F3 Knoxville


Asylum AM

THE SCENE: 40ish… and moist. Felt like 60 after the last couple of weeks!

FSH x20 IC
SSH x20 IC
TN Rocking Chair x15 IC
AGTJ x10 IC (gettin’ easier!)
Crabwalk Toe Touches x15 IC
Hindurkins x15 IC
Tempo Cossack Squat x20 IC

Line up on the curb link arms, 10x 4ct calf raise IC
25% across the parking lot
20x single count calf raise OYO (too hard maintaining balance)
50% across the lot
20x calf raise
75% across the lot
20x calf raise
AYG across the lot

Mosey up to the rock pile by the Asylum building, one stop along the way for some Al Gore and 20x BBS

Line up in the grass about 50yd from the rocks and pair up.
One man does exercise (Merkins|Curls|Rows) AMRAP while waiting
Other runs to pile, gets a rock, 10x squat-OHP and returns with rock. Switch up.
3 trips each. Should finish with a 6-pack per team.

Regroup at the pile, leaving 6-packs at the grass

Merge into 4-man teams

2 men run to grass, 20 leg-pushdowns, and return with one rock each.
Meanwhile, other 2 men are doing kegstand squats
Switch up, R&R until all rocks are returned to the pile.

Time’s running out! Bear crawl down Everest halfway or so, then mosey back to the AO, one stop for Tempo Squats with Crawdad.

Q did a bad job of time management today… Crawdad led the cheetahs in some Hello Dolly.
30 strong today, including one FNG: Welcome Beans! (Clay Daniel)
Will you “Go out” without knowing?
“He (Abraham) went out, not knowing where he was going” (Hebrews 11:8)
See My Utmost for His Highest, Jan. 2
When God tells you to go, he usually doesn’t tell you His end game. Have faith that He knows what He’s doing and obey!
Thanks, Crawdad for taking care of all the cheetahs in the group and making sure they didn’t get bored waiting for the rest of us… My apologies on running over. I really need to get over there sometime during the day to get a good mental map of the place. Doesn’t help planning that the satellite images are all outdated!
Alcoa CSAUP coming up 2/24… Be on the lookout for shirts on Mudgear