F3 Knoxville

Triple quarter pounder

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Mouthwash
PAX: Madoff, Bookman, Cheney, Mouthwash, Ribbed (Joshua Sagraves), Smithers, Snowbird, Stripped, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Rockettes, Tennessee rocking chair, high knees, buttkickers, tie fighters.


Triple quarter pounder

Sprint to the 25 yards and Do 25 merkins, Run backwards to Goal And Sprint to the 50 and do 50 squats, Backwards to Goal Line sprint to the 75 and do 75 Mountain Climbers, Run backwards to the goal line and sprint to the hundred and do 100 SSH.

Round 1/2/3

25 — merkins/monkey humpers/merkins
50 — squats/bobby Hurley’s/squats
75 — mountain climbers/lunges/mountain climbers
100 — SSH/SSH/flutter kicks

4×4’s until 6 is up — burpee w/ 4 merkins and 4 mountain climbers

Then we did some pull-ups and a wall sit.

MARY: 2 cherry pickers



Exodus — when Moses asks God to send someone else —

“In this moment, Moses does what we often do when God calls us. We compare our natural gifts and abilities to the size of the task, to gauge whether we are capable of doing what God has called us to do. God doesn’t call us because we have, in ourselves, everything we need to accomplish what he’s calling us to do.
No, he calls weak and broken people to do huge and important things because He is able. He is with us, and he empowers us to do what he wills for us to do. Every one of God’s commands is accompanied by his empowering grace. Exodus 4 records how God demonstrates his power to fearful Moses to assure him that he will go down to Egypt and stand before Pharaoh not in his own power, but in the awesome power of the King of kings and the Lord of lords” — Paul Tripp from Everyday Gospel