F3 Knoxville

Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God


THE SCENE: Mid 70s with sprinkles.

Cherry pickers x 7, little baby arm circles forward and backward, harry rockettes, hand release merkins and tempo squats
Ran to the parking lot with Maple Street biscuits. Every business you do a workout. After every business, you run around the buildings. First business was:

Maple Street

  • Curls x 21
  • BBS x 21
  • Squats x 21

Hot Yoga

  • Plank Pose for 1 minutes
  • Side Plank Pose for 30 seconds each side
  • Lord of the Dance pose 30 seconds each leg

Martial Arts Business

  • Harry Squatettes x 10 each leg
  • Donkey Kicks x 15

Hard Knox Pizza

  • Curls x 21
  • BBS x 21
  • Squats x 21

Sherwin Williams Paint

  • Squat Press x 20
  • Straight Arm Rainbow Drops x 10 each side

Barber Shop

  • Tricep extensions x 30
  • Wall sit with arms extended for 1 minute

Dickey’s BBQ

  • Curls x 21
  • BBS x 21
  • Squats x 21

The Word came from 1 Corinthians 10:23-33, the main verse being 31, “Therefore, whatever you do, whether you eat or drink, do it all for the glory of God.” I know that Christians know this verse and have heard it many times, it is nothing new. But it is easy to forget as we go about our busy lives with work, school, kids, families and everything else we do. It is a good reminder that we don’t just go about our days monotonously and aimlessly. We have been given a purpose, to glorify God in all we do and enjoy Him. And then in verse 33 that one of the reasons we do this is so that non-Christians might see this and be saved. Our actions matter, how we treat people, how we have discussions, how we do our work, it matters. So, let us aim to glorify God and enjoy Him and let us seek to point people to Him while we do that.