F3 Knoxville

The dirty mac deuce


THE SCENE: Don’t know the exact temp, but 109% humidity

Tempo squats x10 IC
No rest for the following shoulder blaster exercises:
BAC forward x15 IC
BAC back x15 IC
Overhead claps x15 IC
Air presses x15 IC  – arms down for a quick rest
A little of this &that
SSH x20 IC
Mosey through lot and towards Bojangles.  Stop for a quick set of leg blasters in the LifeHouse parking lot:  10 squats, 10 lunges each leg, 10 jump squats with no rest in between.  Continue mosey and cross railroad tracks to the hill for Elevens.  Start at the bottom with 10 Mr. Spectaculars, Bernie uphill to the sign, 1 jump squat, run back down.  Continue with Elevens routing flapjacking the reps.

Recover and 10 count.  Mosey back toward start point and stop right in front of high school entrance for the Dirty Mac Deuce.  Four rounds, complete 20 reps of each exercise and run a lap around the parking lot before moving on to the next round.  Exercises as follows:

  • Round 1 – Derkins, lunges, superman swims
  • Round 2 – Wide merkins, prisoner squats, hello Dolly’s
  • Round 3 – Catalina wine mixers, calf raises, side crunches
  • Round 4 – Dips, pistol squats, American hammers

10 count.  Not enough time for rock routine planned, but too much time for just Mary.  Audible for some sprints.  Running the length of the parking lot, run 75% to the other end and slow mosey back.  Run 85% to the other end and slow mosey back, run 90% and mosey back.  All sprint to empty the tanks on the last iteration and walk back for Mary.

No rest in between exercises:
Heals to heaven x 15
Plank 30 seconds
Flutter kicks x20
Plank 30 seconds
Box cutters x8 because time ran out and my abs were on fire
Fantastic Five in the north: Mr. Wedgie, Dr. Feelgood, WoodTick, Herbie, Abort
“I firmly believe that any man’s finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out for a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle, victorious”
– Vince Lombardi

Obviously, we know what he was referring to when he said this.  However, in my opinion the more difficult thing is finding that good cause for which to work your heart out.  The hard part at least to me is to find where you can utilize your strengths for a great cause, but that is a challenge we should all be looking for: to find that cause that we can exhaust ourselves and works our hearts out for.