F3 Knoxville

Burpicide to the Pavalon

THE SCENE: around 70 – warm & steamy



  • Side straddle hops x 20
  • Tempo merkins x 10
  • Tempo squats x 10
  • Cherry pickers x 5
  • this/that stretch


  • Indian run to base of Matterhorn – last man drops & performs 2 merkins before running to front of line
  • Suicide run up the Matterhorn
    • 8 cones lined up the hill
    • Burpees at each cone increasing by 2 each time:  2,4,6,8….16.   Had to stop at 14 due to time.
  • Countdown at the pavalon
    • Start at top & work your way down the list.  Rinse & repeat eliminating the lowest rep exercise each time through the list.  Finish each trip down the list by running up the hill to the gate & back.
      • 10 wide grip pullups
      • 9 thrust merkins
      • 8 speed skaters (each leg)
      • 7 dips
      • 6 box jumps
      • 5 decline merkins
  • Indian run back to the AO


  • Box cutters x 25
  • Side crunch x 10 (each side)
  • Flutter kicks x 25
  • American Hammers x 20
  • 1 minute plank

22:   I-Beam, Snitch, Flute Loop, Waxjob, Driftwood, Wagon Wheel, Side Car, La-Z-Boy, Transfer, Smoker, Mayberry, Junk, Wallball, Pusher, Toto, Butters, Trap Door (FNG), Scooter, Bueller, Booger, Ratchet, Bartman

My 11 year-old son is out of town on a trip and called last night with a headache.  He was letting it get to him and making a mountain out of a mole hill…he was losing perspective on the situation and getting overwhelmed.  Funny thing is, we do this as men all the time.  It’s usually not a headache – usually it’s financial stress, work stress, family pressure, health needs.  We let these things grow in our minds until we think they are too big to handle.  God reminds us in the book of Deuteronomy that he is always with us.

“Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you”   Deuteronomy 31:6

This verse is taken from the time of Moses, when he was getting ready to hand the reigns over to Joshua.  Moses was reassuring both Joshua and the Israelites that God would take care of them in battle against their enemies.  We still have that same promise today.  Whatever your circumstance, large or small, God’s answer is still “I will not leave you nor forsake you”.  Don’t make mountains out of mole hills – give them over to the Lord in prayer and watch him do the work on your behalf.



Sunshine and Rainbows

THE SCENE: 70°ish humid

  • Tempo Squat x 10
  • Fast Squat x 10
  • Tempo Merkin x 10
  • Fast Merkin x 10


One-handed block burpee each side (burpee with one hand on a CMU) then 2 lunges holding the CMU all the way down the grinder and back. Brutality!!

Mosey to Mt Crumpet and buddy up.

P1 Lt Dan halfway up and back down twice while P2 is doing 4x4s (burpee with 4 merks and 4 mt climbers at the bottom) at the halfway point. P1 then man carries P2 to the tree. Mosey back to start and repeat each man twice.

Mosey back to grinder.

Merkin/Squat Max. Merkin until form suffers then deep squat until form suffers. Keep alternating for 5 minutes. We all suffered.

Iron boys x 50

Iron boys again x 50
9 HIMs
Nothing much to say. Remember travelers this weekend and the reason for Memorial Day.
Made this all up on the fly because my original plan didn’t seem intense enough. This definitely fixed that.
Murph tomorrow at 630 am

21 gun workout at Asylum Monday at 530 am.


THE SCENE: It was nice!

  • BA Cir FWD/REV IC x 6
  • Merkin IC x 10
  • Yoga Stretches – gotta get the hips loose

5 stations w/ 3 exercises & 25 reps each – 3x thru -> then move to the next

  • Station 1
    • Merkins
    • Shoulder Taps
    • Thrusters
  • Station 2
    • Squat
    • Lunge
    • Skater
  • Station 3
    • Mtn Climber – Heel Tap
    • BC Merkin
    • Plank Jack
  • Station 4
    • Am Hammer
    • Hello Dolly
    • Flutter Kick
  • Station 5
    • LBC
    • Turkish Get-Up
    • Star Jack


  • Mayberry – Floor Wipers
  • Butters – BBS
  • Respect – V-Ups (Had to cut him short!!)

24 HIM’s strong
When you are feeling angry about a work situation, you may be too close to it. Step back, check your ego, detach yourself and approach with with a different attitude.
I meant for this workout allow the cheetah’s out front. However, when the PAX gets divided into groups we instantly go into TEAM mode. All of the teams stuck together and finished the workout together. That was great to see. I think if I were to do this again, I would start everyone at the same spot and have an order to the stations that didn’t smoke the shoulders 3 straight times.
See Announcements Page

Ring of Fire

THE SCENE: 67 F and Partly Cloudy

-Side straddle hop (IC*15)
-Baby arm circle fwd (IC*10)
-Michael Phelps
-Back (10)
-Cherry picker (IC*10
-Imperial Walker (IC*10)
-Football Sprint in place with random timer. Each beep, burpee, continue Sprint. For 1 minute. 10 countdown

-Ring of Fire:
Seen at Asylum once, wanted to bring it back. PAX will circle up in plank position. Q will start with 10 merkins while PAX holds plank. Next HIM will do 10 merkins while PAX holds plank. Go around circle till finished.
Repeat Ring of Fire with Carolina Dry Docks, holding with arms at 90° instead of plank to engage triceps.

-Indian Run with 5 burpees to maintenance building.

-Behind Maintenance Building
Ring of Fire with goblet squats (use coupons). Use parking lot if needed for space
Ring of Fire with wide merkins

Mosey to Bagwell Building for step ups and dips at 1 minute intervals, 10 second cool down (*2)

-Mosey to AO.
Tubthumping Burpees
Seen at Dog# once and doing it here at JUCO. Will play Chumbawamba Tubthumping song. During song, doing side straddle hop. When the phrase ‘Get knocked down’ is said in chorus, do a burpee, get up and continue side straddle hop.

-Flutter Kicks (IC*15)
-American Hammer (IC*15)

– What it means to be a Romans 12 Christian. Romans 12:2 read and PAX challenged to watch actions throughout the week and make sure it’s glorifying to God, even the small things.

JUCO will NOT meet on Memorial Day. We will be joining Asylum for a Memorial Day Workout

“Safety Patrol”

THE SCENE: 65 degrees and 100% Humidity

SSH x 12 IC

Merkins x 12 IC

Baby Arm Circles F/B x 12 IC

A. Partnered up and moseyed to backside of the Pound with CMU in tow. Partner A runs up the hill to the rock while Partner B completes the exercises and then rotate. Exercises:

300 Reverse Crunches w/ CMU

300 Overhead Squats (modified for time)

300 Presses (modified for time)

B. Moseyed to next station and completed the following:

Light Pole sprints/jog back while completing:

150 Merkins

150 Squat Jumps

150 Curls

C. Mosey back to AO and completed:

Hello Dolly’s x 10/12 (can’t remember, I was dizzy) IC

Ratchet led us in some on your side love handle eliminators…


Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Talked to the PAX about the joy I have seen this week as I drop off my daughter at school. “New” safety patrol students for next year do the job with joy, fear, excitement, and a willingness to please. The “mentor” safety patrol offers advise and help and tips. It’s awesome. We need to be more like the safety patrol students- eager to try new things, eager to listen to the help being offered, eager to step out of our comfort zone. We need to be like the mentors- eager to offer sound advise and help. PAX challenged to either open car doors, mentor, or both and do it all with joy and excitement!
Dudes got afternit today! It was cool to see the Rucker’s and hook up with them for the BOM!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.