F3 Knoxville

Buck in a Yoga Room

THE SCENE: 30 and unexpectedly cold.

Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
Windmills x 15 IC
Cherry Pickers x 15 IC
SSH x 15 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
Plank Jacks x 15 IC
Squat x 15 IC


Mosey to Side-Lot
11’s (circles)
Top Burpees
Bottom Merkins
Plank until everyone finishes.
Mosey back to AO via benches for 40 step-ups
#135 For Time:
21 Squats 42 Ice Skaters
15 Squats 30 Ice Skaters
9 Squats 18 Ice Skaters
Find a Battlebuddy
21 High-Five Low Knuckles Burpees
15 Pistol squats – each leg
9 High-Five Low Knuckles Burpees

Side Crunches
American Hammers (Captain’ would be proud!)
Flutter Kicks
Hello Dolly!

4 PAX!
Don’t charge forward without having a plan and knowing the context of where your plan might take you!

The Story of TTTP!

Truckin to the Pound (TTTP) F3 Knoxville’s first CSAUP event organized by the PAX is in the books!

The idea was hatched months ago around a campfire at Junk’s place. You know the kind of campfire, somebody makes a joke about running from one AO to the next, one guy thinks it’s a great idea, two guys think he’s crazy, the rest of the PAX in attendance join in and the pack mentally revealed a CSAUP event…  Of course it had to have a name, plus Swirlie said he’d only do it if he got a shirt, and TTTP was born.

Lots of planning, emails, text  and GroupMe messages, and laughter later resulted in a route being created. Q’s volunteered and were assigned their AO, date was picked, swim was added then just as quickly discarded. You see the event was planned for all the guys who want to go do an OCR or Ragnar relay or some other crazy event but due to time, expenses, responsibilities, or adulting can’t always make that happen.

The morning of the event was here and we were greeted by a cold, windy, and rainy morning. Perfect weather for a CSAUP event.  A little before the scheduled 0600 departure time, 28 PAX descended on the Truck Stop AO.  Pulling into the Truck Stop it looked someone bought all the reflective tape in Knoxville and was working to create their own runway.  There were guys in shorts and short sleeves, pants and sweatshirts, rain jackets, headlamps, hats, gloves, rucksacks, La-z-boy was sporting a poncho, and Ratchet had on a bra.  But if nothing else we were ready.

THE THANG: Mosey from Truck Stop AO to Dog Pound AO about 8ish miles with 4 mini Qs along the way.

Kicking us off at the Truck Stop was Frosty:
Ssh x 20
Domo squats

10 squats, run to middle light
3 burpees, run to next light
5 thruster Perkins, Sprint back

Mosey to Anchor Park where Swirlie steps up to Q
40 drydocs
Lunge parking lot
Bear crawl parking lot
Wheelbarrow parking lot

Mosey to the memorials on Evans Road

100 Merkins in honor of those who have sacrificed their lives for others.

Mosey to Anchor Park where La-z-boy lays the beatdown

Partner Workout
Partner A Lizard Merkins
Partner B Bear Crawls Reverse and Fwd
Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
PA – Flamingos
PB – Crab walks reverse and fwd
Merkins IC x 15
PA Mtn Climber
PB Gorilla Shuffle
Butt kickers for the win

Final mosey to the Dog Pound for Mayberry (who knew Concord Road had that big of a hill?)

Sandbag work, Pull-ups, Burpees, and squats

And it goes without saying that I think every member of the PAX was thankful we not only had vehicle support for waters, gear, and keys, but Junk patrolled the PAX shouting encouragement and blasting hair band music to keep us going.


What stared as a crazy idea never would have happened without the help of my friends. God puts us where He wants us, and uses us as He needs us. What I also found out is how awesome the men who planned this are. Swirlie, Frosty, La-z-boy, and Toto all were instrumental in getting this thing going.  This event taught me to count on your friends, He puts us where He wants us, but He also puts them into our lives too.  Even with Frosty overly worrying about the details, none of this event would have been possible without good friends. I encourage each of you to go out and be the example of Jesus that He wants you to be, and allow Him to use you as He wants to use you.

We celebrated Swirlie leaving early to bring his baby girl home from the hospital after over a month in the NICU!  Our God is good.

Fountain of Youth

THE SCENE: Upper 30’s and HOT!

Tempo Squats
People’s Chair + Air Presses
Baby Arm Circles (Forward / Backward)
Angle Grinders
Rocky Balboa
Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey to first light post after the street
Deconstructed Burpees at each light post working up to 5 (arriving at the hill)
11’s on the HIll:
– Plank Jacks
– LBFC (Little Baby Flutter Crunches)
Global Warming Around “The Fountain of Youth”:
– Al Gore, slowly shuffling in a circle switching direction after each movement;
– – Merkins
– – Bobby Hurley
– – Groiners
– – Hip Extensions
– All PAX in plank position. Q starts with 1 merkin then leap frog all PAX around the fountain returning to starting position. Next PAX does merkin when jumped by PAX member next to them in the plank. Worked up to 2 merkins.

