F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Clear and crisp… Perfect amount of chill to keep comfortable during the workout.

SSH x30 IC
Travoltas x10 IC each side
Tie Fighters x10 IC each way
Cherry Pickers x7 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Monkey Humpers x20 IC

Such a lovely pile of CMUs just begging to be used. We’ll use as many as we can! 2 CMUs apiece! Hence the slight modification of today’s spelling…

Farmer carry to the base of baby Everest.
Battle Buddy up for some Dora-style work.
Running partner goes to the top for 2 burpees while the other does reps.
Uphill styles:
-Farmer Carry
-Bernie the Farmer
-Overhead Carry
-Overhead Bernie


  • 50 Popup Merkins (alternate merkins with hands on 2 blocks/hands on the ground
  • 100 Squat Thrust
  • 100 OHP (audible… What was I thinking? Right after squat thrusts?)
  • 150 Lawn Mowers
  • 100 CMU BBS
  • 100 Fwd Raise
  • 200 Curls

There were more, but I think that’s all we got through…

Mosey on back and put the toys away.
Threw down a few flutter kicks while the CMUs were being stowed.

One CMU made it through the workout but didn’t survive restocking.
Broke into 4 pieces x5 burpees per piece makes 20 Burpees OYO!

20 4-ct crunches to cash out

20 CMUs got some love from 10 HIMs this morning… Plus Pfeiffer and Gibbler showed up to put in the miles.
1 Cor. 3:6 – I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.
All good farmers know this one. When you feel that soreness in your shoulders later today, remember that and look for places God may want you to do some planting or watering and let Him make it grow!
Snitch needs to check the GroupMe or the calendar or something before he posts or he’s gonna keep ending up at Waxjob Qs…
2nd Annual Brolympics is less than a month away! And December is the quarterly 3rd F. Location is Lenoir City at 2 Rivers Church.

The Sheep and the Lions

THE SCENE:  44 and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

Abe Vigoda IC x 8
Seal claps IC x 8
Randy IC x 8
Motivator IC x 8
Sprints x 4
Calve raises on the curb while I explain Tha Thang…


We going to play a game called “Mutton”.  One PAX is “the sheep” – he wears a flag belt and holds an interval timer (my phone).  The rest of the PAX are “lions”.  Here’s the game;

  • 30 Second Sprint: The Sheep sprints off in whatever direction his chooses… The Lions perform an exercise called by Q (e.g. 3 fairy jacks!), then pursue the Sheep.  If they catch the Sheep, Lions pull his flag off.
  • 10 Second Recovery: If the Sheep was caught, he (alone) starts an exercise of his choice while the Lions recover.  If the Sheep was not caught, he gets to recover along with the Lions.
  • 45 Second Work: All PAX perform exercise of the Sheep’s choice
  • 15 Second Recovery: All PAX recover (and the flag belt is given to another PAX – who becomes the new Sheep…).
  • Repeat…

Stop at the coupon pile to do;

  • Colt 45s
  • Squat thrusters
  • Uneven merkins (one hand on coupon) – is there a name for this?
  • Heavy Freddies
  • Heavy Hammers
  • Hello Dolly

Start “Mutton” again and work our way back to the shovelflag.


20 seconds core, 10 seconds merkins….repeat (e.g. LBC, merkin, side crunch, merkin, rosalita, merkin…..)

Repeat for 5 minutes


26 HIMs


Proverb from India (hat tip Paramahansa Yogananda).

A pregnant lioness attacked a flock of sheep.  As she sprang on her prey, she gave birth to her cub and then died.  The lion cub grew up in the company of the sheep.  As the sheep ate grass, the cub followed their example.  They bleated; the cub bleated too.  Gradually it grew to be a big beautiful lion but still acted like a sheep.  He had no idea, not even in his dreams, that he was a lion.

One day an old lion passed by and saw this young lion standing with the sheep, acting like a sheep.  So, he gave chase and got ahold of him.  The young sheep-lion said, “Please don’t!  Let me go!”.  But the old lion said, “come with me!” and dragged him to a lake.  He made him gaze into the water and said, “Look at yourself!”  So, the lion who thought he was a sheep looked and for the first time he saw his reflection.  Then he looked at the old lion, and he looked in the water again, and he let out a mighty roar.  He was never a sheep again.

3 Points

1. “The opposite of a man is not a woman; the opposite of a man is a boy” (hat tip Judge Judy). I have three boys at home, and I can tell you that they are often self-centered and short-sighted.  Boys live for gratification and pout when they don’t get their way.  As a high-impact man, you choose not to endlessly chase your own desires, but instead to live sacrificially.  You put the needs and interests of others above your own.  You operate with intentionality and have a consistent positive influence on your community.  You are a high-impact man.

2. If you are in Christ, you are a new creation; the old has gone, the new is here (2 Corinthians 5:15). The old was lust and greed (Colossians 3:5), selfishness, jealousy, envy, and rage (Galatians 5:19-21).  You no longer have a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love, and sound judgement (2 Timothy 1:7).  You set your hearts and minds on things above (Colossians 3:1-2).  You’ve clothed yourselves with compassion and humility (Colossians 3:12) and the Spirit of God produces in you love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 3:22-23).  You are a new creation.

