F3 Knoxville

March Madness with 2.0s

THE SCENE: 50s, dense fog to drizzle

  • Reach for the sky
  • Let it hang
  • Neck Rolls
  • Arm Circles Forward, Backward, Morrocan Night Clubs, OH Claps x 10 each
  • Hip Circles in cadence
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Tempo Merkins

Find the curb – then Lunge and Twist, Toy Soldiers and Elbow to Instep

Mosey to the “Court”yard of paradise for March Madness Doras

  • Bobby Hurleys x 200
  • Dips x 150
  • Bonnie Blairs x 100
  • Merkins x 50
  • Bobby Hurleys x 200 because coach said to do more freethrows when you are tired.

Mosey, wagonwheel, jailbreak back to the flag

Flutterkicks x 25

Sidestraddle hops x 25
18 HIMS, 3 named 2.0s and 10 FNG 2.0s
Happy St. Patricks Day!  Did you know that St. Patricks Day is not about Irish Traditions, it is about the spread of the Gospel by St. Patrick in Ireland after he was kidnapped at age 16 from Britain, forced to work in Ireland, escaped slavery only to return to plant churches all over Ireland.  The truth can be lost some 1600 years after things happen.  So lets talk about Lies — what is the worst that can happen when we think about Lies?  The Pax correctly answered, “We can believe them.”

Satan, the enemy, Jesus said is the father of lies – John 8:44.  Jesus said, “I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life.” John 14:6.  Let’s talk about one of God’s important truths — the fruits of the Spirit — love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (of which against there is no law)  Think about where God put Adam and Eve — in the Garden of Eden.  We are constantly surrounded by manmade homes, buildings and materials, but when we get into nature, we see how God makes things.  This is how it works inside our souls.  God granted me a great peace that passes understanding in my greatest time of need, and I believe it was because of my love for God and belief that my faith mattered.  The agricultural theme throughout the Bible is not just for the people of the day to understand, but it is how God works.

I encourage you all to read Matthew 13:1–23, Mark 4:1–20, Luke 8:4–15 — the Parable of the Sower of the Seed.  We cannot earn the fruits of the Spirit but we can resist the lies of the enemy, deceitfulness of wealth and world systems, and desire of the flesh to live when faced with persecution.  We can also prepare our soil through unity with God.  The oneness with God thru Jesus Christ gives us light from the fierce fiery love of God and saturates us with the River of Life from the throne room of God.  This COT is a continuation of a Q previously: Psalms 37:4, “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”  Decided to read this literally, by delighting in the Lord, HE will literally give me the pure, holy desires in my heart (not give me what I desire).  Desire is the fuel that waters Passion, and Passion is the soil from which Purpose can Grow  =   Abundant Life.
Please pray for my friend, Nick Osborn’s healing from cancer and salvation.


THE SCENE: 37 degrees and cool

10 baby arm circles in cadence

10 reverse baby arm circles in cadence

10 cherry pickers in cadence

50 SSH in cadence

warm up mosey around the lot
Assfaults AO Assault- 6 stations- 1 minute work then 20 seconds to bear crawl to next station 4 rounds

  • Man makers
  • Burpee mountain climbers
  • Flutter kicks
  • Burpee with 2 merkins
  • Burpee
  • hello dolly

50 SSH in cadence

25 4 ct American hammers in cadence
21 no FNGs: Frenchie, Uncle Rico, Mailbox, Wax Job, Frosty, Butters, Repeat, Spotter, Hound Dog, Assfault, Pool Boy, Dart Gun, Wanderer, Commision, Kickflip, Guardrail, Survivor, Archie, Erector, Booster, Butterknife
Referenced the Q source regarding the meaning of IMPACT

Lighting the Arsenal’s Cannons

THE SCENE: Low/Mid 30’s with some sunshine
This is F3, Stands for Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith
It is a FREE workout
I am not a professional
You are here on your own volition
I have no knowledge of any injuries or your fitness considerations
It is your individual responsibility to be safe and to modify exercises if you need to, we all do it

  • SSH – 15 (IC)
  • LBAC – F/B – 10 (IC)
  • Air Squat – 10 (IC)
  • Merkin – 10 (IC)
  • BBS – 10 (IC)

Active Warm-O-Rama – Ring of Fire:

  • While Pax are still in circle have everyone alternating between plank and Al-Gore. 1 Pax will run to the center of the circle and burnie back. Once they return to the plank position the next Pax member goes. Rinse and repeat until all Pax have run to the center and back.

** Have Pax number off by 1s and 2s. 1s will go with Drifter to the Baseball Field and 2s will go with Moses to the Football Field.


