F3 Knoxville

No CMU Left Behind

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: Respectable. Meaning in the 50s. Also light drizzle occaisionally. Just enough to cool you down a bit, not enough to actually get wet.

SSH x30 IC
TN Rocking Chair x15 IC
8-ct Magic Mikes x10 IC (Fwd lunge, return, rev. lunge same leg, hands on the ground, bring fwd leg back and up in the air, merkin, return to standing)
LBAC x20 each way IC
Grady Corns x20 IC
Crabettes x10 IC

Head over to the CMU pile. Each PAX grabs one and comes out to the corner of the parking lot.
5 reps of exercise on card, then back to the pile for another CMU, 10 reps, another CMU, 15 reps until all CMUs are gone.
After all CMUs are at the first corner, repeat at second corner, moving all CMUs to the second corner.
-Merky-Derky (Plank w/ hands on block, merkin, bear crawl until feet on block, derkin, crawl bear back. That’s one. Audibled to 5-10-10 instead of 15)
-Lawn mowers

That’s all 4 corners… However, the cards have 2 sides.
-One-hand OHP
-Pull-over get-ups (from your six, reach CMU overhead and touch ground. Bring CMU back up and past your knees, stand up)
-CMU Wine Mixers
-Would have done curls, but ran out of time!

No time today.
7 PAX for 21 CMUs
Proverbs 3:5-6
New International Version
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.

So… What’s on my heart today? Yesterday was tough. My wife’s mother, who is in the later stages of Alzheimer’s, moved into our house Saturday. Yesterday we ended up juggling care for her, work, school, shopping, home repair, dinner, and extended family drama. Lying in bed afterward (and honestly wishing at that point that I wasn’t on Q today), I wondered how many more of those days were to come, and how many I could take. This verse came to mind, reminding me again to keep actively putting my trust in Him, specifically both in heart and mind. I wish I could say I was in that place… But I know that’s where I need to be, and pray for strength to get there.

PAX handled everything with aplomb today… Gotta step it up a bit next time!
None this week…