3. This one applies to every single one of you – every one of you is the old lion in the story. In your life, there are young lions who act like sheep – and who think they are sheep (we call them “Sad Clowns”).  Grown men who live like selfish boys – men who profess Christ, but who follow their flesh instead of the Spirit.  You must pursue and get ahold of that man.  You must be an example of a high-impact man in his life and show him what he was created to be.  You may just give that man his first glance at his “imprisoned splendor” (hat tip Robert Browning).  You may just be the conduit that God uses to rescue that man from his selfishness and meaninglessness, and to call him into a life of service and sacrifice to the glory of God. 



  • Prayers for PoolBoy’s house to sell quickly
  • Brolympics November 9th

Foxes, Skunks and CMUs

THE SCENE: Another beautiful morning, cool and clear

SSHs, plank pointers, squats
CMU carry to parking lot big island. Do some presses, OH carry and curls on the way.

Carry 1 CMU on a speed walk. At cone, Run back to previous cone and back w/o CMU then do exercise. Pick up CMU speed walk to next cone and repeat. Exercises are:

  • 15. Merkins
  • 20 OH presses w/CMU
  • 20 jump squats
  • 20 plank pointers
  • 20 dry docks
  • 20 curl/press
  • 20 plank over CMUs (each side is 1)
  • 20 SSH
  • 20 “bench presses” w/CMU
  • 20 tri presses

run a full lap around after completing each round

REPEAT till time ends


Flutter Kicks and a creative circle of pain Merkins

“But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.””
‭‭Mark‬ ‭10:6-9‬ ‭

let your wife know you are one.

great morning, great weather. Wax job came up with the topper for ring of fire merkins. The “real Superman” doing a merkin and on way up putting your arms and legs off the ground.

Goliath at the Gorge, Brolympics

Must Be Fall Break

THE SCENE: Finally feels sort of fall-like… About 60 and cloudy.

SSH x30 IC
Travoltas x15 IC each side
Imperial Squat Walkers x15 IC
LBAC x20 each way IC
Hindurkins x10 IC

Cuper Cimple CMUesday recipe:

10 Burpee w/hop over block
1 lap

10 Burpee w/hop over block
20 One-Hand OHP (10 each side)
1 lap
1 more lap

10 Burpee w/hop over block
20 One-Hand OHP (10 each side)
30 Lunge w/ Twist
1 lap
1 more lap
Plus an additional bonus lap

10 Burpee w/hop over block
20 One-Hand OHP (10 each side)
30 Lunge w/ Twist
40 CMU Swings
1 lap
1 more lap
Plus an additional bonus lap
Recovery lap

20 One-Hand OHP (10 each side)
30 Lunge w/ Twist
40 CMU Swings
1 more lap
Plus an additional bonus lap
Recovery lap

Time’s running short…
Bonus lap
Recovery lap

Flutter kicks x50 IC

2 PAX this morning, plus some creepy guy who sat in his truck the whole time, his beady eyes and puffy face eerily illuminated by the dim yellow-green glow of Flappy Bird flitting across the screen of his iPhone X.
Brief… Goes along with the EH cards I brought. As Abscess mentioned this week, don’t stop the EH when an FNG shows up. Reach out and continue to encourage! (also, Q.)
Well, OK the dude in the truck wasn’t necessarily creepy. And made up all the detail. Couldn’t see that much… But he was on his phone just about the whole time, except when I went over to put on the ol’ EH. He was asleep. Left a card on his windshield…
BroLympics!!!!! November 9! More info to come…

Eat better than that

THE SCENE: Quite pleasant, actually. Clear, cool and not too humid.

SSH x30 IC (last 10 or so slooow)
Cherry Pickers x5 IC
Cossack Squat x14 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Hand Release Merkins x10 OYO
Failure to Launch x7 IC
Asphalt Kissers x10 IC

Start out on the grinder.
Half the PAX hold Peter Parker (up position) while the other half run to the other end. Drop to 6″ while they run back.
Swap places and repeat.
Swap again, this time with other leg
And once more to round it out.

Blacksnake lap around the park

10x Tempo Squats IC upon return, then mosey to Waxjob hill

Buddy up.
Groucho walk down the hill
10 burpees each
Wheelbarrow back up.
20 Squat Jacks for the front man, 20 merkins for the back
Repeat, swapping places for the wheelbarrow.

Repeat above, mosey instead of Groucho, partner drag instead of wheelbarrow, and BBS/Monkey Humpers at the top

Back to the grinder for a miniature Let’s Make a Deal
6 cards with reps, 6 exercises. Flip top card of each. Can swap to next card (reps, exercise, or both), but if flipped you can’t go back to the first.
Ended up doing:
40 Star Jacks
30 4-ct Monkey Humpers
50 Dry Docks
25 LBCs
15 Mtn Climbers
35 Squats

We have time left on the clock! 7s: Hand Release Derkins and Pullups

30 Flutter Kicks IC
15 Side Crunches IC
10 left-right-middle crunches IC
2 rounds of Row your Boat
20 box Cutters IC
Peter Parkers

8 strong… Not bad for fall break
I just installed some cabinets in my basement. I ordered online from Home Depot, and when they came in I started having second thoughts. They looked pretty flimsy, and wobbled pretty bad. However, once I screwed the six units together, they became much more solid. Then, after I anchored them to the wall studs and put a countertop on them, they were rock solid. As a PAX, we support one another, and strenghten one another as we lock shields. But our ultimate support comes from the anchor in Christ.
I didn’t eat well or hydrate last night, and I really felt it this morning. By the end of the beatdown I could barely mosey across the grinder. Not a good feeling! Nutrition and Hydration!
F3 Brolympics in November, 3rd F in December!