Put away CMU’s.  It’s 6:15.

Didn’t have any time to visit Mary.

Read Matthew 3:16-17.  Jesus gets baptized by John the Baptist and God the Father publicly blesses his son.  We talked about the words that come out of our mouth.  What does it look like to publicly bless someone we love?  Our words are powerful.  Our inclination is to complain.  Complaining is something we have to constantly watch.  Challenge was to encourage those around us with our words.  Build them up, and not complain!


First Last and Last First

THE SCENE: Beautiful chilly morning, temps in low 30’s.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Pinto Twists, 10 Windmills, Plank Stretches, Michael Phelps.
Mosey to parking lot by Southern Ball Fields.  There will be eight cones set up in the parking lot.  Cone 1 and 8 will be on one side of the parking lot.  Cones 2 through 7 are on the other side of the parking lot.  We will circle clockwise around the cones.  The following will be the exercises at and from each cone:

  • Cone 1:  20 Squat Jumps.  Bernie Sanders to Cone 2.
  • Cone 2:  20 American Hammers (four count).  Crab Walk to Cone 3.
  • Cone 3:  20 Star Jumps.  Bear Crawl to Cone 4.
  • Cone 4:  20 Hello Dollies.  Broad Jump to Cone 5.
  • Cone 5:  10 Shoulder Taps (each shoulder).  Gorilla Hop to Cone 6.
  • Cone 6:  10 Hand Release Merkins.  Sprint to Cone 7.
  • Cone 7:  15 Iron Mikes (both legs = 1)  Bernie Sanders to Cone 8.
  • Come 8:  15 Dive Bombers.  Sprint all the way back to Cone 1.
  • Those finishing first rinse and repeat cycle until last man finishes first cycle.

Mosey to perimeter trail just past the pavilion at the southern ball fields.  We will do the following (what I call the 10 light nerve-wrecker) heading east and then north on the perimeter trail until we go on the boardwalk by the water and finally reach the serpentine sidewalk.  We will continue the 10 light nerve-wrecker on the serpentine sidewalk until we reach the roadway that is east of Pickett’s Charge.  With the 10 light nerve-wrecker, we run the length of 10 lights.  We then stop and do the following exercises in order:

  • 10 Big Boy Sit-ups
  • 20 Merkins
  • 30 Squats
  • 40 Baby Crunches.
  • Rinse and repeat until every man has gone through the cycle of exercises.  Then run another 10 lights and do it again.

Once at the roadway, we will mosey to the playground.  We will do elevens at the benches, starting with one bench dip and 10 bench jumps.

Mosey to CMU Pile.  Each man grabs a CMU.  We will do the following exercises:

  • 20 Overhead Presses
  • 50 Bench Presses
  • 20 Curls
  • 25 Rows

Put CMU’s back in pile.  Mosey to AO.

20 Box Cutters
11 men, no FNGs

Welcome Is Our Greeting

Matthew 20:  26- 28.  But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,c 27and whoever would be first among you must be your slave,d 28even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

At the Broylmpics last Saturday, I was one of the brothers who ran in the long distance run.  I started with the group and very quickly saw the group dash on ahead of me.  After about 1/4 of the race, Mandolin and I were consigned to last place.  We had already competed in all of the prior events.  Our bodies were aching and Mandolin was nursing a problematic leg.  We suffered onward.  About halfway through the race we see the brother who ended up being the overall Brolympics Champ, Woodshack, running towards us.  He joins us, at a pace that was much slower than his typical mosey, and encourages us throughout the remainder of the race.  He didn’t belittle us, didn’t ingratiate us, he just ran by us, commenting on the great effort he was seeing and inspiring us in a thoughtful and brotherly manner.  We finally get to the final stretch of the race along the Serpentine Sidewalk.  By this time, all others in the race had already finished it.  As I am running ahead, what do I see?  A whole line of bros coming towards us, giving us high fives and finishing the race with us.  I can’t tell you how good that made me feel.  These were my brothers.  I might have been the slowest on the distance run but I was one of them.  Something pushed me a little faster as I crossed that finish line.  And on past the finish line were the other bros, smiling at me, Hey Lillying me, and getting me in the breakfast line for some of Junk’s famous cooking.  A slice of heaven with my brothers.

This kind of fellowship is what we all need.  In F3, all are welcome, no matter what the age or what the athletic condition.  “No Man Left Behind” is our philosophy.  As Q leaders, we need to design our workouts to make sure that happens.  Those men who get to a particular destination first can keep on working on exercises, whether Burpees, Side Straddle Hops, Running in Place, or Big-Boy Sit-ups as they wait for the remaining men to catch up.  Sometimes, we even Wagon Wheel back to join our brothers at the six.

Here’s another thing that we need to remember in F3.  Those of us who are less athletic or less fit should not pridefully shun the efforts of the more athletic who come to meet us.  We should not be embarrassed or angry because we are slower.  We should greet those circling back with glee, accept their gift of encouragement.  We should also remember that we too, even though we may be less athletic, have so much to offer the brotherhood – whether it be our mumble-chatter, our humor, our smiles, our social leadership, our aged wisdom, or plain old humility.  We all are living examples to one another, to the community around us, and to the FNG’s we welcome to our PAX.
Prayers for Junk and his wife, for Messi and his wife, and for Cheatsheet’s friend who died at the age of 49.  Be with the friend’s family at this difficult time.
On December 7 at 7 am in the morning we will have a Convergence at the Truck Stop.  We will then go to Two Rivers Church nearby for a 3rd F Gathering with Manilow as our speaker.  Food from Einsteins Bagels will be provided.

