F3 Knoxville

We didn’t melt…

THE SCENE: A wet 55 degrees.
Good morning!
You gentlemen are here for F3. That stands for fitness, fellowship, & Faith. This is a free workout. You are here on your own volition. I do not know your injuries. Modify if necessary. Modification does not always mean backing down if something is too easy, I encourage you to add on. Covid guidelines make sure you maintaining 6 feet of space and we will not be sharing equipment. Let’s get started!

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
10 Windmills in cadence
10 tempo merkins
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Cherry Pickers
Side straddle hop in cadence 20

  • Mosey to the large parking lot w/ the person up front falling off for 2 burpees after a 5 count
  • Soccer drill on the curb
  • Walking lunges to the next line 1 burpee
    Bernie back

    Sprint two lines 2 burpees
    Bernie back

    Bear crawl back to the 2nd line
    Flutter Kicks x20
    Repeat from new starting point

  • Mosey with the person in the back weaving to the front to the coupon pile
  • 10 Blockees run up the stairs and do 5 pull ups
  • 20 Thrusters run up the stairs and do 5 pull ups
  • 30 Curls run up the stairs and do 5 pull ups
  • Flutter kicks in cadence
  • Mosey to the flag stopping for flutter kicks and Freddy Mercury

Mucho Chesto

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
So what’s the #1 commandment? Put God first.
What did Jesus say was the 2nd most important commandment?
Love thy neighbor as much as you love thyself.
Why is this so difficult?! That’s a question. Why?!
Our neighbor doesn’t necessarily mean our next door neighbor. It could be anyone we encounter.
The truth is, we don’t know what someone is going through and a simple act of kindness or a smile can be a game changer.
I challenge you to be kind to everyone you encounter this week. Volunteer your time to help someone , give blood, a simple smile can go a long way. Do it even if you don’t get a “Thank you” or a smile back. That’s not why you’re doing this!
Matthew 22:34-40
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Pelli Pond Circuit

THE SCENE: A bit cool for this time of year, but all good


Mt Climbers
Catalina Wine Mixer
Tempo Squat
Captain Thor


Indian Run/Last Man Up
– Circuit Training at the Pond
— Station 1 = 10 Burpos
— Station 2 =10 Catalina Wine Mixer
— Station 3 = 10:40 Captain Thor
— Station 4 = 20 Merkins
4 laps

MARY: No Time



Prov 6:16-19
16There are six things that the Lord hates,
seven that are an abomination to him:
17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked plans,
feet that make haste to run to evil,
19 a false witness who breathes out lies,
and one who sows discord among brothers.

Anger should be controlled except in the area of sin; we should hate sin as much as God does.  Direct your anger towards sin (not the sinner) and realize how important that is in part of the sanctification process – abhor sin in the way our Father does and we’ll be less likely to repeat it.


My 2nd VQ

THE SCENE: 50°F, Clear sky

  • SSH x20 IC
  • Merkins x10 IC
  • Squats x10 IC
  • Burpees x5 OYO

Mosey to the front of the rec center

Four Corners
Round 1
C1: Squats x20, C2: Pull-ups x5, C3: Flutter Kicks x40 single count, C4: Merkins x20
Repeat 3 times

Round 2
C1: Flamigos x10 each leg, C2: Balls to the Wall x30secs, C3: Plank x30sec, C4: Dry Docks x20
Repeat 3 times

Round 3
C1: Single leg squats x10 each leg, C2: Pull-ups x5, C3: Heels to Heaven x20, C4: Diamond Merkins x20
Repeat 3 times

Indian Run back to SP

5K, Butter Knife, Kick-Flip, Spotter, Erector, Wheelchair, Mailbox, Betty, Wanderer, Guardrail, Hound Dog, Booster, Pelosi, Commission, Sunrise, Dart Gun, Archie (QIC)

I missed my Marathon goal and I have had to process through it. I was very disappointing but I have to decide how to respond.

First keep things in perspective:
“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”
‭‭1 Timothy 4:8 NIV‬‬

Second, when the results matter more than a marathon time, do your best and leave the results up to God:
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”
‭‭2 Timothy 2:15 NIV‬‬

Doubt It

THE SCENE:   60 and calm.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

  • Cherry pickers
  • Moroccan nightclub
  • Seal jacks
  • Mosey to the recruitment center


9 stations set out.  Each station has an exercise and a “PAR” number of reps.  Every 50 seconds, a whistle will sound.  Rotate to the next station and perform as many reps as possible.  Keep track of your score against the PAR.  The timer never stops – the faster you move to the next station and start, the more time you’ll have to get your reps in.  Hustle!

Front 9 exercises were:

CMU Split Squat (Left) PAR:  15
CMU Split Squat (Right) PAR:  15
Farmer Carry Stair Climb (up and down) PAR:  8
Pull-ups PAR:  5
Squat Slam PAR:  10
CMU Swing PAR:  20
Tire Flip PAR:  10
Bench press PAR:  25
CMU Curls PAR:  25

30 second rest then on to the Back 9

Exercises were:

Single-Arm Thruster (Left) PAR:  10
Single-Arm Thruster (Right) PAR:  10
Stack Squat PAR:  20
Chin-ups PAR:  5
Chest Throw (2 space min) PAR:  10
Blockee PAR:  5
Tire Hit PAR:  25
Weighted step up PAR:  20
Overhead Triceps Extension PAR:  25

What was your score?

Quick mosey around the building

Now REPEAT THE WHOLE THING AGAIN (backwards) – beat your score from the first time!


