F3 Knoxville

The Bros Bowl

Asylum Daybreak
AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Steam
PAX: Pusher, F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Stitch, Kung Blue, Choir Boy, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Cart Girl (John Sadler) (Chatt, TN), Dain Bramage (Will Olson), Lilydipper, Waffle House (Brady Greene), Brick, Billie Jean, Stiff Arm, Sweat Kankle
FNGs: 1 Sweat Kankle
1. Mountain Climber: 12×4
2. Plank Jacks: 12×4
3. Rockette: 12×4
4. Imperial Walker: 12×4
5. Apollo Onos: 10×4

(Mosey to the BP)

1 — BP Warm-Up
– 50 bench pull-ups
– 50 dips

(Mosey to the front of the Super Bowl)

2 — Rings of Power Part 1
– Run up the inner ring
– Top: 10 Star Jacks (1ct)
– Base: 10 man-makers
– Total of 1 round

3 — Rings of Power Part 2
– Run the outer middle ring to the top
– Top: 10 heels to heaven (4ct)
– Base: 10 Butterfly situps (1ct)
– Total of 1 round

4 — Rings of Power Part 3
– Run the outer perimeter ring
– Opposite side: 10 elevated heel squats (1ct)
– Base: 10 Iron Mikes (1ct)
– Total of 1 round

5 — Muscle Beach Mania
– Different Xs — only 5 reps each
– 5 reps = a higher expectation of good form rather than sprinting through
– Once you’re done with 5 reps of an X, run to the CCP (Country Club Pav) and do 25 LBCs (1ct)
– Rinse and repeat for (x amount of minutes)
– The Xs (On Notecards)
– Dips
– Pull-ups/chin-ups
– Incline Merkins
– Decline Merkins
– Balanced Squats
– Box Jumps (fully stand up)
– Rope pull-ups
– Forearm plank leg lifts
– Elevated split squats
– Monkey bar gauntlet

American Indian run 1/2 back to the flag
Jailbreak / BTTW 1/2 back to the flag

– 2024 Summer Convergence — uncovered-summer-convergence
– 7/13/24
– The Cove @ Concord Park
– 7am – 8am workout / 8am – 9am COT + coffeteria

Notes & takeaways from a portion of GrowSchool
(From GTE-46 (SEND ME))

1. What is your “F3 story?”
1. This matters!
2. Not only do people outside of F3 need to hear this as you EH them, but it’s also important to remind ourself and other men in F3 of this story — it helps us better understand each other and how F3 has changed our lives.
1. Rightness is a process – not a destination
2. f3nation.com/get-right-q1/ — The Pursuit of Personal Alignment
1. Commitment to the DRP (Daily Red Pill)
2. King — Fitness
1. Fatigue makes cowards of us all
2. No one cares what you can do when you’re fresh – it’s the level of integrity that you execute at when you’re smoked and tired that fights against the quote above
3. This is a daily discipline of the body
1. Queen — your “put in the body” discipline
1. Typically viewed from a nutritional perspective (diet, etc.)
2. But broaden the scope to include anything you are consuming – physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, spiritually, etc.
3. Your King can’t outwork your Queen
1. If I workout 7x a week but have a terrible diet, it doesn’t matter how hard I’m working
1. Your King and Queen are intrinsically related and connected
1. Jester — temptation of the flesh
1. anything. that hinders the acceleration of your King, Queen, Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.
1. https://soundcloud.com/f3nation/f3-q-source-get-right-q1