Baseball Field: Bleacher Work
5 Minute AMRAP:

  • Step-ups – 10 each leg
  • Incline Merkins – 10 (4ct)
  • Dips – 10 (4ct)
  • Step-ups – 10 each leg
  • Decline Merkins – 10 (4ct)
  • Dips – 10 (4ct)

Mosey to Outfield:

  • Suicides – 30 seconds
  • LBC – 20 (4ct)
  • Suicides – 30 Seconds
  • BBS – 10 (4ct)

Rinse & repeat until other group is done

Football Field Work

Place cones at 10, 20, 30, and 40 yards. Pax will run to first cone, complete the exercise and run back. Then run to the 2nd cone complete the exercise, run back. 3rd cone exercise, run back. 4th cone exercise, run back. Rinse and repeat.
5 Minute AMRAP

Circuit 1: Legs

  • 1st cone 10 lunges in place
  • 2nd cone 5 burpees
  • 3rd cone 10 squats
  • 4th cone 5 burpees

Circuit 2: Abs

  • 1st cone 10 BBS
  • 2nd cone 10 American Hammers (count only one side)
  • 3rd cone 10 Hello Dolly (single count)
  • 4th cone 30 LBC

Suicides on cones 1-4 until 15 minutes is up.

Q2 and Q1 Groups flap jack and repeat circuits.

Merge Groups and mosey to Shovel Flag and present the flag

The shovel flag is one of the classic symbols of F3. No matter where you are within F3 Nation, the Shovel Flag is the one true physical link that connects us all. Just like we leave no man where we find them, the Shovel Flag is portable so that it can be carried forward and shared with others.

This shovel flag represents Respect: respect for country, respect for those who hae served and currently serve to protect our freedoms, and respect for the other AO’s across F3 Nation where similar flags are planted ever week

It represents Hard Work: it bears witness to the blood, sweat, and tears of the men of F3 who gather together at some obscene early hour to get better physically while finding new mental limits. Men getting stronger, fit, and conditioned to handle life’s challenges – most of which are not physical at all – Hard Work

This flag also represents the lives of men being changed. Men are moving from being passive participants in life, to being present. Present in our families, present in our places of work and worship, and present in our communities.

Mosey to SP (Smuggler leading the way carrying the flag)


We returned with a little extra time to spare so we decided to push through a few more variations of Merkins!

  • Regular Merkin 10(IC)
  • Wide Merkin 10(IC)
  • Dimond Merkin 5(IC)
  • 6” Crunch 10(IC)
  • Gas Pumps 15(OYO)
  • Ankle Touches 20(IC)
  • LBC for time!

48 Pax! Included (2) 2.0s and (1) FNG – Welcome ‘That Guy’

F3 has always been and will always be more than a workout.  We definitely want to push ourselves and each other physically, but we also want to grow relationally and spiritually.  The PAX is unique in many ways, But the one that is most important to remember is that we are not out here to compete against each other, but collaborate together to grow as husbands, fathers, sons, employees, employers, friends, and neighbors.  We are bound together under a high power for a greater purpose. And I pray that this group of men will continue to lead they way in setting the example for others.



Running is Easy

THE SCENE: Perfect crisp morning. Dark and upper-30s.

Moroccan Night Club IC x 10

Over Head Clap IC x 10

Harry Rockets IC x 10

SSH IC x 20

Mosey to Sophomore hill in two lines, back pax sprinting forward.

Four corners (3 laps):

10 knee-ups (jumps) then Bernie up

5 each side offset merkins then side shuffle

10 squat jacks then mosey

10 diamond merkins then side shuffle

Hello Dolly and Heels to Heaven until the six was back.

Mosey to the coupon pile:

Inch worm and then Rifle Carry your coupons to Stadium hill.

Focus on form: Tempo merkins and Tempo squats 

Form punishment: Bear crawl stadium hill with a burpee at the top.

As we wait for the spilled merlot to settle: curls and overhead press with tricep extension with you coupon (20 each).

Mosey back to the guardrail and polish off 30 Derkins and Dips.

Thanks to Wheelchair; Suicides down every other parking spot.

20 Imperial Walkers IC

BBS to time (about three)
13 HIMs, no FNGs

Have you guys ever fasted?  The act of withholding food (and sometimes water) for an intentional predetermined period of time?

I recently had someone provide some great insight about his experiences with fasting and I’ll be honest….I had never done it before.

The Purpose of Fasting

1. Natural reaction to grief over the loss of a loved one (David)

2. More often, fasting was done to purposely “afflict the soul (Leviticus 23:26-32)” or chasten the soul (Ps 69:10)”

3. The purpose of such affliction was to “humble” the soul (Ps 35:13), and not for any affect it might have on the body (i.e., dieting should not be the primary driver for a fast to the Lord).

