F3 Knoxville

Fabulous 40

THE SCENE: 50 and clear

Mosey around the outhouse


40 Merkins

40 Squats

40 BBS

Mosey back to the outhouse

40 Box jumps

40 Dips

Mosey to the Matterhorn

40 V-ups


Mosey to the pav-a-lon

40 Pull ups

40 Floor wipers

Mosey back to the rock pile

40 curls

40 tri extensions

40 goblet squats

40 bent over row

40 American hammers

40 mtn climbers

40 flutter kicks

As you can tell I turn 40 today which means I have had many years to do the things I wanted to do.  I haven’t got them all done, but I have been fortunate to do quite a few.  In the same sense my 90 year old grandmother is currently lying in a hospital and most likely going to hospice.  I do not think she got to do all the things she wanted to do.  I think she has led a good and happy life, but I think there was other things, other adventures, or other experiences that she wanted to do.  Let this be a reminder to all of you do not put off the things you want to do until later.  We are not guaranteed any definite time on this earth, so make the most of it.  Hug your wives and kids, but also get out there and live your life.


Also welcome Abscess Jr…. aka Sleepwalker.

Pirates vs Vandals

THE SCENE:  52 (way to kick it off, December) and…. um, moist.
Started with 0.01s to spare… Welcome FNG!


Good ol’ increasing OYO burpee warmup:

SSH x30 IC – 2 burpees
Windmill x20 IC – 4 burpees
*Hindurkins x15 IC – 6 burpees
Al Gore Tuck Jumps x6 IC – 8 burpees
LBAC x20 each way IC – 10 burpees

*Plank, down for 1, push fwd with toes for 2, stay low and pull back, bending knees without touching ground, until arms are straight forward for 3, extend knees with arms straight to return to plank.

Mosey to the base of Everest, plank for 6.
LBC – 4-count x20 IC
Jailbreak all the way to the road at the top!

Pick a coupon and circle up:
Squrls x30 OYO – Squat plus curl, rock has to hit the ground (stones don’t though)
Drop coupons and move to the fifth one on your right.
Weight check – Lighter than your original? Everyone says “No”. Lack of honesty is disturbing…
4-count fwd raise – nice and slow – IC x10
4-count back-and-forth across chest – IC x10

Number off 1s and 2s (Pirates and Vandals)
Put all coupons in a line across the road, Pirates stay with coupons, Vandals line up 50yd away
Pirates begin exercise… Vandals come steal all coupons (2 each) and observe exercise, return to line and do exercise.
When the last Vandal has made it back, Pirates stop exercise, run steal all coupons, return, and begin next exercise.
Iron Mikes
Bobby Hurleys
Monkey Humpers

Dang. Running out of time. Mosey back to AO

Made it back to the AO right at 6:15. No time to row the boat.
32 strong – Welcome to Streak (Paul Chattaway)
Today each group stole the other group’s coupons while they were busy doing an exercise.  The enemy often looks for similar opportunities to steal, kill, and destroy while we are busy or distracted.  Often that distraction is indeed important and valuable, but don’t lose sight and vigilance over what you’ve been entrusted with that is truly valuable.
The construction up here wreaked havoc on my preparation this morning. I ran into roadblocks several times trying to follow my map to get around.  Also, I learned a little Q-tip this morning.  Sidewalk chalk disappears almost completely if the pavement is the slightest bit… moist.
Wesley House 2.0 workout Sunday at 2 with disadvantaged kids.  Check GroupMe for more info from Tank.  Bring a wrapped gift!

Praise from Tonka – 2.0 is 14 weeks into construction!

