F3 Knoxville

Seabiscuits and Gravy


7-Cherry Pickers, 10 Windmills, 15-Hairy Rockettes, 10 Tempo Merkins, Karaoke, High Knees, Butt Kickers,
Mosey back to sophomore hill area with two sets of strides thrown in.

In the new parking lot facing sophomore hill we prepared for a modified Sea Biscuit:

10xSquats, 15xMerkins, 20xBBS

Followed by 1 lap (pick your poison for the laps with three options for distance .1 mile, .15 miles or .21 miles)

Repeato but add 1 lap after each round up to 4 laps then work your way back down.

Everyone made it through round 4 before calling recover.

Mosey back to the coupon pile and pick a good one.

With your coupon, perform 50 curls and 50 tricep extensions switching as needed. Once done hold a wall sit until the six is finished and completes a 10 count.

With your coupon, perform 20 picture hangers. Once done hold a wall sit until the six is finished and completes a 10 count.

Mosey back to the shovel flag

30 Flutter Kicks, 15 lbcs, 15 Side planks with dips – each side.

4 hit up JUCO: Rush for some speedwork, and 9 got a little taste of JUCO: Rush during the regular beatdown. High mileage day today.

Welcome FNG Gosling! Gosling’s dad is Lullaby who has been out a few times.

Talked briefly about the story of Stephen the Martyr and the courage that he showed in the face of persecution. Even as he was being stoned he cried out, “Lord Jesus” which was the main reason he was being stoned, calling Jesus Lord. He was willing to preach/speak the truth even to the point of death. Let’s take a lesson from Stephen and not be ashamed of the truth. Let us not back down in the face of persecution.

Need some more men to pick up Q’s.

CSAUP in July, sign up’s are already open.

Learning more about Dolphins & Daffodils

THE SCENE: Very nice

Crunchy Frog
Tempo Squat
Tempo Merkin
Freddy Mercuries


Mosey to the Courtyard, picking up a CMU baby along the way – making sure it didn’t touch the ground the entire workout and passed around to everybody to love on it.
4 Corners to some Tunes
First Round 10, 20, 30, and 40 Merkins
Second Round 10, 20, 30, and 40 4-count Mountain Climbers
Third Round 10, 20, 30, and 40 Monkey Humpers
Fourth Round 10, 20, 30, and 40 LBCs
Fifth Round 10, 20, 30 flutter kicks (time)
Periodically taking a break and doing squats during “Thunder” by Imagine Dragon


Hello Dolly
Big Boys



Part 2 of Missionality in the life of the High Impact Man

Missionality is Service in the High Impact Zone. To Live Right, a HIM must exert the majority of his efforts to Serve within his personal HIZ, the boundaries of which are defined by his Mission.

Mission is the course of action taken to achieve an articulated Purpose. The course of action is comprised of the individual Tasks the HIM undertakes to bring his Purpose into fruition. These Tasks are not random, but are the outgrowth of the Skills for which he is most suited, the things that he does with the most ease and familiarity and constantly improves through Practice.

Building on Kickflip’s message about the Dolphin, The Daffodil represents the people-category that a man is born to Serve with his Dolphin. Like the Dolphin, a man’s Daffodil is a matter of hard-wiring. There are men who continue to coach soccer even after their kids have stopped playing. It took me awhile, but my Daffodil is engaging, collaborating, and helping veterans in their post-military career. Each one of us has both a Dolphin ability and Daffodil passion. The HIM loves all of mankind equally, except for his Daffodil. He loves his Daffodil more, because that is who he was born to Serve.

Part 3 on Friday!

Your Dolphin?

THE SCENE:  So nice.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

Seal clap
Overhead clap
Let it hang
Cherry pickers
Tempo Squats
Down/up dog
Tempo merkins
Mountain climbers


Mosey to Jucomanjaro, where there are 8 cones spaced 50’ from each other.

At the base of the hill do 15 squats, 15 merkins, 15 mountain climbers (2 count).  Run to the cone, do exercise on the cone, run back down.  Each time at the base, do the 15 squats, 15 merkins, 15 mountain climbers (4 count).  Repeat for all cones.

Cone 1: 10 Burpees
Cone 2: 20 Carolina dry docks
Cone 3: 30 Bobby Hurleys
Cone 4: 40 side crunches (20 each side)
Cone 5: 50 Pickle pounders
Cone 6: 60 Hello Dolly (single count)
Cone 7: 70 flutter kicks (2 count)
Cone 8: 80 SSH

Mosey to the Hardin Valley house.  Grab a block.  50’s.

40 curls + 10 presses
30 curls + 20 presses
20 curls + 30 presses
10 curls + 40 presses

In between each set, Everest up the hill, run down the steps.


Heavy LBCs
Heavy Flutter kicks
Heavy BBS
Mosey to the flag
Freddy Mercury
Side plank E2K




I have bad news and good news.  The bad news is, by itself this message is not going to make much sense.  Because…it is only Part 1 of a 3-part message that you will get this week.  The good news is 5k is going to give you Part 2 on Wednesday, and Booster will really bring it all together on Friday.  You won’t want to miss it – be back out here on Wednesday and Friday!

