F3 Knoxville

A Kiss

THE SCENE: Wet on ground, windy, but the rained stopped right as we were beginning the workout.  Temperature about 60 degrees.

Bernie Sanders around the parking lot, 20 Plank Jacks, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Rockettes, 10 Twisties, 10 Dive Bombers, 10 Cherry Pickers.
Mosey to the pavilion to do 20 Bench Dips.  Then divide up into teams of two.  Mosey to the trailer behind my car in the parking lot across the street from the AO parking lot.  Each team grabs two bricks out of my trailer.  Mosey back to the west end of the AO parking lot.  We will will be doing Doras. While one partner on a team of two runs to the other end of the parking lot and does 10 Rocky Balboas (both legs = 1) and runs back, the other partner works on the exercises listed below.  Then partners switch off.  Here are the exercises:

  • 100 Overhead Presses
  • 100 Triceps
  • 100 Curls
  • 100 Rows
  • 100 Punches (where both hands = 1)
  • 100 Wings Up
  • 100 Wings Down
  • 100 Wings Out

Mosey back to the trailer to put the bricks away. Bernie Sanders one time around the parking lot.

Mosey to the AO parking lot again.  We will be doing a Kraken.  We will be doing the exercises at each of the six cones set up in the parking lot.  When finished with the exercise at one cone, each man should do a full circle of all cones before going to the next cone.  Here are the exercises:

  • Cone 1:  20 Big Boy Sit Ups
  • Cone 2:  10 Burpees
  • Cone 3:  20 Box Cutters
  • Cone 4:  20 Diamond Merkins
  • Cone 5:  20 Iron Mikes (both legs = 1)
  • Cone 6:  15 Shoulder Taps (both shoulders = 1)
  • Those finishing first rinse and repeat until the six has finished all six sets of exercises.

Mosey back to the parking lot across the street with the trailer.  We will be running up the Dragon, stopping at every other light post to do 10 Merkins.  When men reach the parking lot at the end of the Dragon they will run to the street and then go down Mini-Cardiac to the parking lot with the trailer.  They will then Bernie Sanders around the parking lot. 

Mosey to the parking lot near the nice restroom.  We will go from one curb to the others in the following manner:  Hop 15 times, Bear Crawl for 30 paces, then Bernie Sanders to the curb.  We will then go back to the other curb in the following manner:  Do 25 El Capitan’s, Bear Crawl for 25 paces, then Bernie Sanders to the curb.

Mosey to the Playground.  We will do 20 American Hammers.

Mosey to the AO.

25 Hello Dollies (4 count), 25 Flutter Kicks (4 Count).  Then we will do a minute of stretching.
9 Men, no FNGs.
I am not a University of Miami Hurricanes fan.  But, I do like their basketball team’s coach, 73-year-old Jim Larranaga.  It wasn’t until recently that I knew his name.  When I watched Miami win games in last year’s March Madness and this year’s March Madness, I just called him the “Old Man.”  I have since learned that he is an amazing coach who has won all kinds of awards coaching for different colleges.  He was the coach of that 11th seeded George Mason team who got to the Final Four in 2006.

Now he has the Miami Hurricanes in the Final Four and his team will be playing against Connecticut today.  I saw the Old Man interviewed on the basketball court amidst the hoopla after Miami beat number 1 seeded Houston to get to the Elite 8 this year.  One of his players, Nijel Pack, was asked to be interviewed after the coach.  What did the Old Man do before he went off to the locker room?  He leaned over and kissed Nijel on the side of his head.  I love seeing that kind of affection between coach and player.  Later, in the locker room, the Old Man was seen dancing with his team, all of the players laughing and hooting at their 73-year-old coach with obvious love as he was doing the old man shimmy. It was a funny and heart-warming thing to observe.

A major reason I love F3 so much is that we also have that heart-warming affection amongst us.  One of our new members, Voltage, joined our brotherhood less than two weeks ago.  I talked to him after the workout.  He has lived in Knoxville a number of years and, being from another country, has been a bit lonely.  He has been looking for a group of friends that he can be a part of.  I told him he has found it with F3.

