F3 Knoxville

Triple Threat, Triple Q

Asylum AM
  1. THE SCENE:  Sunny and temperature just below 60.  On this Halloween evening, only three of us showed up.  We realized no one had signed up to Q so the three of us did a joint Q:  Mr. Jinxy, Smallmouth, and Lilydipper.

    20 Side-straddle-hops.  Little of this, little of that.  20 Michael Phelps.  10 Cherry Pickers.  20 Imperial Walkers.  10 Slow Timed Squats.

Mosey on roadway to northeast corner of Administration Bldg.

  • 10 Squat Jumps
  • 10 Lunges, each leg
  • 20 Squats, 4 count
  • 10 Knee touch jumps

Mosey to Lakeshore trail and head north west to area at northern end of Asylum.  Do elevens, starting with one Big Boy Sit-up and ten decline merkins.  The BB Sit-ups are done by trail while the merkins are done by tree about 50 yards uphill.  Each man sprints back and forth between sit-ups and merkins.

Mosey on Lakeshore trail to bottom of Mt. Everest.  Do two sets of the following exercises, running up to large tree, around tree and back to Lakeshore trail between each exercise.

  • 10 Shoulder Taps, 4 count
  • 40 Baby Crunches

Mosey to top of Mt. Everest and go to Boulder Pile by Administration Bldg Parking Lot.  Each man does two sets of the following exercises, running to light pole by Administration Bldg and back to boulder pile between exercise.  The exercises are done with Cinder Block Weight Boulders.

  • 25 Overhead Presses
  • 25 Curls
  • 25 Squats with weight at chest

Mr. Jinxy, Smallmouth, Lilydipper
A book that Cap’n Crunch has recommended is Wild at Heart by John Eldridge.  Eldridge talks about how as men, we are often taught to ignore our wounds.  Yet, our reaction to our wounds leads us to live out of a false self.  God wants us to live out of our true selves.  We must recognize and admit our wounds, come to God with them.  By admitting our wounds and approaching God with them, we can get beyond them and be the true men God wants us to be.