Mosey back to A.O. with some Bernie Sanders and Burpee Broad Jumps.
10 PAX
Stepping out of comfort. We do not continue to grow and become better if we continue doing the same comfortable movements day in and day out. Throughout the bible we find stories about how someone wasn’t comfortable doing what God has set out for them to achieve, but no matter the struggle they end up overcoming the uncomfortable request and become someone greater. Remember that God will be with you, and He will provide the opportunities.
Absolutely LOVE this A.O.  Tons of space for any beatdown one could dream up. Multiple hills so the PAX don’t see the same thing or know what to expect prior to the Q calling it out. AND, perhaps the most important note: the mumble chatter that was ALIVE during the beatdown today #TheyAreLearning #BLESSED.
TTTP this Saturday
Knoxville 2 year anniversary next Saturday

Good thing toddlers are easier to catch


Dark… Just enough chill to keep the sweatshirt on during stretching. AO’s almost dry.

  • Tennessee Rocking Chairs x20 IC
  • Merk-jacks x15 IC
  • Al Gore Tuck Jump (Al Gore for 10 count, explode to Tuck Jump) x5
  • Outhouse run, Bernie back
  • LBAC x20 IC fwd, x20 IC back
  • Michael Phelps OYO to shake it out
  • Single-leg stand-up with partner

Mosey to the Pee Rocks, pick out 2 hand-size

I Believe I Can Fly:
Arms to the side, feverish tiny ineffectual flaps for 10 count
Arms front, repeat flapping
Bend at waist, flap arms against gravity

Pick an Edgeless Safety CMU from the pile
Mosey away from abandoned dogs in trucks and pile rocks at top of hill for BBS relay:
PAX lie in a line head to foot. First PAX grab Edgeless Safety CMU from overhead, BBS, and set at feet for next PAX.
Repeat until pile is empty, plank until all Edgeless Safety CMU are piled downhill

Grab a Edgeless Safety CMU and spread out in the grass for:

  • Tempo Goblet Squat x15 IC
  • Curls x15 OYO
  • OH Press x15 OYO
  • Tricep Extension x15 OYO
  • Toddler Toss x5 OYO: Pretend Edgeless Safety CMU is a toddler.  Toss in the air and catch.
  • Rinse, Repeat

Mosey to tennis court:

  • Balls to the wall, travel clockwise on hands for 2 fence segments, then drop for 5 burpees.  Repeat
  • Bear crawl across both courts, sprint back. Repeat.
  • Circle up for 5-Merkin Ring of Fire
  • Tighten the circle and flip over for 45° foot push-down Ring of Fire


Just enough time for 20x Pickle Pounders IC.
18 PAX killed it start to finish.  No FNGs this time.
In Ephesians 5 Paul exhorts those of us who are husbands to love our wives “just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.”  I usually have thought of that verse in the context of his ultimate sacrifice for us on the cross.  Of course, that event was the culmination of his saving love for us, but giving himself started far before that.  He gave himself when he left the comfort of Heaven and stepped down to be born into a limited body like ours. He gave himself every day during his ministry when he was tired and hungry and wanted anything but to deal with more throngs of people.  Every day he actively sought out ways to give himself for us.  As you go through your day, look for ways that you can give yourself up; your needs, your desires, your conveniences, for your wife and show Christ’s love to her and also as an example to your children.
2 weeks was a long time to be away from the Pound.  Missed you guys, but it was great to get to witness the great start for the Bomb Shelter.  Great job everyone who EH’d!  Toddler Toss ended up being significantly more hazard potential than anticipated.  I guess rocks don’t care if you drop ’em so they don’t help out at all like real toddlers do.
Prayer for Swirlie and family. Truckin’ To the Pound CSAUP 6am at Bob Leonard, F3 Knoxville 2nd Anniversary celebration McFee park November 4.

Testing the limits

THE SCENE: 50’s and Full of Mumblechatter and what not

SSH x20 ic, Flying Squats x10, Imperial Walker x10, Imp Squat Walker x10, Merkins x10, Ratchet effect x ALOT, Iron Mikes x20, Calf raises x20x3

Mosey TO the Baseball field

  • P1 drags P2 to 1st cone, both do Merkins x10, repeat 2nd, and 3rd cone, Switch Partners
  • P1 wheel barrows P2 1st cone, both do V ups x10, repeat 2nd and 3rd cone, switch Partners
  • P1 and P2 stay together and Lung to each cone. At each cone do 10 squats
  • Between each exercise, we talked about how Iron sharpens iron. What man are you, ALL LOVE, ALL TRUTH or a Little bit of both. In order to Sharpen each other ,we need to be a little bit of both.
  • TIME TO SHARPEN IRON with a PT test of Merkins, big boy sit ups, squats, and Burpees. AMRAP for 1 minute each. While P1 is doing the test, P2 is holding P1 accountable by making sure he does proper form. No form, NO count of the REP. While doing so, encouraging each other!
  • Mosey to the HILL(no name yet) 11s with star jacks and merkins. Running out of time, mosey backto AO for Mary

Iron Cross

Hello DOlly

Never cross dolly

ended with a CROWD pleaser, Pickle Pounders
20 pax including 3 FNGs
Summarized Iron Sharpen Iron, Talked about the Impact of F3 and how it can change you and your surroundings
With a new AO, its always a great time to test ourselves and see where are fitness wise. With that, we can also sharpen each other by encouraging and holding each other accountable while we compete. As men, we need competition, healthy competition of course! With that, we can become better men in all facets of life. Iron sharpens Iron. AYE!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.