Gents, I don’t want to embarrass you, but a reason why we come to F3 here in Knoxville is to get the kind of affection from other men that is similar to that kiss the the Old Man laid upon the head of Nijel Pack.  How does that affection reach us?  In all kinds of ways.  It’s as simple as bros yelling out “Hey Pusher” or “Hey Drum Major” when they show up for the morning workout.  It’s Crawdad teasing me about having dope in my veins and you guys persistently mentioning I must have my stimulator with me when I am somehow able to keep up with you on the mosey.  It’s the ribbing Swimmies gets every time he shows up late for a workout.  It’s us getting on High-Heels for getting through 25 rounds of whatever exercise in ten seconds.  It’s whoever is on Q making sure we do Dive Bombers when Choir Boy is around or doing Cherry Pickers because we know that Crawdad hates them.  It’s us groaning at Pluto’s puns.  It’s us knowing that Waffle House is going to wear those crazy yellow mittens in the winter or that Pele is going to leave his circular sweat of integrity around his feet at the end of a summer workout.  It’s giving Jinxy hell when the employees at Panera Bread screw up another one of his orders.  It laughing at Lebowski with his crazy robe and Matlock leaving those hilarious posts on Slack.  We are a team, a band of brothers, dropping those idiotic displays of affection on one another.  I thank God for it.  Now, where did I leave that stimulator.?

Prayers for the people of Nashville and those impacted by the shooting at the school.  Prayers to those in Arkansas impacted by the tornadoes last night.  Prayers for safety Pusher’s youngest son who just got his drivers license.  Also, prayers for Pusher and his wife as it can be stressful to see one’s child go off driving alone for the first time.
Shovel Flag making at I-Beam’s house today.  Haw Ridge coming in two weeks.  We need to start working on making obstacles for Hardship Hill which will be on Memorial Day.

Shamrock – Trivia

THE SCENE: 22F really dang cold

Run in circles 

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 10

Quad stretch 

Tie Fighters X10 

Cherry Pickers  x5

Toe Merkins 4-ct IC – 10


For the entire workout we are going to do merkins and play trivia. 

10 Merkins, then team 1 answers 1st question within 10 seconds as we walk.  Always on the slow move. 

Then we do 10 more Merkins, then team 2 takes the next question. 

We ended up with 480 Merkins per person.

20 more Merkins to get us to 500 for the day thanks to Mermaid’s suggestion.
14 men:  8-seconds, Slappy, Dumpster Dive, Betty, Nadia, Skid Mark, Hot Pants, Anchorman, Curry, Fabio, Kick-Flip, Mermaid, Voo Doo, Waxjob

Listen to words from the Holy Spirit from songs, the Bible, sermons or just out from nowhere. 

A few weeks ago while running, the Lord’s Prayer popped into my head. I was searching for what I should pray for and the Holy Spirit prompted me to pray the Lord’s Prayer.  I got stuck on the “Thy Kingdom Come” 

I spent the rest of the time considering, “What did Jesus mean by this? What did he want his disciples and future Christians to take away from this? 

When I finished my run and got back to my hotel I opened a devotional book to the next section I was planning to read titled “Meditation”

It started out with this verse – The Kingdom of God is within you (or within your grasp) says the Lord. Luke 17:21

It goes on to say “Turn, then, to God with all your heart. Forsake this wretched world and your soul shall find rest. Learn to despise external things, to devote yourself to those that are within, and you will see the kingdom of God come unto you, that kingdom which is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

I found an article that helped with 3 points about it:


I have pasted only parts of it below. 

Cry of Loyalty

When we pray, “Your kingdom come” there is a real sense of yearning and loyalty. We are anticipating the coming kingdom, on board with God’s agenda and that we love the King himself. Those who love the King eagerly yearn for his kingdom.

