F3 Knoxville

Ultimate Frisbee – A Game of Inches

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Felt like fall is finally in the air. A bit cooler and nicer

10 windmills, motivators from 5, mosey to the soccer field stopping at each stop sign for 4 T-Merkins
Game of Ultimate Frisbee played in the 18 yard box of the soccer field. Every time the frisbee hits the ground, everyone does 1 burpee (the throw offs are exempt).

When you score, Scoring team does 10 star jacks (to release excitement), and scored on team does 10 hand release merkins (to wallow in shame, lol).

Run back to the AO stopping at each stop sign to do 4 jump squats with a midair twist. Little baby crunches for time. 


Goals. There was this interesting study I heard about where there were 2 AIs that were sort of like artificial financial advisors. There were real people in the study who were all competing in like a simulated stock market to increase their portfolio. The AIs were given similar but distinct goals. One was tasked with selfishly increasing the wealth of the artificial company it worked for. The other was tasked with increasing the overall wealth of their company and their clients. The selfish AI did a good job and actually got more wealth for it’s company than the other AI. But the other AI generated more wealth overall for itself and its clients.

So what? Well, for one, we need to think carefully about what goals we delegate out to AI to make sure they are ethical. But more importantly, thinking about our own goals. Are we setting good and noble goals for ourselves? Are we setting goals that are good for the people around us? How many degrees of people around us? How do we measure our success? The “wealth” we create for ourselves? Or the overall “wealth” we generate for our families, friends, and communities. I say “wealth” in quotes because I’m not just talking about monetary wealth. I’m talking about human flourishing. I think F3 gives us a good place to start. Do our Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith goals all align in such away that it helps us all flourish? Or are we guilted into things, or over commit ourselves in one area only to be come bitter and resentful in another important area?

One last thing. It was cool to observe on the field today that as both teams started to adopt a strategy the involved possessing the frisbee and waiting for a good short pass, they tended to reach their desired goal more. The Hale Mary passes worked a few times, but they more often failed. Let’s all lock shields together and help each other make small consistent steps in our goals.


See Slack for a couple events on the 20th and for some Breakfast at Drifters and a Beer Mile coming up in September.