F3 Knoxville

March to Golgotha

THE SCENE: Low 40’s with a little drizzle for shizzle.

SSHs, LBAC(F), LBAC(B), Tempo Squats, Mountain Climbers
PAX were instructed to choose from a cornucopia of albatrosses to carry throughout the workout: we had an assortment of CMUs, Kettle Bells, Dumbbells, Wood Logs, and Sand Bags.  Once everyone had a “friend,” the fun began:

  • Slowsy to brick parking lot by the strip center, perform 25 weighted squats, put down the weight and run to opposite side of parking lot, perform 2 double burpees, run back and pick weight back up.
  • We continued this cycle of activity, making our way to the summit of Jucomanjaro for 5 double Burpees (Slowsy with weight, perform exercise, run to next stopping point for burpees, run back to get weight, rinse and repeat).
  • Exercises Performed at the various stops: Squats (x25), Merkins (x25), Monkey Humpers (x25), Push Press (x25), Rows (x25), Smurf Jacks (x25).
  • Carry Weight Back to AO

Cashed out with 4ct Flutter Kicks (x50).
14 strong.

Q shared a history lesson at top of Jucomanjaro – the cross carried by Christ to Golgotha (place of crucifixion) weighed about 300lbs in totality, with the cross beam (the piece he most likely carried himself up the hill) weighing about 100lbs (according to most historians).  The distance He traveled to Golgotha was 2,000 feet and this path is currently a place for Christian pilgrimage.  It just so happens that 2,000 feet equates to 666 yards (the biblical number for Satan), demonstrating God’s perfect plan and Jesus’ overcoming of Satan at the Cross.  Pretty amazing.

If you want to know how much God loves you, you don’t have to look any further than the Cross. One of the things that keeps us from accepting God’s love and becoming more like him is pride.  Pride is the root source of all or most sin.  Q shared one practical way to battle pride: pray for others.  Looking back at your prayer life, what percentage of prayers would you estimate were about you (Lord, give me wisdom, Lord – protect me and my family, Lord – help me get this promotion, etc.)?  The Lord knows what you need.  Focus your prayer life on praying for others.  This is a great starting point for winning the battle against pride, turning from ourselves and focusing on others (like Christ).
Special thanks to Booster, Bartman, Doubtfire, Spotter, and anyone else who brought some weight to the party.  Extra Credit to Pre-Ruck/Run Crew – Spotter, Waxjob, Doubtfire, Bagger, Erector, and Archie


Beach Weather

THE SCENE: 65 & breezy  –  felt just like a night at the beach


  • Merkins IC x 10
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • LABC fwd/bckwd x 10
  • OYO stretches


  • Mosey to the hockey rink
    • 11’s.  Merkins on one end, Squats on the other.  Do 2 burpees every time you cross the middle of the rink
  • Mosey to the tennis courts
    • 11’s.  Bear crawl forward & crawl bear back.  Dry Docks at one end, Lunges at the other end.
  • Mosey to the outhouse
    • Battle buddy up.  100 box jumps, 100 decline merkins, 100 calf raises.  Do these DORA style while partner runs to the grass and does 5 merkins.


  • Low flutter kicks x 20
  • High flutter kicks x 20
  • Heels to heaven x 20
  • LBC x 20
  • Row, row, row your boat (Waxjob)
  • 5 burpees OYO (Ribbed)

Toebox, Tweet-E, Tank, Waxjob, Snitch, Ribbed, Wagon Wheel, Sparky, Mayberry, Choir Boy, Abacus, Bartman

God is in the business of bringing glory to himself.  No matter what your circumstance is, be sure to posture yourself so that God gets glory from it.



I Love Hate You, Man

THE SCENE: 50 or so. Hot and muggy. Also really dark, because clouds and new moon.

SSH x20
Windmill x15
CMU Hop-Over x20 OYO
Cherry Picker x8 IC
Round-the-blocks Merkins (1 lap)
Pass-the-CMU 1 round each direction


Mosey down around the outhouse and back up by the grassy area.

Pair up, one PAX does traveling exercise, other does specified reps of stationary exercise, then goes to relieve traveling PAX wherever they are. Alternate between the two stationary exercises until time called, then move on to the next Travel/Stationary grouping

Traveling Stationary
Bear Crawl w/ CMU 20 Curls
20 Tri Ext.
Crab Walk w/ CMU 20 Merkins
20 Big Boy Situps
Farmer Carry 2 CMU 20 Squats
20 Carolina Dry Docks
Blockee Broad Jump 5 8-Count Body Builders
20 Tri Ext.

