F3 Knoxville

Fascination Development

The Dog Pound

THE SCENE: Cloudy with lingering showers, 72 degrees



15 SSH
5 Cherry Pickers
10 Tempo Squats
10 Tempo Merkins
10 Baby Arm Circles
Quick Stretch

Mosey to base of Dwayne
11’s up to turn
Burpees and Man Makers
Called an audible 20 minutes in

Mosey to Backbone
2x Muscle Up or Pull Up
5x Squat Jump
Burnie Sanders to top of Matterhorn
3x Burpee
Mosey to Backbone
Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to Little Everest
AMRAP – 10 mins
5x Squats
Bearcrawl to top
5x Merkins
Crabcrawl to bottom
Rinse and Repeat

Suicides to Cory Hill
2x Merkins every parking line

Mosey to AO

Waxjob, Mayberry, Smoky, Goat Dish, Earmuffs, Biscuits

Our company looks to hire people that have a curiosity for buildings and how buildings are put together.  Imagine going to a doctor and finding out the doctor doesn’t have a curiosity for how the body works.  I’m not sure I’d want that doctor working on me.

I had an employee one time that was young and new.  We gave her a project to design with wood and she didn’t know the size of a 2×4.  Was a startling revelation that she was designing a building with material she didn’t even understand.

This brings me to the below quote that I just found.
People in organizations need to develop a fascination for what doesn’t work. @kenblanchard #leadership

Just like having curiosity in life, everyone should have a fascination for what doesn’t work.  Having this fascination may lead you down a path where you find a solution.

Painting for Cardinal’s wife in Karns on Saturday, 3/18
Shovel flag building workshop – tentatively scheduled for 4/1/23.  More details to follow.

Pray for MC (Mary Claire) as she continues to battle stage 4 cancer.  The prognosis is not good.