F3 Knoxville

Bringing balance to the 4s

THE SCENE: Mid 40’s and foggy enough that I missed the turn into the AO…

SSH x25 IC
LBAC x20 each F/B IC
Imperial Squat Walkers x15 IC
Tempo Merkins x10 IC
Tennessee Rocking Chairs x15 IC

Blacksnake around the Fountain of Youth to the base of One Tree Hill

Balanced 4’s:
4 count merkins IC x4, all together, both bottom of hill and top, each trip.
4 trips up the hill: AYG Sprint, Bernie, Bunny Hop, Bernie hop. Recover mosey down

Mosey to the Grinder

Balance set up 40yd from the Pavalon
Split up into 2 groups (Light side, Dark side)
Team up, one PAX does exercise, one PAX running gems to the balance
For each set of 4 you complete, run one gem to the balance when partner returns.
2:15 for each exercise:
Merkins (4ct)
BBS (4ct)
Box Cutters (4ct)
Jump Squat (4ct)
Monkey Humpers (4ct)
Burpees (single count)

10x Step Ups on picnic table bench
10x Derkins from picnic table bench
10x Step Ups on picnic table bench
10x Derkins from picnic table top

Circle up for some ab work on the nice Pavalon floor
Row your Boat – 4 rounds
Side crunch x15 each side IC
Cash out with LBC AMRAP before time

The 4s was with 15 PAX
My Utmost for His Highest from yesterday (linked):

The Christmas tree at the top of One Tree Hill was a beautiful sight through the fog of this morning’s gloom.

The Balance exercises were timed and called out by an app because I’m lazy.  You can set up whatever exercises and intervals you want, and it uses text-to-speech to call them out.  Available for real phones.  I-Toy owners are SOL.  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hybrid.intervaltimer
Hammy celebrating 45 years with his wife! Inspiring!  Don’t forget CSAUP Feb. 24.  Gather at the Municipal Building instead of the Springbrook AO for the Saturday beatdown on 12/30!

13 Reps at the 13th Grade!

THE SCENE: 41 degrees, light, drizzling rain

  • Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 (IC) followed by Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 (IC) followed by Michael Phelps
  • Cherry Pickers X 10 (IC)
  • Side Straddle Hops X 15 (IC)
  • Squats X 20 (IC)
  • Merkins X 13 (IC)
  • Mosey

THA-THANG: (many people think of junior/community colleges as the 13th grade so we did 13 reps everywhere)

McWherter Parking Lot (Light Pole to Light Pole – Suicides)

  • 13 pushups & 13 squats (OYO) at light pole (home base)
  • run to next row of parking lot (approximately 20 yards)
  • Touch line with hand and return to the start
  • repeat 13 pushups and 13 squats and run to the 2nd parking row (40 yards away)
  • Repeat to next row, etc.
  • Early finishers did Imperial Walkers
  • Mosey

Behind Maintenance Building 

  • 13 Overhead w/ block (OYO)
  • 13 Goblet squats w/ block (OYO)
  • 13 Curls w/ block (OYO)
  • 13 Bent Over Rows w/ block (OYO)
  • Put block down and run up the stairs to the Fitness Center
  • At the top, 13 Chris Loftons – jump shot squats; run back down
  • Repeat
  • Mosey

Bagwell Center 

  • 13 Dips and 13 Step Ups w/ each leg
  • Repeated for 3-4 rounds
  • Mosey


  • 13 Box Cutters (IC)
  • 13 Big Boy Situps (OYO)
  • Mosey


10 PAX – Bartman, Booster, Glock, Neutron, Onesie, Peach Fuzz, Proton, Rusty, Scrum, Waxjob


Live every day like it’s our last, because it could be!

I met with a friend who is a business/time management coach. I shared my struggles to be a great husband, father, friend, etc. while also trying to develop a small cancer charity into a leader in the region and state.  She challenged me to come up with a personal mission statement and develop SMART goals for the 1st quarter of 2018 which includes both personal and professional goals.

While I’m just starting my potential 1st quarter goals now, my “current” working mission statement is:

I will spend quality time with those I love while exercising my mind, body and spirit so to fulfill my purpose of leaving our world better than I found it.

I encouraged everyone to think about their own goals and impact.

Thank you to the PAQ at JUCO today and everyone else at F3 for being so supportive of me and everyone else.  The gloom is a great place to be when you’re with family!
No Christmas Day workouts.  Enjoy your family and A Christmas Story, It’s a Wonderful Life, and Die Hard (it’s a Christmas movie)!

Reindeer Games

THE SCENE:  24 and brrrr

SSH IC x 20
Baby Arm Circles IC x 10 each way
Cherry Pickers IC x 20 Cadre Danny style
Imperial Walkers IC x 20
Cherry Pickers IC x 10


Mosey one short lap to Field 2
Split into teams
Field Races x 4 (partner carry, object carry, shuffle, hop, crab crawl, bear crawl, Burnie Sanders, sprint)

Mosey to Field 3
Dips x 20 IC
Wind Sprints x 6
5 Merkins after each
Wall sit x 1min

Mosey back to parking lot the long way

Ring of Fire – 5 Merkins, 4 Merkins ….
Ring of Fire – 5 BBS, 4 BBS ….
Ab cycle:
Flutter kicks x 20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Hello Dolly’s x 20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Reverse crunches x 10 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
American Hammer x 20 IC

Mosey around parking lot – 2 laps

Crunches x 50 IC
Merkins x 20 OYO

14 PAX


Lust says, “I want it.”
Entitlement says, “I deserve it.”
And Pride says, “I can handle it.”