Hey, guess what?  Today is Crawdad’s birthday.  The man is now 40.

Ironies of Our Life Journey

THE SCENE: Cloudy, temp in high 50’s.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Cherry Pickers, 5 Burpees, 10 Windmills, Seven Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward, Seven Wide Arm Circles Forward and Backward

Mosey to the landscaped island parking lot located south of the Northern Baseball Fields.  Bricks will be located at the entrance of the parking lot.  Each man will pick up two bricks.  We will do a Modified Route 66 around the parking lot.  Each man runs five parking spaces, does one Mini-Man-Maker, then runs five more parking spaces, does two Mini-Man-Makers, etc until he finally does 11 mini-makers.

Mosey to roadside start of the Serpentine Sidewalk.  We will do a Route 66 on this sidewalk as it heads to the Park Perimeter Trail running along the waterway.  We will start with one Dive Bomber at the first light and end with eleven Dive Bombers at the eleventh light.

Mosey to the end of the Serpentine Sidewalk where it meets the Park Perimeter Trail.  We will do 10 Imperial Walkers as a group.

Mosey to the beginning of Cardiac Hill.  We will run up hill stopping to do the following exercises at each turn:

  • Turn 1:  20 Carolina Drydocks
  • Turn 2:  20 Diamond Merkins
  • Turn 3:  20 Decline Merkins
  • Turn 4:  20 Bench Dips

Mosey to Parking Lot that is by the entrance gate to the Northern Ball Fields.  Each man grabs a CMU.  We will do the following in cadence:

  • 20 Overhead Presses
  • 20 Curls
  • Drop CMU and sprint to end of parking lot and back
  • 20 Rows
  • Drop CMU and sprint to end of parking lot and back
  • 20 Chest Pushes
  • Drop CMU and sprint to end of parking lot and back
  • 20 Squats with CMU at Chest

Drop off CMU’s and mosey to Pavilion.  We will do 25 Picnic Table Pull-ups

Mosey toward parking lot with landscaped islands that we were at for the mini man makers.  Stop at grassy area by ball field.

Football challenge:  Lilydipper throws ball down field.  First to catch it and bring it back wins.  If you are tagged by anyone you must drop the ball immediately.

Mosey to landscaped parking lot to pick up bricks we had left off.

Mosey back to AO.

15 Boxcutters.
Ten men with one FNG, a friend of Goober’s who was visiting from Indiana.  His name is Daniel and we gave him the F3 name of Shrinkwrap.
I have been reading lately about Identity Formation because I have talked about that subject in a Sunday School Class at my church and to a group I met with in my work as a psychologist.  Eric Erickson’s theory regarding the states of Identity Formation is quite influential among psychologists.  You can Google either Identity Formation or Eric Erickson to read about the subject.  A very good book that talks about our growth in identify formation and as human beings is by a Catholic Priest named Richard Rohr.  It is called Falling Upward:  A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life.  Rohr talks about some important ironies for those who grow successfully as human beings (growing in the HIM type of way, not in the way the world might identify as successful such as in power, wealth or fame).

  1. The supposed achievements of the first half of life, we find, fall short.
  2. In our life journey we find that what we originally thought we were searching for is not truly what we are searching for.
  3. The way up, we find, is often the way down.
  4. We must sacrifice something to achieve something greater. Illustration:  the journey in literature.  (The Odyssey, Lords of the Ring, Harry Potter)
  5. Losing, failing, falling, suffering, and encounters with sin are a necessary part of the journey.
  6. It is often when the ego is most deconstructed that we can hear things anew.
  7. The demand for perfect is the greatest enemy of the good. (Rules and getting it right are more important in first half of life).
  8. Higher stages of development are often misunderstood and attacked by those in lower stages (think of how Jesus was attacked by leaders of “organized religion”).


Prayer for Pinto whose mother passed away earlier this week.  Prayer for Hooker, her grandson, and Mr. Jinxy, her son-in-law.  Prayer for Goober’s friend, Bruce, whose mother and daughter died earlier this week.  Praise for the F3 brothers who were at Goliath last week and who did well there.  They also had a great bit of fun there.


The Prison Yard

THE SCENE: Steady rain, over all gloomy and around 57 degrees

Grab some CMU’s and head down to pavilion to warm up.  25 SSH on 4ct, 10 Windmills on 4ct, Little This and That with some  Michael Phelps
In the Dry

  • 1 Minute “jump rope”
  • 30 second squats
  • 1 min “jump rope”
  • 30 sec wall sit
  • 1 min “jump rope”
  • 30 sec Iron Mike’s

Rinse and repeat x3

Then CMU routine at Pavillion


Then mosey up little hill 2 burpees, rinse and repeat.  Got in 3 rounds

Had enough time for LBC’S OYO, ATM Cash out, and BB’S OYO

Message was about the importance of accountability and seeking out those men in your life who you can be vulnerable with and can share with.
“What we hunger for perhaps more than anything else is to be know in our full humanness, and yet that is often just what we also fear more than anything else.  It is important to tell at least from time to time the secret of who we truly and fully are…because otherwise we run the risk of losing track of who we truly and fully are an little by little come to accept instead the highly edited version of which we put forth in hope that the world will find it more acceptable than the real thing.  It is important to tell our secrets too because it makes it easier… for the other to tell us a secret or two of their own. ”

Fredrick Buechner