F3 Knoxville

The Beatdown That Keeps on Giving

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Mid 40’s.

Walking Lunges With a Twist (100ft)
Carolina Dry Docks (IC x 10)
Burnie Sanders Back (100ft)
Inchworms (50ft)
SSH (IC x 20)
Broad Jumps (50ft)
T-Merkins (OYO x 10)
Burnie Sanders Back (100ft)
High Kick Forward and Back (100ft)
Rockette Line in lieu of Woodshack (IC x 10)
Burnie Sanders Back (100ft)

Starting with 3 balls to the wall you have completed round 1. Add the next movement for round 2 – 3 balls to the wall, 5 pull-ups, run back to beginning. Round 3 begins with balls to the wall, pull-ups, adding merkins, then run back to start….
Round 10:
3 Balls to the Wall
5 Pull-ups
10 Merkins
15 V-Ups
20 Iron Mikes
25 Dips
30 Shoulder Taps
40 Rotating BBS
50 CMU Overhead Press
CMU Farmer Carry Back to Start

LBC (oyo x20)
Ankle Touches (oyo x25)
Hello Dolly (4ct x20)
Slutter Kick (4ct x15)
Mountain Climbers (4ct x20)
Bycycle (4ct x10)

9 Pax out for TOUGH beatdown!
Finding myself struggling daily to find and hang on to the intensity and motivation to stay fit; I find myself searching and looking for motivational quotes, stories, and videos.  In my most recent search I found a list of 10 reasons to stay fit:
1. Get confident in your own abilities
2. Extend life expectancy
3. raise quality of life
4. Look and feel better
5. Be in a better mood
6. Have a stress-free life
7. Be more energetic
8. Become more productive
9. Discover who you are
10. Become Harder to kill
Though this list may not be the most motivating list to get fit or re-find the motivation it did sit on my mind heavily from another perspective. I couldn’t help but to reflect on God while reading this list, and finding that the list is almost a perfect reason to be a Christ follower. I found a way to incorporate following God into each of these 10 items and how this list served me more as a reason to follow Him!

There’s rumor of a CSAUP headed this way….