What or who is controlling you?

Truck Ruck

THE SCENE: 29 but not cold enough for Peachfuzz to wear sleeves

With Rucks on

Mtn Climbers x 20 IC

Wide Merkins x 8 IC

Tempo Squats x 10 IC

Take the 2 – 50# pipes and the 60# sand bag and walk the long way to the softball bleachers


With the ruck on

  • Step Ups x 20 (10 each leg)
  • Derkins x 10
  • Incline Merkin x 10

Take Rucks off

4 Men per team, 2 teams

  • 1 man carry 2 rucks up the hill and back
  • Other men use Pipes, sandbags and rucks and do AMRAP of Curls, Presses, Squats, BBS rotating when the man gets back from the hill
  • 2x

Finish with 2 more laps around park

No Mary
I-beam, Waxjob, Mayberry, junk, Toto, Tank, Peachfuzz
Insert the WORD here.

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements. Continue reading

The Dog Pound Sea Biscuit

THE SCENE: 34 degrees, dark, with a slight breeze

Mosey to the top of the hill about a quarter mile from the AO.
A tribute to P-Nut with the Dog Pound version of the Sutherland Sea Biscuit.

Starting at the top of mader-horn hill:

  • 1 loop around the Concord Marina and up mader-horn hill (30 Merkins, BB Situps, Squats)
  • 2 loops around the Concord Marina and up mader-hornhill (30 Merkins, BB Situps, Squats)
  • 2/3 loops around the Concord Marina and up mader-hornhill (30 Merkins, BB Situps, Squats)
  • Mosey back to the AO
  • Modified scissor kicks (25)
  • 3.88+ miles covered (Great job men)

(16 Strong) Ratchet, Froot-Loop, Snith, Sparky, Wax Job, Showcase, Lazy-Boy, Booger, Toto, Mayberry, Frosty, Pogo, Abacus, Smoker, Scooter, Hydro

  1. When life seems so tough, go on. When things go wrong, move on. Bear in mind that God gives you strength to persevere, not to surrender. Take care!
  2. Wake up! Exercise your faith. Do sit-up with prayer. Do push-up to release stress. Go! Jog to the Lord and send the good news! Good morning!
  3. Don’t think too much of the problems in life, they are just test papers given by God to see how much we are learning in His subject called “Life”. If you think you failed, don’t worry because He is always ready to give remedial classes. So, review through prayers and have the perfect score of “Happiness”.
  4. Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you, not because they are not nice, but because you are nice.
  5. Before you sleep, just gently lay every troubled thought away. Drop your burden and your care in the quiet arms of prayer because God never sleeps. Good night! Sweet dreams.
  6. We are like pencils, the best part in us is inside, we make marks as we touch other’s lives. When we make mistakes, we can erase and we become better as we are sharpened.
  7. Stay humble, be faithful, offer hope, work diligently, fight fairly, live simply, love deeply, and give generously.
  8. Prayer is a perfume to our soul and a fragrance that pleases God. Wear your prayer everyday and let it freshen you anytime, anywhere you go. Have a blessed and sweet-scented day!
  9. The more silently love is expressed, the more it is deeply bound to impress. No wonder God loves us in silence and gives us the miracles of having friends.
  10. Life is a continuous challenge, a constant struggle from womb to tomb. We are not made rich by what is in our pockets, but by what is in our hearts.
  11. The person meant for you is the person who will love you even when there’s no more reason to love you. For in your nothingness, the one meant for you will find what’s lovable in you.
  12. Forget the things that made you sad and remember those that made you glad. Forget the troubles that passed away and remember the blessings that come each day. Good morning!
  13. Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you felt so empty for no reason? Have you ever felt so down but you just can’t tell why? Have you ever felt like the world suddenly spins around you, and you are caught in the middle going nowhere? Weird, isn’t it? But that’s the beauty of being human… it is knowing that there is a purpose for each existence, and whatever that may be, it is also the reason why we still wake up breathing each morning, to discover that missing piece of puzzle that would make our lives complete. Have a nice sleep!
  14. Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it or work around it. Good morning!
  15. Some won’t appreciate what you say or do, but as long as you speak honestly from the heart, you’ll be fine. This is not a perfect world. This is not a perfect life. But life loves the person who dares to live it by being real. Bon Jour!
  16. 18. Sometimes in life, we tend to run so fast that we don’t notice God running with us. We only notice Him when we fall, yet He stops, carries us and says, “Finish the race my child.” Good day!
    Be great today and inspire someone either through your words and/or actions. Show someone encouragement and be the light. Be thankful for the gifts that you have and don’t even think about (I.E. Gift of moment, breath in our lungs, working arms and legs, functioning brain, etc…
    If anyone is interested in additional free running groups, then check out www.865running.com

Note: I emailed 865running and asked them to put a link on their site to www.knoxvillef3.com