No time!


7 men

When I was 10 years old, I had my mind blown.  It was a Saturday night, and my family was at the historic Fox Theater in St. Louis, MO.  We were there to see one of my childhood idols, David Copperfield.  We sat about 30 rows back in the theater and watched Copperfield perform this illusion… He parades around the stage to dramatic music…two beautiful assistants hold a sheet in front of him…and when the sheet drops, the dude is gone!  A moment later – it couldn’t have been more than 5 seconds – he shows up right behind me, sitting on a Harley Davidson in the middle of the audience.  DUDE!  Mind blown!

It was on April 8th thirty-eight years ago that David Copperfield performed what has been called the greatest illusion of all time.  In front of a live audience on Ellis Island, he made the Statue of Liberty disappear! (Then reappear!)  When I watched that illusion on a recording, despite my awesome personal experience with David Copperfield – and despite the awestruck reactions of the live witnesses on Ellis Island, I remember thinking as a boy, “I doubt it.  I doubt he actually made the Statue Disappear”.

I started thinking about “doubt” on Sunday.  At our breakfast table, I was reading the Easter story to my kids.  Mary and Mary find the tomb empty, and an angel instructs them, “tell the disciples to meet Jesus in Galilee”.  The disciples go and scripture records the encounter between them and Jesus, “When they saw him, they worshiped, but some doubted” (Mathew 28:17).  Doubted?  The disciples, who had spent years with Jesus and seen countless miracles, they doubted?

What does Jesus think about those who doubt him?  Is he offended?  Is he petty?  Does he kick doubters off the team and exclude them from his mission?  We can read about Jesus imploring his followers not to doubt – but when they inevitably do, what then?

Let’s look at an earlier time when Jesus was in Galilee.  In Mathew 11, we read that John the Baptist was in prison.  John sends his disciples to confront Jesus and ask him, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?”  John the Baptist…Jesus’ cousin…the man who baptized Jesus…who heard the voice of God and saw the Spirit descend from heaven and land on Jesus…he had doubts.  You’d think if Jesus was going to be incredulous with anyone for doubting him, it would be John.  But how does Jesus react?  Immediately after being confronted with John’s doubt, he says “I tell you the truth, of all who have ever lived, none is greater than John the Baptist” (Mathew 11:11).  There is no hint of pettiness.  There is no condemnation for skepticism.  Quite the opposite, Jesus expresses his adoration for John after being publicly doubted by him. 

Reverend Henry Drummond said, “Christ never failed to distinguish between doubt and unbelief. Doubt is can’t believe. Unbelief is won’t believe. Doubt is honesty. Unbelief is obstinacy.  Doubt is looking for light. Unbelief is content with darkness.”  Doubt is looking for light…  Healthy doubt can be a catalyst to the growth of your faith.  It has been called “the incentive to truth” and the “twin brother of faith” (hat tips Hosea Ballou and Kahlil Gibran).  It can be a motive to explore your faith and to quarry for truth when you are unsatisfied with superficial answersThe foundations and truths of our faith WILL hold up to my doubts and your doubts.  Healthy doubt can ultimately lead you to a stronger and deeper faith.

Sometimes doubting is not a lack of faith, but an expression of it. Sometimes to doubt is to merely insist that God be taken seriously not frivolously, to insist that our faith is placed in and upheld by something other than seeming conjuring tricks.” – Mark Buchanan (Jinxy?! 😊)

Back to the doubting disciples – what happens to them?  As they are doubting him, Jesus assigns them the Great Commission, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations…” and promises them, “I am with you always, to the end of the age”.  No condemnation.  You’re still part of the team.  You’re still part of God’s plan.

Thank you, God, for not condemning us because our doubt.  Help us use that doubt as a springboard to explore the depths of your heart.  Increase our faith!


Prayers for Snagg, Biohack, and Colonel.

Good to have Wanderer and Miss Fire out for some heavy PT!

5:30 am is too early for all that mental math!


Be Peculiar

THE SCENE: low 30s on this fine April morning.

20 SSH, 15 Moroccan night club, 10 tempo Merkins, 10 tempo squats, 15 Imperial walkers, 5 cherry pickers
Indian run to the coupon pile. Circuit workout prepared by YHC.

  • 20 overhead presses and run up the stairs
  • 10 pull-ups or as many as you can with bar hang or modification as needed
  • Mosey around the corner to the Sophomore
  • 20 merkins and run to the corner diagonal from present location
  • 20 squats
  • Mosey back toward the coupon pile but stop at the intersection
  • 10 burpees and mosey to the corner of the maintenance building
  • 20, 2-ct flutter kicks

15 Hello Dolly, 20 side crunches (total), 10 pistol crunches (total), protractor
11 took on this “pain and simple workout” (See what I did there?)😜
I Pet. 2:9-10 NASB

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a hold nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of the darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.”

The King James renders “a people of God’s own possession” as “a peculiar people”. We are set apart and different because we belong to God. Therefore, what should be look like? Should we act differently than those who are not God’s possession? The Bible teaches that we should be different. Think about how you behave around people who are not believers. Can they tell that you act differently? That you have a higher moral standard? If there is nothing about how we present ourselves to the world that looks different, then we have some work to do. We should stand out in a crowd in the way that we act. This is my challenge. Ask yourself this, “Do the people around me know that I am a follower of Christ by the way I act? If the answer is “no”, then work on making changes to make yourself “peculiar”.