F3 Knoxville

The Hindenburg


THE SCENE: High 50’s and overcast.

  • SSH x20 IC
  • Cherry Picker x10 IC
  • Tempo Squat x10 IC
  • Nancy Kerrigan x10 IC (baby arm circles forward while going up on one leg like figure skater)
        • x10 IC (switch leg, baby arm circles backwards)
  • Chinook x20 IC (overhead arm circles)
  • Diamond Merkins x10 OYO

The “Flight of the Hindenburg”

  • Mosey from AO to back of JUCO campus coupon pile.
    • Discover hidden history tablet w/ Hindenburg BLIMPS workout and Hindenburg trivia.
  • Mosey back to AO while giving PAX history lesson on the Hindenburg.

The “Crash Site”

  • Hindenburg BLIMPS (4 corners, mosey/spring between each corner, all single count)
  • Exercises are completed in “rounds” or “laps”
  • B – urpees x10 at each corner = 40 burpees total
  • L – unges x20 at each corner = 80 lunges total
  • I – mperial Walkers x30 at each corner = 120 imperial walkers total
  • M – erkins x40 at each corner = 160 merkins total (embrace the suck)
  • P – lank jacks x50 at each corner = 200 plank jacks total (shoulders much?)
  • S – quats x60 at each corner = 240 squats total
  • Called “recover” during the Squats round.


  • Hurricane Hoedown (flutter kicks in 4 styles: hands at hallelujah, behind head, normal, LBCs)
    • 7 of each style IC
    • 6 of each style IC


Total of 12 HIMs: Kenjo, Snaggletooth, Trolley, Spotter, Sty, Judge Judy, 5K, Erector, Bulldog, Booster, Chaco, Guano


The Hindenburg’s creators were silly enough to put a lavish smoking room on board. However, their primary job was to get people safely from point A to point B. Challenge: What’s your primary objective as a Christian, man, husband, father, friend, etc.? Do you focus on the tasks, easy things, comfort, etc.? If you can get 1 thing right in your day that’s actually important what would that be?


Prayers for Guano’s grandfather’s funeral and Trolley’s wife’s health.

Good to see Bulldog come out to JUCO who normally posts at Asylum and Big Ball.


Trolley, 5K, and Judge Judy on Q next week at JUCO. Booster says it should be easy. I think that’s a challenge. 😉