Once more around the outhouse, then back up to the AO

Just enough time for 5 Pullover-situp-standup with CMU
12 Men today… All disciples I pray!
Just a practical word today for your health and those around you: wash your hands. 2.0 and half of her school are out sick….
I planned on running this Q up on the soccer field across the street, but it was so dark I couldn’t see the cones when they were 10 feet away.
Oh well… Whatever kind of grass that is near the AO smells pretty nice. I guess it’s whatever they put on there to cover up the odor of the dog excrement…
Thanks to Mayberry for today’s title. Definitely appreciated the “I love hate you right now, Waxjob” toward the end of the beatdown.
Signup for Hardship Hill!!!! (YHC too)
The Project AO launch in Oak Ridge was today… Tell your friends!

Blessed CMU

THE SCENE: 45 deg. Foggy but not soggy.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Welcome + No pro + Free + Injury Mindfulness
SSH + Windmills + Cherry Pickers +
Partner up for some tough-mudder exercises https://www.instagram.com/p/BtQpsB-lkCl/:

  • Reverse Lunge (Iron mikeish) & Leg Lifts
  • Merkins & Claps
  • Plank & reverse Lunge

Blessed CMUs:
Enroute to CMU pile and mulch pile: Bear Crawls, Crab walks, Side Straddles, Kereeoke, Bernie, Zombie mosey.
Grab CMU take to Mulch pile.

Teams of Three do these:

  • Run over three mulch mounds with CMU as a relay – as other team member does SSH
  • Run over three mulch mounds with CMU as a relay – as other team member does Big Boy situps
  • Run over three mulch mounds with CMU as a relay – as other team member does SQUATS

Over at Sand Volley ball court.
Right arm CMU carry sprint Heisman Football Run across court.
Left arm CMU carry sprint Heisman Football Run across court.
Right arm CMU carry sprint Heisman Football Run across court.
Left arm CMU carry sprint Heisman Football Run across court.

Carry CMU to Soccer field.
100 Sprint from Goal to Goal on soccer field without CMU. 2X.

Back to AO.

For this song  Lyrics https://www.google.com/search?q=david+crowder+I%27m+blessed+lyrics&oq=david+crowder+I%27m+blessed+lyrics&aqs=chrome..69i57.8416j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Stay in a plank the whole song.
When he says “My God is able” put right arm to sky and back to plank.
When he says “My God is good” put left arm to sky and back to plank.
When he says Blessed or blessing do a merkin.
When he says The days of the week, cycle through Freddy Mercuruies ending with a High Leg lift to the Sky on “All day Sunday”.

13 HIMS.
In being at a funeral this past week, death was constantly on my mind. Be sure to count every breath and heart beat as a blessing. Rest assured they are numbered.

Congrats on The Oak Ridge Men getting a brand new AO up and running tomorrow!!! Can’t wait !! It’s gonna be awesome!


THE SCENE: Plenty of gloom. Rain and 30s, temp steadily dropping.

SSH x20 IC
Mountain Parkers x15 IC
Tempo Merkins x10 IC
One-hand 6-count Body Builders (skip the pushup) x5 IC (each arm)
Ice Skaters x20 each leg OYO
Hindurkins x10 IC

Mosey back to my car because I forgot to take my wallet out of my pocket

Mosey to the base of the Matterhorn, circle up for 15x Tempo Squats IC, continue to the Pavalon
Escalator style circuit:
20 Merkins
20 Mountain Climbers
20 Squat Rolls
20 V-ups
20 Travoltas
20 Crabettes

When done, make one lap around the Pavalon doing full step-ups (watch your head!) on the picnic table benches. Left leg on the out, right leg on return.
Repeat circuit, dropping the Crabettes. Another pavalon lap, this time Groucho-walking one leg on the benches.

R&R until done, mosey back to the AO through the big wet flakes of snow.

30x 4-count LBCs (well, Mayberry did half-Imperial Walkers holding an umbrella), enjoy the view of the falling snow!
6 PAX braved the Snowpocageddonlypse to get better this morning. Welcome back Unibrau, and congrats on the new job!
Isn’t it “funny” how God often brings opposites together and makes them spouses? Sometimes those differences are just that – differences that are neither bad nor good, and we learn to live and love despite them. Sometimes those differences are things that God uses to highlight something in your heart that needs to change. I have a tendency to snap judgment about people that I don’t know, with very little compassion. That guy pulling a U-turn around the median? What a moron… He should learn to drive. The guy on the news that hit a telephone pole at 100mph? Deserved it. But once I get to know someone, and they have a face and a name, I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt. My wife, on the other hand, lets me know that my snap judgements are unacceptable behavior. She has that compassion for the nameless, faceless person that I lack. But, in contrast, she has the tendency to fear the worst about the motivations of the behavior of people that she knows and loves. So take a look at yourself… If you’re like either of us, ask God to work on your heart, to give you compassion for those you don’t know, and trust and grace for those you do.
I was definitely hoping for a bit more white and less wet, but any day that starts with HIMs like these is a great one.
Alcoa CSAUP on 2/9! Check GroupMe for more info.