F3 Knoxville

The Not-So-Merry-Go-Round

Big Ball

THE SCENE: 60’s, clear skies, a little damp from yesterdays rain

Static stretching, Tempo Squats, Hill Billies
Moseyed over to the field behind the amphitheater with the paved walkway around it, then got into partners with someone who would push you but not lap you or be lapped. Here we had 8 stations, 4 corners and 4 cones (1 between each corner). Each had a different workout assigned to it. Pairs rotated around the stations by completing the exercises, running a lap around the field, and then moving on to the next. Here are the exercises at each station:

  • Toe-Tap-Merkin Bearcrawls forward and backwards across the large paved section
  • Monkey Jumpers across the field then duck walk back
  • 50 x Cobras, 25 x Carolina Dry Docks, 10 x Walkout merkins
  • 100 x BBS
  • 25 x Hand-Release-Release Merkins, 25 x standard Merkins
  • Murder Bunnies across the field and Overhead Carries back
  • 25 x Standing Shoulder Taps, 25 x Plank Shoulder Taps
  • 20 x American Hammers, 20 x Flutterkicks, 20 x Freddie Mercurys, 20 x LBCs


Shared the story of Robert McCherye, who was a 19th century minister who was just as well known for his faith as he was for being a workaholic. He died of cardiac arrest at 29 and on his death bed wrote “God gave me a message to deliver and a horse to ride on. Alas, I have killed the horse and now I cannot deliver the message.” I think we tend to acknowledge that rest is worthwhile but are still reluctant to take the time needed for it. Sometimes it makes us feel weak or like we’re wasting our time. When Jesus was confronted about working on the Sabbath He said that man was not made for the Sabbath but the Sabbath for man. It’s easy to walk away from that saying “OK, Jesus said its fine for me not to rest”, but rather we should hear that and acknowledge that if the Sabbath was made specifically for us then it must be worthwhile. So let’s seek out rest wherever we need it, whether that be physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually
Hardship Hill next weekend