And through our prayers, it’s as if the Holy Spirit lifts our chins above our earthly horizon to see the fleet of God’s coming kingdom advancing on the open sea. And we cry, “Make haste! Come, O King and kingdom!”

Cry of Treason

When I talk about this prayer being a cry of treason I mean that Jesus is teaching his followers to pray for the overthrow of the kingdom of this world, the coup of its leader, and the establishment of a new king. This is a cry of dissatisfaction. It wants a chance.

But, please note, I am not talking about the overthrow of the U.S. government—or any other natural government. Instead, I’m talking about the spiritual government of this world, led by Satan. He is the spiritual king of this world. Scripture calls him the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4). He has a ruling seat (Rev. 2:13). His kingdom is darkness (Col. 1:13). He planted his flag in the ground in Genesis 3. He has set up dominion by storming the castle of our minds and hearts (Eph. 2:1-32 Cor. 4:1-4).

When we pray for the kingdom of God to come we are pleading for the kingdom of Satan to be toppled. Like is so often the case when a tyrant is displaced, we want his statues to be defaced, toppled, and dragged in open view. We want Satan and all of his demonic scheming, tactical assaults, deadly seduction, hissing lies, and destructive systems to be shattered!

Cry of Conquering

As we await the full realization of the inaugurated kingdom, we cry for the kingdom to come and conquer souls.

Ever since the garden of Eden, we have turned our hearts from upon God and towards ourselves and our pleasures. It is a spiritual ignorance, even a darkened ignorance. Thomas Watson observed,

Ignorance is a black veil drawn over the mind. Men by nature have a deep reach for the things of the world, and yet are ignorant of the things of God. In 1 Samuel 11.2 Nahash the Ammonite would make a covenant with Israel to thrust out their right eyes. Since the fall our left eye remains, a deep insight into worldly matters, but our right eye is thrust out, we have no saving knowledge of God. Ignorance draws the curtains around the soul so that we are blind and in darkness.

But, when God awakens a person to behold the glory of Christ, he conquers their rebellious hearts and makes them his. Those who formerly would not give Christ honor but pledged allegiance to another (John 19:14-15) are brought into the kingdom of Christ (Col. 1:13-14).

When we pray for the kingdom of God to come we are praying that God would conquer souls! And that he would shine the kingdom of grace upon the hearts of men, women, and children so that they would see and savor the kingdom of glory!

So we pray: “Lord, your kingdom come, your will be done! Conquer hearts by your Holy Spirit to set up the administration of grace in their hearts! Let them see the beauty and worth of your glory! Like Narnia melt the ice of winter and give way to the buds of grace and the dawning day of the kingdom of glory! We know you can do this and delight to do it because you’ve done it to us!”


Mayberry Hides From the Rain

THE SCENE: 60 and the occasional sprinkle

SSH IC x20
Tempo squats IC x10
LBAC IC x10 forward, x10 reverse
Cherry Pickers IC x5

To the pee rocks!!!

Rep it out x99
Set break = curl-press-tri at the pee rocks or run to the light pole
Eagle merkins
Shoulder taps
Sumo squats
Lunges (45+44)
SSH x4
Hello Dolly
Burpees for the win

10 PAX including 1 FNG – HushPuppy

Stress, worry, angst, fear, nervous, anxiety

Stress is a normal part of life, we even have a whole set of hormones in her body, referred to as “stress, hormones.“ Stress can also be paralyzing, demoralizing, and destructive.
There was a time a little more than 20 years ago when I was pretty convinced that my wife, then, my girlfriend, was trying to check out on our relationship. She’s been distancing herself, mostly because she was afraid the commitment we were heading toward, but I didn’t know that. I got to where I was anxiety, twisted up inside all the time. I would constantly check my phone to see if she called or texted. In the midst of that, I found the phone.
“ “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.”
‭‭Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭5‬-‭8‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Our society is currently obsessed with the shortest, quickest tip, or trick to get anything done. The reality is, there are very few, if any healthy ways to quickly deal with anxieties, worries and fears. These take time and practice.
  1. Find something to be grateful for, to rejoice about
  2. Find another one
  3. Don’t take your stress out on others
  4. The Lord is ALWAYS near
  5. Pray thankfully
  6. Tell Him your concerns
  7. His astonishing peace will guard your heart and mind
None of that is a quick tip. The principles are incredibly simple, but they’re not fast or easy. These take time, submission, and a willingness to hear from the Lord. It works, but you have to go through the whole process, sometimes over and over. Lean on a brother, talk to someone, post regularly. You are not alone!