4. Evidently, they felt that by so humbling themselves they would more likely incur God’s favor–Ezra 8:21-23 (Is 57:15; 66:1-2)

a. It seemed to work!  Think of Jonah, Ahab (1 Kings), Nehemiah

5. Because of the seeking of God’s favor, fasting would almost always be accompanied with prayer

The last one is where I decided to focus recently.  I took a day and decided to spend some time in prayer and focus about a couple of topics that have been hanging over me or pulling at my heart.

I want to encourage you guys to look at your heart or think about a topic that may be something you could benefit from spending some time in prayer or internal focus by fasting.


Prayers lifted for those who have family members and friends who have passed or are sick along with words for everyone to reflect on “Susie” who is truly struggling to make ends meat and how we should be humbled and look for opportunities to help others.
F3 Arsenal launch tomorrow at 7:00.

Check Your Hearing

THE SCENE:  35 and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

Moroccan Nightclub
Overhead Claps
Tempo Squats
Up/Down Dog
Black snake to the back lot
Bernie the length of the lot
Lunge/broad jump/lunge the length of the lot


Five Lines spaced ~50’ apart. 

  • Bear crawl to 1st line.  40 merkins.  Sprint to the 5th line and back to start.
  • Bear crawl to 2nd line.  30 merkins.  Sprint to the 5th line and back to start.
  • Bear crawl to 3rd line.  20 merkins.  Sprint to the 5th line and back to start.
  • Bear crawl to 4th line.  10 merkins.  Sprint back to start.

Lunge walk/mosey to the coupons


P1:  Up the steps – touch the wall – come back
P2: Exercise

100 – Uneven Merkins
150 – Overhead press
200 – Heavy LBC
250 – Curls
300 – Coupon Squat

Mosey to the benches – Bulgarian split squats x 20 each

Mosey home.


PAX Choice with some Dolly, American hammer, heels to heaven, plank


9 + 5 Rushians


Today is International Ear Care Day.  Last year’s theme for IECD was “Check Your Hearing” – and that’s what we are going to talk about this morning…checking our hearing

What do you think about when we talk of “listening for the voice of God”?  What does that look like?  What does God’s voice sound like?  Should we expect an audible voice? A flash of lightning? A vision in the clouds?  I’d love to hear an audible voice – but I don’t expect it.  Instead, I think about hearing God’s voice when I “listen” with my heart and my spirit.

In the book of Jerimiah…starting in Chapter 7 the prophet is standing at the gate of a city and relaying God’s words to the occupants.  As he reminisces on the Israelites experience after they left Egypt, Jeremiah says (speaking from God’s perspective), “I have spoken to you time and again, but you wouldn’t listen and I have called you but you wouldn’t answer” (vs 13). Later (vs 24), “(I gave) them this command, ‘Obey me, and then I will be your God, and you will be my people. Follow every way I command you so that it may go well with you”.  Then, “but they harkened not, nor inclined their ear.”

The Hebrew word from this passage which we translate as “inclined” is natah.  Traced to its Semitic root, you find it is a musician’ term, used for the tightening of strings on an instrument to tune it.  The Hebrew word for “ear” is ‘azan, which means ear – but also in the Semitic, it is a term used for a musical instrument.  So, the idea of “inclining one’s ear” is really a word picture of tuning a musical instrument so that it is in harmony with other instruments.  “Hearing the voice of God” might be a matter of tuning the strings of your spirit or heart…so that you are in harmony with His mind and heart.

How do we tune our hearts?

By doing many of the things that we talk about in this circle!

  • Through prayer and guided meditation (hat tip Spotter, Pool Boy, Erector, others…) we commune with His Spirit and, over time, become more in harmony.
  • Through reading and studying scripture (hat tip Guardrail, Wanderer, others…) we learn about His character.
  • Through living obediently (hat tip Archie, Hound Dog, others…).  Because disobedience is a sure sign of living out of tune.

Check your hearing!  Maybe the way you come to know God’s will is by tuning your heart to be in harmony with His heart.  Work at this by prayer, mediation, studying scripture, and living in obedience.


Prayers for Wanderer’s family as they grieve a loss and make plans to travel.

Prayers for Butterknife’s wife as she courageously steps out to look for employment that she is passionate about.

Borrowed most of this from a Word that I did back in October – apologies to Snaggletooth, who heard it twice!

Hat tip to Chaim Bentorah for inspiring this Word.  Read more about natah ‘azan.