F3 Knoxville

10-4 Challenge

THE SCENE: Surprisingly warm for 34 degrees

  • SSH IC X 20

Mosey to the location formerly known as “The Boat”

  • Perform prescribed reps and exercise at each light pole, take a right down Corey Hill and find the 10th Light Pole at the base of the 2nd flight of stairs. Pay the toll of 50 calf raises, run to Duane “The Rock” Johnson and back to start. 3 Rounds
  • 1st Round – 10 Quarter Squat Hop/4 Merkins
  • 2nd Round – 10 Lunges (single leg)/4 Hurpees
  • 3rd Round – 10 Bobby Hurleys/4 Body Builders

Loosening the resistance of a tight Posterior Chain


Luke 8:5-8 (Parable of the Sower) – A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell along the path and some was trampled underfoot, and the birds of the air devoured it. And some fell on the rock, and as it grew up, it withered away, because it had no moisture. And some fell among the thorns and the thorns grew up with it and choked it. And some fell into good soil and grew and yielded a hundredfold.

This week while having lunch with some F3 #HIMs to work out the details of the pull up bars, I got to meet Mailbox from JUCO. Mailbox stepped up and offered to help source the pipe needed for the pull-up bars. A little while into the lunch, he looks at me and asks if I did a KTC run last year. I did. He then asked if I was the guy who walked with him up the hill on the backside, after I thought about it, I remembered running/walking with him up that hill. He told me it took him 6 months after that, but he finally made it out. (That was awesome!) We kind of left it at that. But, I was reminded of the parable of the sower.

When we tell other men about F3, it can be like the seed in the parable. Initially, I thought, “Yeah, I got one!” Immediately followed by the thought, “It’s not about you dummy.” It’s about F3. F3 is good. F3 is a gift that was given to us and is only good if we give it away.

What I left out this morning, that I wished I didn’t, was the last sentence in verse 8 – “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

It felt like we got more than 1.6 miles today
Pull up bar install will be 2/29/20 – details to follow.


THE SCENE: 22 degrees… Not quite as windy as yesterday. Occasional snowflakes spotted. Not oversensitive millennials in the park (too early in the day for that). Actual flakes of snow from the sky.

40-something SSH IC (until the last tardy PAX joined the circle…)
10x Burpees OYO to get the blood pumping
15x TN Rocking Chair IC
10x Hindurkins IC
16x Cossack Squats IC
20x LBAC IC each way
20x Overhead Claps

Mosey toward Everest.
At the low stone retaining wall beside the upper parking lot, hop up and back down at each wall segment.

20 BBS at the intersection

Climb up and back down twice at the chest-high retaining wall

Arrive at the bottom of Everest.
Climb a mountain of reps first:
10x 4-count HR Merkins IC
20x Squat Jumps IC
40x LBCs
50x SSH IC

Run up Everest, with a little Bernie thrown in for good measure.

Descend rep mountain:
50x 4-ct Mountain Climbers
40x Squats IC
30x Merkins OYO
20x Lunges each leg OYO
10x 8-ct Body Builders OYO

Head back down Everest. 20 BBS at the bottom

Mosey back to the AO, stopping once for 20 more BBS
40x Flutter Kicks IC
20x LBCs
20x American Hammer
15x Side Crunch (each side)

9 PAX today… No FNGs
Read from My Utmost for His Highest: https://utmost.org/called-by-god/

Normally a CMUesday would have been on the docket… But low 20s is a bit tough on the fingers to be gripping frozen concrete. Hopefully the more standard fare was sufficient for today…


THE SCENE:  A balmy 20 degrees

LBAC f/b, OH Claps, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats, Calve Raises
Mosey to business strip center. Perform 5 rounds of the following exercises with a mosey (1/2 of the strip center) between each round: 10 Burpees (50 total), 20 Jump Squats (100 total),  20 Merkins (100 total) 30 Monkey Humpers (150 total), 20 2ct MCs (100 total).

Mosey to shovel flag. Line up along curb. Run to each parking line (5 total) and back, stopping at each line for 5 Diamond Merkins, 5 Merkins, 5 Werkins. MARY:
No time
26 strong including 8 JUCO Monday Motherruckers.

Music is powerful. It can set your mood, stir up thoughts (both good and sinful, inspire people, etc). I recalled the time frame when I first began to come to saving faith in Christ (late 20s). There was a Christian radio station in Houston doing a 30 Day Challenge to anyone interested. The challenge was to listen to Christian radio for 30 days straight. I took part in the challenge and it changed my life in a good way.  I challenged the F3 JUCO men to do this. and suggested several Knoxville radio stations to listen to.  I also discussed what an awesome witness this can be to your children while in the car, on the way to school or wherever.

Phillipians 4:8 states, ” Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Waxjob……..in a giraffe suit…..

Abscess Turning 50 Makes for a Tough Q

THE SCENE: 50s, calm, cool, collected

  • No FNGs


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • Name is Steam and I’ll be your Q IC this morning
  • 1) I’m not a professional (depends who you ask)
  • 2) You’re here on your own volition (unless someone is forcing you to be here – then come see me afterwards) – thank you for choosing to be here this morning
  • 3) Modify as you need BUT push yourself and the men around you – we came here to work, so let’s work.


