F3 Knoxville

Earned the Frosty Badge!

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Z-Pack, Gmail
FNGs: None
WARMUP: ruck a lap around the park
THE THANG: ruck some mo’
MARY: not today
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brolympics tomorrow 11/4
2.0 workout at Brickyard 11/18
Growruck training event prep at Asylum 12/2
COT: prayer and a great start to the day

Stadium Ruck Plus

AO: thequacken
Q: Lizzy
PAX: Z-Pack, FixerUpper, Gmail, Quiet Place (Peyton Willeman)
FNGs: None

Ruck lap around the track at the park.

Rucked to Central HS football stadium to ruck stadiums! Also, we did sandbag leap frog to and from the stadium. We took turns doing 5 burpees with or without the sandbag, and then ran with the sandbag to catch up to the group who continued walking.


Bro Olympics

Prayer time.
Have a great weekend!

Birthday contraptions

AO: brickyard
Q: Spellcheck , Appleseed (Jon Smith)
PAX: Appleseed (Jon Smith), Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Gmail, Spellcheck, Z-Pack, Natty, Dilbert, Bruce Lee, Strings, Thread, Gmail’s 2.0 / “Hatchet” 🪓
FNGs: 1 Gmail’s 2.0 / “Hatchet” 🪓
Side, straddle, hops, tempo, squats, Ty, fighters, seal, claps, overhead claps,


The 2.0 Q by Appleseed…

1. Run one lap around track
2. Simon Says: SSH, seal claps, overhead claps, BBS, flutter kicks etc. mess up and do 3 burpees
3. Run a lap
4. Red Light/green light: person calling out red light green light does plank.
Those moving bear crawl. If you get caught move back to start.
5. Run a lap
6. Merkin Tag: one part of field. Kind of like freeze tag except if you get tagged. Do 10 merkins before you get back up.


10 AMRAP Centers /w 2 man makers between each.

2 1min Rounds…
CMU curls
CMU forearms
Log run
CMU tug-of-war
CMU shoulder shrugs
Pull-ups & push-ups
CMU squat thrusters
Medicine ball throw
Battle ropes
Sandbag squats

1 30sec round just for fun without man makers

20 LBC
10. Superman.
20 Freddie Mercury
9 more Man Makers. (49)

Bro Olympics coming up!

“We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭5‬ ‭ESV‬
Everything ends, workouts, and workdays. Everything but Christ. We rushed through life to get finished, to be done, to retire, and we missed the life in between! Life is hidden in Christ look in him to find it! Don’t miss what he’s doing constantly right in front of us!

Groundhog Day

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Lizzy, Z-Pack, Back Draft (Caleb Haney), FixerUpper
FNGs: None
SSH admin by Lizzy
Hamstring stretch
Cherry Pickers IC
Baby Arm Circles for’erds and back’erds IC
Michael Phelps
Some of these, some of those
5 each of exercises for The Thang (see below)

Groundhog Day AMRAP
10 burpees
10 merkins
10 big boi situps
10 squats
1 lap around the park (.33 mile)

Flutter kicks 30 IC
Hello Dollys 15 IC
Heels to Heaven 10 IC
Star Gazers IC

Biggest loser challenge. Z-Pack and Lizzy weighed in. FixerUpper committed to continue fasting on Mondays.
Guest Q, Brick and Matlock next Wednesday

This workout is called Groundhog Day because it is the same thing over and over and over. Our daily lives often feel like this, but in the middle of the mundane, we can be consistent.

In Q Source, simplicity is the foundation of consistency. I have a joke that I talk a lot about in December. “January 1, everthing’s gonna change!!” Of course, things rarely do. However, with small and simple incremental changes, we can build routines, and form better habits. Living out those habits will make us into consistent men.

Prayer for Lizzy’s day at work, Wedding Singer’s foot, and Backdraft’s business.