F3 Knoxville

Too dang hot!

Big Ball

THE SCENE: Like 32 degrees. I thought it was supposed to be 22? I dressed out way too warm.
(Had to yell it a bit so the PAX straggling in could hear)

0 Burpees
25 SSH
2 Burpees
10 HR Merkins
4 Burpees
20 Cossack Squats
6 Burpees
15 Crabettes
8 Burpees
15 LBAC fwd, 15 backward
(skip the 10 burpees… pretty sure we’ll make ’em up)

Mosey to the Ampitheater for the Memory beatdown game.
PAX take turns flipping 2 cards. If the cards don’t match, all PAX do BOTH exercises.
If the cards match they’re removed, and PAX just do that exercise followed by running a lap around the outside of the ampitheater.

The cards:
15 Merkins
15 Dry Docks
10 Iron Mikes (each leg)
10 Squat jump
10 Burpees
15 Monkey Hump 4ct
20 Mtn Climber 4ct
Bear Crawl to light pole, Crawl Bear back
20 Flutter Kicks 4ct
20 Big Boys

Managed to clear the Dry Docks, Iron Mikes, Squat Jumps, Burpees, and Mountain Climbers. Not bad for a weekday beatdown

Had to AYG across the field to get back to the AO in time… No Mary today.
12 strong today, no FNGs. (No tag for Crawlspace)
Ps 37:4 – Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.

Not what your (own selfish, sinful) heart desires, but His desires for you will be planted in your heart. You will desire what He desires, and we know that His knowledge and love for us are perfect.
This might be the last time for the Memory game cards… Or maybe not.
12/8: 3rd F at the Overlook. Praise for the birth of Cowbell’s daughter!