In Honor of Abscess’s 50th:

  • SSH (Side-Straddle Hop): 50 x 4 in cadence
  • Baby Arm Circles: 25 x 4 forward & 25 x 4 backwards in cadence
  • Tempo Squat: 25 x 4 in cadence
  • Tempo Merkins: 25 x 4 in cadence


  • PAX moseys to playground outside AO
  • Battle buddies assemble

[ There & Back & Back Again ]

  • BB1: 25 incline merkins on a bench
  • BB2: run to pavilion and execute 25 step-ups/box jumps (GOOD FORM = Extending legs all the way up) + runs back to recover BB1
  • R & R – each BB executes both stations twice
  • Lady Warriors of FIA enter the playground – F3 migrates to the pavilion

[ The Power of 4 (sucks) ]

  • Each HIM finds a nice table under the pavilion
  • Short Side #1 = 25 pull-ups
  • Long Side #1 = 25 incline merkins
  • Short Side #2 = 25 pull-ups
  • Long Side #2 = 25 decline merkins
  • PAX wall-sits until 6 is up
    • From the wall-sit position: @Waxjob gives a 50 count
    • Q leads PAX in downward vertebrae stretch
      • 1 vertebrae at a time going down and touching the ground, and 1 vertebrae at a time coming back up
  • PAX moseys back to AO

[ 4 Corners // Asylum 200 ]

  • Corner 1 of AO parking lot = 25 down/up merkins as a group
    • Mosey to Corner 2
  • Corner 2 of AO parking lot = 25 down/up dry docks as a group
    • Mosey to corner 3
  • Corner 3 of AO parking lot = 25 up/down squats as a group
    • Mosey to corner 4
  • Corner 4 of AO parking lot = 25 half-burpees IC as a group
    • 4-count led by Q (no merkin)
    • 5 counts were initiated by Q after 10 reps or 15 – this was a freaking smoke session
  • PAX gets a breather
  • Rinse & Repeat 4 Corners but backwards
    • Bernie Sanders from corner to corner for 2nd round

[ PAX moseys back to playground ]

[ Quarter Pounder ]

  • 5 dips
  • 5 incline merkins on the bench
  • 5 decline merkins on the bench
  • 5 box jumps
  • 5 Big Boy Sit-Ups with legs on the bench

[ PAX moseys to curb right outside the playground ]

  • 50 Irish Tap Dancers in honor of Abscess’s 50th
    • 50 4 counts take longer than originally thought = character building fun

[ PAX moseys back to AO ]

[ Toe the Line ]

  • PAX do down & backs across AO parking lot
    • Skip-jumps down + 5 half burpees at the end – Skip-jumps back
    • Karaoke down + 5 half burpees at the end – karaoke down
    • Jog down + 25 x 4 calf raises
  • Circle it Up

10 PAX – No FNGs

“Faith – someone who has believed in another person // fundamental believing in another person”


(Matthew 8:5-13) – “Faith of a Centurion”


  • “If I believe really hard…Jesus will do this”
  • “I have to live in this moment believing in this person/people”

These are things I’ve told myself and maybe you have at some point too.

A challenge I’ve set for myself this week is what would it look like to have the faith of a muster seed // or faith like that of the centurion in Matthew 8.

Going back to “Faith – someone who has believed in another person // fundamental believing in another person” – for F3 for instance, I have faith that when I come out here, whether I’m leading or following, at least 1 HIM will be here in the gloom with me, pushing me to be a better version, and expecting me to do the same. I have faith in the Q to lead. I believe that. 

TPQs (Thought Provoking Questions)

  • Where do I lack the faith of a centurion?
  • What people/institutions/things do I fundamentally have faith in?
  • Who has faith in me?

Ties in with Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron so one person sharpens another” —> having faith in one another to Keep the Faith & Fight the Good Fight


  • Make sure Abscess knows you didn’t suffer in vain this morning. Welcome him gladly into the RESPECT club, and be sure to post THIS Saturday at the Asylum for his 50th birthday Q.

Iron. Sharpens. Iron.

See You on the Other Side

THE SCENE: A balmy 58° or so. Light drizzle, occasional silent pulses of light in the unbroken gray sky are an ominous foreshadowing of things to come. But, no thunder rolls, so we will!

SSH x25 IC
Smurf Jacks x15 IC
Tempo Merkins x15 IC
Cherry Pickers x7 IC
Asphalt Kissers x10 IC
LBAC fwd/back
Failure to Launch x10 IC (must have counted fast…)

Skip over to the base of Mt Crumpet
Battle buddy up. One PAX does exercise while the other runs to the top and around the tree and back. Switch. Dora style except no specified rep count.
After both PAX have done the first exercise, mosey to the fountain. Sideways plank shuffle with feet on the fountain – One CW and one CCW until meeting on the other side.
Mosey back and do the next exercise. R&R.
-Gas Pumpers
-Squat Jumps

Lightning getting closer, so head back to shelter!

Decent time left for some good ab work!
Flutter Kicks x40 IC
LBCs x20 IC
Box Cutters x20 IC
Row your Boat x2

As portended, the heavens opened up and the waters descended with a great roar. But the PAX remained only mostly wet in the shelter of the Pavalon.

11 PAX got it done!
This is something I’ve mentioned before. However, I need a daily focus on it. For those of us who are married, it’s not a 50/50 thing. It’s 100/100. Today we went around the fountain as pairs, each going opposite ways and meeting on the other side. Nobody stopped halfway and waited for their partner. Just kept going until they met. With your spouse, don’t just go halfway. Give it your all. When crap hits the fan in life, be ready to go the full distance.

It’s been a while since I was on ol’ Crumpet… Somebody planted a daggum tree right down near the bottom of the hill. Little spindly sapling thing… I just about ran right over it on my first trip up.
None today