F3 Knoxville

Burn the Wet Wood

THE SCENE: 48 and dry.

SSH IC x20

Cherry Pickers IC x5

‘Mericans IC X10

Mountain climbers IC x10


CMU Exercises
Ratchet Squrls = Ratchet squat curls
French Military Squats
Stocky Balboas = weighted Rocky’s
Lunging Tricep Extensions
Blocky Hurley’s
250 of each
Start wherever you want, finish wherever you want – but once you start an exercise you have to finish it!
When you burn out either arms or legs, run to the tennis courts and grab a ball. Do what it says x 10. Run back and start where you left off.
Dodgeball – we have balls, if you get hit you do the exercise x10. If you catch it they do it x20.. Once the exercise is done you join again


Junk, Mayberry, Sparky, I-beam, Hot Tub, Scooter, Snitch, Abacus, Waxjob

– Recapped the story of Elijah
1 Kings 18
God is the igniter of wet wood. Sometimes the wood is wet because of our circumstances, or our environment. Sometimes it’s wet because of relational issues, or our internal crapola. Sometimes it’s wet because we have been pouring buckets of water over ourselves with our own decisions. Whatever the reason, He is the igniter of wet wood. Sometimes He even wants the wood wet for His Glory, just to show that it’s only Him who could have done it. So even if you feel like you’re dealing with wet wood, ask for the fire!

We spent time praying for Wallball’s dad who is getting a consultation for a heart transplant today..

It’s All Downhill

THE SCENE: upper 40’s but breezy – chilly until we got moving



  • Cherry pickers x 5
  • Rockettes x 10
  • Burpees x 10
  • Tempo Squats x 10


  1. Indian run to the place the boats used to be
    • Iron Mikes at each light pole (route 66 style) around the parking lot to the marina sign.
  2. Matterhorn suicide
    • 5 cones in a line up the hill.  Bernie Sanders to each successive cone and do exercises written by the cone.  All exercises performed facing downhill.
      • 8-count body builders x 20
      • Lunges x 20 (each leg)
      • Shoulder taps x 20 (4 count)
      • Carolina Dry Docks x 20
      • Merkins x 20
  3. DORA 1-2-3
    • Small hill by the restaurant parking lot.  Partner A runs to top of hill and does 2 burpees while partner B does the exercises.  Then flapjack.
      • 100 Merkins
      • 200 Big boy situps
      • 300 Jump squats
  4. Indian run back to the AO


  • Side crunch x 15
  • Hello Dolly x 20

16 strong:  Bowflex, Frosty, Aladdin, Sparky, Kilowatt, Tank, Blue Cross, Wagon Wheel, Waxjob, I-Beam, Toebox, Butters, Junk, Mayberry, Tweet-E, Bartman

As I’ve observed those around me lately – specifically male Christians – I have noticed a lot of passivity.  There is an old adage that goes something like this:  “Share the love of Jesus everywhere you go, and if necessary, use words”.  I understand the point this is trying to make, and we should be living in a way that others take notice.  However as Christian men, we should also be taking a stand for Christ – which means using words, debating/disagreeing when necessary.  I’m not suggesting we go around starting arguments, but we should definitely reject the passive approach and be steadfast in how we represent ourselves.  So often the Christian faith is seen as curling up in Jesus’ lap and getting coddled.  Yes, Jesus does offer rest to the weary and is a place of refuge when needed, but the example that Jesus set while on this earth was not that of someone in the fetal position…he was bold in his words, strong in his position, confident.  As men, I pray we are attuned to God’s word and are actively looking for opportunities to be bold for him.


Hardship Hill is right around the corner, May 18th.   Join a team if you haven’t already.

Crawl bears anyone?

