F3 Knoxville

Cardio Truck Stop

THE SCENE: Just above freezing

  • SSH IC x 20
  • Cherry Picker IC x 5
  • Tempo Merkins IC x 10
  • Ankle Rolls/Trunk Twists


  • FNG pick a number 1-20 – 16 Reps
  • 1/3 Mile lap with
  • Box Jumps, Pull-ups, Dips, Merkins, 4 ct Flutters
  • After 6ish laps – mosey to Soccer Field
  • I-40’s
  • Trace the lines of the soccer field – Bear Crawl Forward, Karaoke side to side, back peddle… backward
  • Mosey back to AO
  • Sprints for the Win – 2 Sprints to 1st light, 2 Sprints to the 2nd light, and one all the way through

Stretch it out

March is Mental Health Month for F3. This is a great place for men who need a workout and fellowship. If there’s a man in our world that needs more than that, it’s okay. Sometimes guys need a Psychologist or Medication to correct a chemical imbalance. That’s not for us to decide. We’re here to encourage men.

Got lucky that the number selection didn’t backfire. Wasn’t exactly what I had planned but it worked out for us. We didn’t have a bit of creativity on names for the FNG so we landed on the predetermined He-Man as promised. Bartman had a sweet van.

JUCO Convergence – Hardship Hill Builds – Hardship Hill Event – Tennessee Convergence in October


THE SCENE: Great. Just great. No, really, it was great. Like I’m not being sarcastic or whatever, really nice. I swear! Dropped my daughter off at the Chapel for FiA, and started walking up to the AO. Nobody on the calendar… Looks like it’s time for a Waxjob surprise beatdown!

Made up on the spot, so I may not be remembering this right:
32 SSH IC (just until Swimmies decided which daggum shirt he wanted to wear)
5 Cherry Pickers
10 Tempo Merkins
20 LBAC each way
20 Overhead Claps
10 Tempo Squats
10 Crabettes

Mosey over toward Baby Everest. Make a quick 180 around the truck in the parking lot and back to the AO because I forgot my phone… Now on to Baby Everest for realz

11s – Start with one squat jump at the bottom, 10 merkins at the top. Bernie up (of course)
10x V-Ups
10x Wide Merkins
5x Diamond Merkins
Mosey around to the bottom of the hill.
Back up the hill! This time, Crawl Bear.

Mosey back to the AO just to pick up the Exercise Die, and head down to the playground for random Tabata.
Roll an exercise and do 4 rounds of 20s on, 10s rest:
Crab Walk
Plank (did this one for two rounds of a full minute each)
Water Break! (Run to the water fountain. It’s too close. Add 5 burpees)
Calf Raises (single leg)

Just a little time left…
20x LBCs (4ct IC)
A tiny bit of Row your Boat

5 strong today
Not much due to the short planning period… Received more than I gave. Thanks guys!
Kudos to Gibbler and Hot Tub on the pre-ruck!
JUCO Convergence! March 28! Be there!

Irken/Dirken Biscuit


32 degrees, snow flurries at a NEW AO – Name TBD – Finally Named Shamrock




  • 20 SSH
  • 20 Cherry Pickers
  • 20 Mountain Climbers
  • 10 Crab Climbers
  • 20 Mountain Parkers
  • 10 Crab Parkers

The Thang: Irken Dirken Biscuit

Go tour the campus and for every incline do 10 Dips, 10 Dirkens, and 10 Irkens.
The inclines are small hills, benches, and stairs. There were also a few side tracks we took.

The first side track/warmup was a Mtn Climber + Lizard stair climb.

  1. Bear crawl up right beside the stairs
  2. Lizard crawl down the stairs = Stagger Merkins as you progress down the stairs crawling
  3. Lizard crawl UP the stairs = Stagger Merkins as you progress UP the stairs
  4. Reverse bear crawl down right beside the stairs

The second side track was a bear crawl stair loop with 10 Dirkens and 10 Irkens at the stairs.

The third side track was 10 Hill climbs and 10 Dirkens and 10 Irkens after the 10 hill climbs.

Then progressed to the Six picnic tables . For each picnic table do 10 Dips, 10 Dirkens and 10 Irkens.

Then mosey to pull up bar. Al Gore hold while your brothers take turns doing three reps of MAX # of Pull ups.

Almost out of time. Mosey around the campus and do 10 Dips, on the benches and marvel at the infinite workout possibilities on campus.


