F3 Knoxville

The “Ultimate” Beatdown


THE SCENE: Cool and calm

Mosey to oval office (track) with some leg stretches along the way.

Since this was acting as my birthday queue, we did one of my favorite things….played ultimate frisbee!  It was dark of course so we played on the Middle School football field where the most lights are.  It worked but was a challenge to catch dew (see what I did there?) to the wet grass and when the disc was coming from the direction of the lights (since they are only really on one side of the field).

When the disc was dropped we did merkins for awhile but ended up modifying to keep game play moving.  The team that was scored on had to do 10 burpees.

cherry pickers, overhead claps, little baby crunches
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The day before I lost my patience and control when it was time for the boys to get in the car for school.  It ultimately ended up well as I was able to model apologizing and talked with my son about how I could have handled the situation better.  I have continued to reflect on the situation and come to realize that I lost control of myself because I felt like I lost control of the situation.  My main takeaways from the experience were:

  1. It’s okay to not be in control of a situation but it’s not okay to not be in control of yourself
  2. In order to be able to respond in a better way, I need to work on myself outside of those moments.  It’s much like sports, you get better outside of games.  That’s what practice is for.

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