Don’t forget your legs on the way out

THE SCENE: A chilly 30ish? degrees, Clear

  • Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Worst Merkin Ever x 5 OYO
  • Tempo Squats x 15 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward x 15 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles Backwards x 15 IC


  • 10 squats IC, sprint across lot, 2 burpees, sprint back
  • 20 squats IC, sprint across lot, 4 burpees, sprint back
  • 30 squats IC, sprint across lot, 6 burpees, sprint back
  • 40 squats IC, sprint across lot, 8 burpees, sprint back

Mosey around park ~0.8miles with Q says (simon says) at random – drop down, plank, hot feet, burpee, continue mosey (about 10 times)

7’s on the Grinder! – CMU curl/press/tri, lunge to bathrooms, merkins, lunge back


  • Protractor
  • American Hammer x 15 IC
  • Flutter kicks x 30 IC

PAX Count 14
Jeremiah 31:2 — “The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness.”

Many of us face struggles frequently whether it be financial, work life, home life, etc, that makes us stumble or scared to move forward. If we can be persistent and push through our problems, we’ll always be rewarded in the end. Sometimes God tests our faith or wants to see how we’ll push through a problem to see what kind of person we are, and its our job to get through that test. He will reward us with grace in the end.


SoKno event for Operation Enduring Warrior at 6pm(?) Wednesday

Water tower run

THE SCENE: 32, clear and cold


Stretching only

Mosey to the water towers at the top of Valley Vista Rd.   Approx 2.5 miles and 345 feet of elevation climb.  Stopped for 4 sessions of 10 burpees, 10 merkins, 10 squats.   Also stopped at one storefront for 1 minute wall squat followed by single leg wall squats.


  • Captain Thors
  • 1 min of Merkins & 1 min of LBCs  (compliments of Scrum)

3 PAX:  Waxjob, Scrum, Bartman

This weekend I spent Thanksgiving with my in-laws which consisted of fixing a lot of plumbing issues.   I found myself getting frustrated with my father-in-law and questioning his stewardship of his resources.   As always, I was thinking about this while driving home and turned the question around on myself.   Am I a good steward of all that God has given me?  What do I do with my time and my money?  This a good exercise for all of us to go through.  If we were to insert ourselves in the parable of the ten talents, which person would we be?




THE SCENE: 32 and frosty! Just right.

SSH x30 IC
Cossack Squat IC x8 each leg
TN Rocking Chairs x15 IC
Pickle Pusher Merkins x10 IC
Monkey Humpers 4ct x20 IC
LBAC x20 each way IC
Sundials 4ct x15 each leg IC
Pickle Pounders 4ct x20 IC

Throw off everything that hinders

Mosey to the hill between tennis courts and baseball field for 7’s (audibled from 11’s): Burpees and Squat-tuck-jumps.  Bernie up the hill, bear crawl down.

Mosey down the road around the outside of the ball field and back up to the Scrapyard for 1:5 ratio pull-ups to dips. Start with 1 pull-up, 5 dips all the way to 5 pull-ups, 25 dips.

Partner leg pushdowns x25 (each partner)

Crab walk all the way across the Grinder from the Scrapyard to the Pavalon, half-way forward, half-way backward.

  • 15 box jumps
  • 10 decline merkins (feet on the bench)
  • 10 box jumps
  • 5 decline merins (feet on the table top)
  • 5 box jumps
  • 10 Carolina Dry Docks

Regroup at the AO


  • Flutter Kicks x20 IC
  • Slutter kicks x15 IC
  • Row Your Boat x5 times thru song

11 PAX including 1 FNG: Travis Selkins – Spook! In town from DC, visiting FIL and BIL (Hammy and I-Beam)
Of course, today is Thanksgiving Day.  You’re going to hear a lot about being thankful for all of the blessings and good things in your life.  But just like the beatdown often sucks, hard times and difficulties come in life. It’s often hard to recognize as you’re in the middle of it, but Romans says that God works all things together for the good of those that love Him.  The first thing James says after his greeting is that we should count it joy when we encounter trials and hard times because it develops our faith.  So I encourage you as you think of the good things and give thanks, take time to look back at the tough things.  Look at how God has strengthened and grown you through those and give thanks for the tough things in your life.
Today’s beatdown was like roasting a turkey without putting foil on the drumsticks…. Legs were done and burnt way too early!
Holiday coffeteria at SBUX!