F3 Knoxville

Cherry on top

THE SCENE: Just below freezing, so Wax Job could claim Polar Bare Club

SSH x20, Cherry Picker x4 (b/c 5 is just too much), Rockettes x10, Tempo Squats x10, BAC x 10

Partnered up, grabbed CMU’s and headed to outhouse.

DORA — Completed 100 reps of each of the first exercise.  While one partner was working on that, other partner ran to fence at tennis court and completed 5 reps of the other exercise.

  • CMU Squat — Merkins
  • Bench Press — Flutter-kicks
  • Curls — BBS
  • Lunges — Burpees
  • Shoulder Press — Iron Mikes
  • Box Jumps — Monkey-humpers
  • CMU Swings — Box cutters

After completing this, mosey up the hill for a Route 66 of Merkins (the cherry on top).

Indian Run back to AO.

Australian Snow Angels x 20, Box cutters x 15.


Colossians 1:9-10 — And so, rfrom the day we heard, swe have not ceased to pray for you, asking that tyou may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all uspiritual wisdom and understanding,10 so as vto walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, wfully pleasing to him: xbearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.

We need deep roots to bear more fruit.  Just as we discipline ourselves in exercise, let’s discipline ourselves to study God’s word, to know Him, and to bear fruit in every good work.

7, 5, 3 + Some Miles

39 and Clear

Ruck to Bearden Hill Rec Center (app. 2 miles)

PT (All exercises with ruck unless noted)
Circuit x7:
10 Squats
10 Overhead Presses
10 Upright Rows

Farmer Carry the length of the field (ruck in the rt. hand going down, in the left coming back)

Circuit x 5:
10 Bent Over Rows
15 Ruck Swings
10 Russian twists
10 Curls

Farmer Carry the length of the field (ruck in the rt. hand going down, in the left coming back)

Circuit x3:
10 Lunges (each leg)
10 Ruck Sit-ups
10 Chest Presses
10 Tricep Extensions
10 Burpees (no ruck)

Farmer Carry the length of the field (ruck in the rt. hand going down, in the left coming back)

Ruck back to SP (app 2 miles)

Cash Out
40 4ct Flutter Kicks, 20 Chest Presses
30 4ct Flutter Kicks, 15 Chest Presses


Pray it out and crush the day!

THE SCENE: Cold and Snowyish

Walked through the importance of cadence and how to call it.

  • SSH IC * 15
  • Merkins IC * 15
  • Imperial Walkers IC * 15

Mayberry took over

 Partner Workout

  1. 50 pullups
  2. 50 Burpees
  3. 100 Merkins
  4. 100 V-Ups
  5. 200 Squats
  6. 200 gas pumpers
  7. Alternate between SSH, Flamingos and Step ups

I-Beam took over and showed us how to run the ab cycle.

  • Six Minutes Of Mary aka 6MOM Routine, Mary An abdominal #Routine of no specific composition as long as it promotes #TBQ.  Inspired by psycho-killer with the 7-minute ab workout in Something About Mary.

14 strong
Junk delivered a great message that can be found here: https://f3knoxville.com/not-my-timing-but-yours/

Also, walked us through the importance of the BOM for our PAX. How the BOM is one of the biggest parts of F3 and shouldn’t be glossed over.
Great turnout on a cold snowy day. We met at the Pav-A-Lon and had coffee brewing for coffeeteria at the end of the workout. Hardbody really brought donuts!!! Hopefully we demystified the Q and we’ll see a couple of guys jump on rotation.
Hardship Hill obstacles, 3rd F on 12/7

JUCO Slaughterhouse II- Veterans’ Day Special

THE SCENE: Clear, chilly, full moon; 6 point buck watched over the sophomore hill setup… he approved.

Side Straddle Hops x 10

Windmill x 10

Cherry Pickers x 10

  • Indian Run (last man up) to Sophomore Hill to celebrate Forrest Gump: partner up. PAX 1 “Shrimps” up the hill, LT Dan back down, and complete a Diamond Clock. PAX 2 celebrates legs with 10 “Mrs. Gumps” (monkey humpers w/sound effects), Range Targets down the hill, then Lunge Walks back to start point.  Trade positions to complete the set.
  • Run Forrest Run to the CMU pile and bulldoze to the parking lot. Keep your partner and DORA 100 “Jennys” (modified hello dollys), 200 BBS with CMU, 300 pullovers (over-planned, no chance of completing in time allotted)
  • Mosey back to AO, complete side crunches to run out the clock.

“Greater love hath no man that to lay down his life for a friend”, many have made that sacrifice, but it sucks for everyone involved. I pray that none of you are ever put into that type of situation. “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church”- we’re not getting nailed to a cross for them, so how do we love them? Visit 1 Corinthians 13- Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful…” If someone asked your wife to describe you, in full honesty, would patient and kind be the first words out of her mouth? Honestly, I’d be 0 for 9 on that list. As HIMs, we need to strive to be better at love, toward our neighbor, our family, our friends. We need to bring peace with us wherever we walk, not chaos. Walk into your home, your work, your church, your life, prepared to be humble and peaceful.
Prayer requests: Commission’s friend and mentor Dillard passed away; pray for peace and healing for the loss. Nutmeg’s father undergoing a major surgery. Pete Billingsley’s health as he struggles with a dire heart issue.
Congrats to JUCO for taking the AO Brolympics title, and to Spotter for nearly beating Woodshack out of the individual title.

A Whole New World

THE SCENE: A crisp 43 degrees

20x SSH
20x Imperial Walkers
10x Cherry Pickers
10 Burpees

Count off in groups of 4’s, #1’s get a CMU

CMU’s cannot touch the ground.

Indian Run with block pass off to front- Stop at third light in marina parking lot.

Group Work:
200 Squats
200 BBS
200 Merkins

Mosey to stairs:

2 PAX mosey to the top and around the rock, CMU overhead on stairs

2 PAX stay below.


  • Bear Crawl from curb to curb
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Iron Mikes
  • Frog Jump, Burpee Turn
  • V-ups
  • Crab Walk
  • Dry Docks
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Star Jumps

Mosey to AO with block pass off

No time for Mary


Matthew 11:25-30: “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Jesus is there to pull us along and carry us.  Are we relying on him.  And who are we bringing along.  Thank you to all you guys who push me along and make me stronger.

Prayers for Lady Junk, Butter’s son, Mayberry’s friend with prostate cancer.