  • THE SCENE: 40’s clear…..crisp

    7 cherry pickers IC
  • 20 SSH
  • 10  cobra merkins ea arm (a crowd favorite)
  • 10 wide grip merkins
    Mosey to the playground
  • 7’s pull ups at the bottom and 8ct BB up top
  • Mosey to little Everest (every time we stop at the bleachers for some decline wide merkins and diamond merkins IC)
  • start at the bottom and crawl bear to the top (everyone gave me a poopy face when they heard crawl bear) and complete 20 bobby hurleys, bear crawl down and 20 CDD. repeat decending by five reps every time.
  • Mosey to the bathrooms (more merkins on the way)
  • 7’s easy ups and burpees (about 50yrds away)
  • Mosey to upper field (yup more merkins)
  • 50yd sprints with 10 second rest in between (6 reps)
  • Mosey to AO


20 box cutters IC


Welcome FNG dig dug!

Intercede for your wives just as Christ intercedes on our behalf. When we pray we need to always include our wives in our prayers. As husbands we are called to present her as holy and blameless. Pray for her greatest need, (same as ours) for her to have a deeper relationship with Jesus in her life.


3rd F next Saturday after convergence at the asylum at 0700

160lb Pain Train

THE SCENE: Upper 30s… Otherwise unremarkable.

Quick warmup lap around the park – 5 HIMs sharing 2x 60lb and 1x 40lb sandbags… no shoulder carry allowed. Front, suitcase, etc…
After the warmup lap, carry sandbags up to the turf field.

Circle Burps (Ruck on)
Stand in a close circle with one 60lb bag.
Pass bag around the circle.
One burpee immediately after you pass the bag.
Try to be back up before your neighbor throws the bag your direction…
10x around the circle each direction

Sandbag Pull-through line (Ruck on)
Plank side by side along the top of the penalty box, 60lb bag on the corner.
Pull through along the line.
As soon as you pull, get up and go to the front of the line.
Repeat across the penalty box, then reverse at the other end and come back.

160lb Pain Train (Ruck on)
Fasten all 3 sandbags end-to-end. Hook to ruck molle with tow strap.
Bear crawl width of field, towing sandbags.
Bernie back, dragging sandbags by strap.
Waiting PAX repeat 10-10-10 Merkins, Squats, and Curls

Cool-down by finishing up the lap around the park.

None today
5 HIMs
Be well, do good work, and keep in touch. And don’t sexually harass your coworkers.
The day started with some grumblechatter about the no-shoulder-carry lap. Fortunately or unfortunately, that was forgotten after the Pain Train…
Upcoming events: Butters Q tomorrow!

Lake View Schmake View

THE SCENE: Low 30’s and clear, giant moon in the sky.

SSH x25 IC
Cherry Pickers x6 IC
TN Rocking Chair x15 IC
LBAC x15 each way IC
Failure to Launch x8 IC
Mountain Parkers x15 IC

Mosey around toward the Matterhorn, but stop just after the entrance to Lakeside Tavern.
Boo Boo Bear Crawl up the treacherous slope, switching legs halfway.

Continue on to the rock, and pair up in groups of 3. One PAX at the rock, one at the bottom of the hill, and one runner between. With each visit to the top or bottom of the hill, do next exercise until relieved.

Top exercises:
Carolina Dry Docks

Bottom exercises:
Iron Mikes
Side Lunges

After 2 rounds, return the way we came, audible to regular bear crawl back down the hill.

Just before the AO, stop for 10x Hand Release Derkins on the guardrail OYO.

Nice visit with Mary this morning:
50x 4ct flutter kicks
2 rounds Row your Boat
15x LBCs IC
15x Side Crunch each side IC

13 PAX at the Pound today, including special guest from Charlotte area Kilowatt
Waiting for our house to sell has been a real test of patience. We are learning to wait on Him, not just with a passive “doing nothing” kind of waiting, but seeking Him to try to understand His will for us. If you’re waiting too, try to seek God during that time rather than just passively waiting as though you’re waiting on a bus or something…
I realized as I stood up from an exercise at the top of the hill that I should have swapped the up/down exercises. Same work, but we would have gotten to enjoy the view out over the lake doing the standing exercises vs. the ones where you’re just looking at the ground!
Don’t forget to sign up for Hardship Hill! Also, Habitat opportuinity in Alcoa this weekend, and Convergence/3rd F on March 30!.