Part I:

Mt Everest – 29,000 ft.  The highest point on earth.  Captivating and deadly.  In the 1920’s to conquer this mountain was the greatest challenge remaining in the Golden Age of Adventure.  Everest was the edge of heaven, where many believed no human could survive.  But not George Mallory….

Mallory was part of three expeditions to Mount Everest in the 1920’s.  As an admired climber in Europe, he was a likely candidate for these trips.  He wanted to be part of climbing the highest peak in the world and, for Mallory, climbing was about much more than just the physical challenge.  Like others who were involved, he felt that climbing Everest was a step in the progress of humankind toward achieving its full potential – he felt as though he were in the service of something greater than himself.

The first trip was for reconnaissance. There was much mapping, charting, and getting to know the area to scope out a possible route to the top.  The second effort included several attempts to get to the summit with no success.  When asked to participate in the third expedition, Mallory at 37 years old, knew it would be his last chance.  So, once again he went to the mountain… On June 7, 1924, he made a bid for the top and was never seen alive again.  We don’t know if Mallory made the summit.  Some believe that he did – and was, therefore, the first man in history to do so.  Others think he could not have made it.  What we do know is that 97 years ago, George Mallory died doing what he was born to do.

In the F3 Q Source, 2.3 is about serving in the high impact zone.  In that chapter, we are introduced to the concept of your DolphinYour Dolphin is your unique gift, the thing you do better than anything else and the thing you do better than most other people can do it. (From the Q Source) “F3 chose the dolphin to symbolize man’s unique gift because the dolphin is a mammal that was born to swim but cannot do most of the other things that mammals do.  The dolphin’s Dolphin is swimming. It does that better than anything else it can do, and better than most any other mammal can.”

1 Peter 4:10, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another…”

George Mallory’s Dolphin was climbing mountains.  It was the thing he did best – and he was better at it than most any man alive.  He gave the best of himself – his skill and talent for mountaineering – to what he considered to be the betterment of humanity.

Today and tomorrow, be thinking about, “What is your Dolphin?”  What is it that you do best – and do better than most other people you know?

Come back on Wednesday for Part 2 of this message!


The opening lines of this Word are the opening lines of a documentary called “The Wildest Dream” narrated by Liam Neeson.  Go ahead and read it again…this time in Neeson’s voice.  So much cooler, am I right?!

Nice to have Gump back out with us!


Prayer of thanks for Pool Boy’s mother

40 is the new 20

THE SCENE: Warm and humid

Cherry pickers, Windmills, Overhead claps, Merkins, BBS, Calf raises, a few sprints in the parking lot
Mosey to the courtyard:

  • 21s with decline merkins and bonnie blairs
  • 20/20 vision with dips and step ups on the wall

Mosey to the lake for a burpee your buddy lap.  (2 teams everytime you pass a member of other team they do a burpee)

Work back to main AO stopping for 40 LBC and flutter kicks along the way.

Circle up and hold feet off ground while others run around and push feet down.

Don’t worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.
With everything in the world that we seek, remember to ask God and be thankful for what we have.
Memorial day work out


THE SCENE: Dry; no longer cool

Harry Rockets | Overhead Claps | Seal Claps | Maracan Night Club | Channuks| Twinkle Toes| Let It Hang | Reach for the stars

Warm up across the parking lot at 50% and 75%, then Duck Walk to the Duck Pond.

20 Guardrail hops, hold a plank for the 6 and then line up in 2 lines for double black snake.

We arrived the newest parking lot did Skipping Bernie Karaoke in one direction and frog jumping, boo boo bear, crab walks in the other direction.

Mosey to a pit we’ve always skipped where we found 6 balls with numbers and 6 exercises.  Putting the two togehter we did star jacks, peter parker merkins, crabby pickles, and other things that made us look silly.

Mosey to a brick bench for some step ups and monkey humpers.

Monkey Humpers | Flutter Kicks | Super Man | Hello Dolly | Pickle Pointers | Calf Raises
22 HIMS (2 2.0’s, one got his age right, well done Blow Dart)

Today’s exercises were selected with the criteria of looking ridiculous.  It worked, well done.  We don’t hesitate to look undignified out here.  We do monkey humpers and skip and karaoke and overall look nuts.

It makes me think of King David’s second act as king.  He kicks some sweaty Philistine butt and then brings the Ark back to Jerusalem.  And he is so filled with the joy of the Lord he finds himself dancing in a linen ephod.  After his first wife gives him a hard time about how ridiculous he looked, he made it clear some things are worth cashing in our chips.

If you get a chance to stand for the name of Jesus Christ, do not give in to fear or worry about what you look like.

“I will celebrate before the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes.”
2 Samuel 6:21‭b-‬22a NIV

And I will be undignified
And I will praise the Lord my God with all my might
And I will leave my pride behind
And I will praise the Lord my God with all my life
Everything on the altar now
I won’t hold back, I won’t hold out
I don’t care what the world may say
I’m abandoned to reckless praise
Oh my soul, will not bow to the fear
Oh I will not bow
Take some time today to worship along with my Irish friends in an undignified way.