F3 Knoxville

Thank you for the beer

THE SCENE: 59 and cool

1 Burpee

5 cherry pickers

some of these some of those
mosey over to the rock and we had 5 stations and a list of 5 exercises. you start and the first station and do 1 then run up to station 2 and do two. Run back to the first station and run up to station 3, and do 3. And so on and so forth.

  • merkns
  • air taps
  • V-ups
  • BBS
  • Squats

Everyone completed we mosey to the entrance to the auditorom.

  • 5 incline monkey humpers – audible because it’s a monkey humper


1 dip and run the long way around the parking lot to the porch and 10 4x plank jacks


streching and cool down after 3 miles of running


remember the 2 greatest commandments

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Convergence July 2nd Be there!

Crotch Rot

THE SCENE: Balls hot…and sweaty

SSH IC x 21

Cherry Pickers IC x5

This and That


Partner, CMUs alternate curls and tris in the way to Thunderdome

DORA: 1 rep it out, the other takes a lap

400: Double CMU calf raise

200: squats, sumo squats, squrls, lunges

100: Thrusters, Dry Docks, Flamingos

1 burpee after each lap (10+ per guy)

3×5 Burpee breaks

overhead CMU carry back to AO

Built in
Jagged Pill, Goat Dish, Frosty, I-beam, ShuttleCock, Waxjob, Trunk, Snitch, Mudpuppy, La-z-boy, Ribbed, Excitebike
Community is a necessity. My M and her Bible study are doing an entire study on how to “finds your people.”

For HIMs it’s much easier. To have community you have to put yourself out there for sure. Like Ms. Lippy taught you, if you want to have a friend, be a friend.

More than anything, you can’t have community without BEING THERE. Be present, be involved. Post. Sign up to Q. Take the flag for a spell.

I was dog tired before we started, and lying in a ditch tired when we were finished. Thanks to the men for the push

Bearing Our Burdens

THE SCENE: Warm and steamy mid-70s (great for generating sweat)

A plethora of SSHs, Merkins, Tempo Squats, Tie Fighters, and Grady Corns; A quick meander and mosey to the CMU pile and the pillars of the church


Dora-style load bearing… battle-buddies select a pillar of pain and station their CMUs for a sweet sweat sesh; HIM 1 works through reps at pillar while HIM 2 moves 1 or 2 CMUs to the center of the parking lot; After running back to swap, HIM 2 continues the reps while HIM 1 goes to gather the load and returns it to the pillar;  Rinse and repeat while moving through the exercises and reps collectively.

Exercise 1: 300 reps of Wall Sit Grady Corns

Exercise 2: 200 reps of CMU Squat Thrusters

Exercise 3: 100 reps of CMU Alternating Merkins

Exercise 4: 50 Blockees

On the way back to the CMU pile we stopped to load the dock; Each HIM moved their CMU on to the dock, jumped up on the dock, carried their CMU down the steps; Each worked in 2 reps; Waxjob inspired many to Rifle Carry Hold while waiting to load the dock.


After dropping off our CMUs and a steady mosey back to the AO; the PAX enjoyed the great tradition of burpees for broken CMUs – fortunately we only had 1 block broken – so we did 10 burpees OYO

16 HIMs walked away huffing and sweaty…. no FNGs

Galations 6:2-3 NLT… “Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.  If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself.  You are not that important.”

Expect the unexpected.  Life is full of challenges and burdens that sometimes we create ourselves.  The F3 PAX is here to help and will gladly help carry your burdens as men… but you have to make your need known. I love these men and would do anything to help any one of them.

Convergence coming on July 2nd.

Truck Stop Saturday 6-11-22

THE SCENE: Low humidity.  Ideal temp.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: added a rapid fire pre-workout name-o-rama and struggled to remember all 5 F3 Pillars

EV.1 – PAX mosey’d to the upper field to complete the Ab Circuit below – 4 exercises; 4 sets per exercise before moving to the next; 30 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest

1 – Elbow Plank     2 – Flutter Kick     3 – Full Range Freddie Merc     4 – Dead Bug / X-Up

EV.2 – 1-Mile Mosey around the perimeter greenway

EV.3 – Bleacher E.M.O.M – prescribed rep count for each exercise, every minute on the minute for 10 minutes

1 – High Stepper x 10 (2=1)     2 – Air Squat x 5 (10 for some)     3 – Imperial Walker x 10 (2=1)

  • after the 10th minute – PAX scaled the bleacher and charged up the hill to the greenway, then mosey’d back to Field 1 for EV.4

EV.4 – Touchdowns – 4 rounds of the following – perform the rep-count of the round’s exercise on the end line of the field, then run to the other side of the field and do the same before running back to the start.  Early finishers circle back for the Six

– Round 1 – 20 Merkins (Lunge to the Six)

– Round 2 – 15 Reverse Crunches (Bear Crawl to the Six)

– Round 3 – 10 Prisoner Get-Ups (Run to the Six)

– Round 4 – 5 Burpees (Encourage the Six)

Group Merkins in Ring-of-Fire Format (3,2,1,1,2,3)
9 HIMs and a 2.0 (Champ)
Invite Christ into the areas of your life that are holding you back.  That’s where He wants to be.  Break the cycle.
2 Corinthians 5:17 – Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.   The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
July 2nd convergence at JUCO.  No Truck Stop (or any other workouts) that day.

Triple 11’s

The Scene

62 and perfect

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone



Seal Claps

Square Crawl



Cherry Pickers


Triple 11’s

BYOCMU travels with you the whole time


Travel to 10 yd line- 1 Curl to press (lock out on both ends), Rows each side, Illuminati raises

Goal Line- 10 HR Merkin, American Hammer w/ CMU, chest press/skull crusher w/ CMU


Travel to 20 yd line- 2 Curl to press (lock out on both ends), Rows each side, Illuminati raises

Goal Line- 9 HR Merkin, American Hammer w/ CMU, chest press/skull crusher w/ CMU


Travel to 30 yd line- 3 Curl to press (lock out on both ends), Rows each side, Illuminati raises

Goal Line- 8 HR Merkin, American Hammer w/ CMU, chest press/skull crusher w/ CMU


Travel to 40 yd line- 4 Curl to press (lock out on both ends), Rows each side, Illuminati raises

Goal Line- 7 HR Merkin, American Hammer w/ CMU, chest press/skull crusher w/ CMU

Travel to 90 yd line- 9 Curl to press (lock out on both ends), Rows each side, Illuminati raises

Goal Line- 2 HR Merkin, American Hammer w/ CMU, chest press/skull crusher w/ CMU

Called recover before we got to the opposite goal line. Most got to the 90 yd mark

Before we headed back to AO we got a nice 10 count CMU taps in.


No Time


13 HIM’s Welcome FNG “Culture Shock”


Do the hard thing 

We often know exactly where to hide to not get called out in life DONT. 

Do the hard thing now so you are ready later. 

Be an asset

You don’t have to be the most talented, biggest fastest or strongest to become an asset  


Mumble chatter was on point today. No one seemed to be a fan of the Illuminati raises but that was to be expected. BYOCMU went perfectly we had just enough. 



Convergence at JUCO July 2nd

A sign-up sheet is forthcoming.  Schedule:

5:00am – 6:00am Pre-Ruck (Optional)

6:00am – 7:00am Beatdown (Nant’an on Q)

7:15am – 8:00am Coffeeteria/Breakfast and a special 3rd F Speaker at the Hardin Valley Academy Gym (right down the street)

8:00am – EndEx