No time for Mary


Drive a Steak – Read out of Joshua 22 – Acknowledging there is ONLY one God, The Rubenites erected a controversial Alter to honor God. At first it was mis-understood, but then when explained, it brought Glory to God and was accepted. What steaks in the ground are you driving to educate your kids and future generations about what it means to be a Christian. This Catholic school invested heavily (driving a steak for future generations) in the combination of permanent “monuments” in which to teach future generations about Jesus. We are very grateful to have the privilege to be able exercise on this Holy ground and potentially call it the home of a new F3 AO.


Welcome two FNG’s – Chicken Wing (Sam) and Hoopti (Kyle). Please tell your friends about this new locations. Let’s make it a permanent addition to the flourishing F3 Knoxville group.

This Escalator’s broken

THE SCENE: cold and drizzling

SSH x20, Cherry picker x5, butt-kickers, high knees, lunges.

Mosey to base of Matterhorn.

Had 5 cones going up the mountain.  At each cone, PAX would do merkins, box-cutters, and jump squats.

  • 5 of each at first cone, back to base.
  • 5 at first cone, 10 at second cone, back to base
  • 5 at first cone, 10 at second, 15 at third, back to base
  • 5 at first, 10 at second, 15 at third, 20 at fourth, back to base
  • 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 at 5th cone, back to base.

Indian run back to AO.

By the end of the workout, PAX ran about 2.5 miles and did 175 merkins, 175 box-cutters, and 175 jump squats.

Side crunches on a 4-count IC (10 each side)


Exodus 2:23-25 — 23 oDuring those many days the king of Egypt died, and the people of Israel pgroanedbecause of their slavery and cried out for help. qTheir cry for rescue from slavery cameup to God. 24 And rGod heard their groaning, and God sremembered his covenant withtAbraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. 25 God usaw the people of Israel—and Godvknew.

The people only played one part — they cried out for help.  God did the rest.  He heard.  He remembered.  He saw.  He knew.

Watch out for cars.  Maybe shorten the Q to 4 cones next time instead of 5.

DORA, Noonan, and Burpees

THE SCENE: Mostly Cloudy, 41°F, Feels like 37°F, Humidity 82%, Wind 6mph from SW – Thanks Frenchie

Zero Burpee Warm-up. Always a favorite.

0xBurpees, 20xSSH, 2xBurpees, 10xWindmills, 4xBurpees, 10xLBAC fw&bk, 6xBurpees, 10xTempo Squat, 8xBurpees, mosey towards Sophomore Hill, stop for 20xflutter kicks, mosey some more, 10xBurpees
At Sophomore Hill, grab a battle buddy for some original DORA 1-2-3:

  • 100xMerkins
  • 200xBBS
  • 300xSquats

Mosey over to the coupon pile and grab one for a new exercise: The Noonan (Description per Exicon: Running up stadium stairs with a ruck on. Any form of weighted ruck or coupon up and downstairs. In Honor of F3 Naperville’s Steve Keough (F3 Noonan) who suddenly passed away while rucking.)

In honor of the passing of F3 Noonan just 2 days after he turned 50, we completed 50 collective trips up and down the stairs to the sports building with our RESPECT PAX leading the way. During this exercise I asked everyone to take a moment of silence to meditate on how blessed we are to have our health and to pray for those that don’t.

Mosey with your coupon over to the stadium. At the bottom of the hill perform the following starting with 10 reps of each and adding 10 reps after each round:

  • CMU Curls
  • CMU Tricep Extensions
  • CMU Swings

Run to the top of the Stadium Hill and perform 5 burpees to complete one round. Repeat adding reps until time was called.

Mosey back to the shovel flag.
26 HIMs; 3 Ruckers and 23 Boot Campers
My favorite verse for quite a long time has been:

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

Although this is my favorite verse, I used to apply it the wrong way. This verse does not guarantee that everything that happens to us in this life will benefit us in this life. It means that even when bad things happen to us in this world, if we maintain our faith and love in God, those things will benefit us in the life to come. The Bible does not teach that prosperity is something guaranteed to Christians, quite the opposite is true. We will be tried and persecuted in this life, but through those trials and tribulations we will grow closer to God. The things in this world are fleeting and ultimately meaningless if we don’t maintain our faith in God.


Shoutout to all of our PAX that have earned RESPECT. You don’t know how much us young bucks envy the fact that you are still out here pushing us to get better. You have something that we may never have, but that we all hope to have when we are 50+.

It’s been awesome seeing JUCO grow as much as it has this last year. We’ve added JUCO: Rush on Wednesdays at 0515 and are still testing out JUCO: Ruck on Mondays at 0500. Come get ya some!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.