Shamrock – Neon Moon

THE SCENE: 51F little foggy

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 10

Tie Fighters X10 

Cherry Pickers  x5

Bird Dog each side 10

Toe Merkins 4-ct IC – 10

Plank Punch Alternating 10 each side  – From a basic plank position, raise one hand off the ground and punch across, behind and under the opposite arm, keeping the core stabilized.


Mosey to the back of campus. 

50 – 2 count  Flutter Kicks

15 Merkins

Run a lap then wait for the 6 before starting each round by holding a plank. 

40 LBCs

15 Merkins


30 American Hammers

15 Merkins


20 BBS

15 Merkins


10 Burpees

15 Merkins


20 Dead Bug 4-count 

15 Curb dips


30 Plank Punch singles 

15 curb dips


40 LBCs

15 Curb Dips


50 Hello Dolly’s 

15 Curb Dips


Bonus round – Mandolin made us do 10 more Burpees

15 Curb dips


CMU work on the way back

* AMRAP: CMU bench press, curls, then CMU toe merkins.  

Mosey back to the flag. 

16 – Hoopty, Waxjob, Hotpants, Skid Mark, Dumpster Dive, Slappy, Caveman, Kick-Flip, Curry, Jenner, Betty, Mandolin, Mermaid, Nadia, Curveball, Anchorman,

The Holy Spirit  – I often forget about this powerful and holy presence that Jesus was very proud about leaving with us?  

John 14:26

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things

Romans 8:26

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.

I leave you with this: 

Create some quiet space this week and ask the Holy Spirit to work in you.


Fascination Development

THE SCENE: Cloudy with lingering showers, 72 degrees



15 SSH
5 Cherry Pickers
10 Tempo Squats
10 Tempo Merkins
10 Baby Arm Circles
Quick Stretch

Mosey to base of Dwayne
11’s up to turn
Burpees and Man Makers
Called an audible 20 minutes in

Mosey to Backbone
2x Muscle Up or Pull Up
5x Squat Jump
Burnie Sanders to top of Matterhorn
3x Burpee
Mosey to Backbone
Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to Little Everest
AMRAP – 10 mins
5x Squats
Bearcrawl to top
5x Merkins
Crabcrawl to bottom
Rinse and Repeat

Suicides to Cory Hill
2x Merkins every parking line

Mosey to AO

Waxjob, Mayberry, Smoky, Goat Dish, Earmuffs, Biscuits

Our company looks to hire people that have a curiosity for buildings and how buildings are put together.  Imagine going to a doctor and finding out the doctor doesn’t have a curiosity for how the body works.  I’m not sure I’d want that doctor working on me.

I had an employee one time that was young and new.  We gave her a project to design with wood and she didn’t know the size of a 2×4.  Was a startling revelation that she was designing a building with material she didn’t even understand.

This brings me to the below quote that I just found.
People in organizations need to develop a fascination for what doesn’t work. @kenblanchard #leadership

Just like having curiosity in life, everyone should have a fascination for what doesn’t work.  Having this fascination may lead you down a path where you find a solution.

Painting for Cardinal’s wife in Karns on Saturday, 3/18
Shovel flag building workshop – tentatively scheduled for 4/1/23.  More details to follow.

Pray for MC (Mary Claire) as she continues to battle stage 4 cancer.  The prognosis is not good.