F3 Knoxville

What’s in a Name

AO: juco
Q: Lt. Dan
PAX: Guardrail, Trash Panda, Cheap Ride, Erector, Wanderer, Wheelchair (Jonathan Perelman), Fetch
FNGs: None
– SSH – 15
– Windmill – 15
– Chery Picker 15
– In Cadence merkin – 10
– Roll over – V-ups – 15
– Flutter Kick 15
– Stretch on Own – 30 sec

Mosey – Courtyard Wall
Drop for 10 Burpee’s on call
Series of 4, then lap:
– Dips – 25
– Incline Meerkin – 25
– BBS – 25
– VUP – 25

PAX Choice: Flutter Kicks, Hillbilly Walker, Johnny Walker, Tempo Merkin
Dad Camp

I had the honor of joining Mr. Wanderer and his family at their church this past Sunday. And, while the sermon was based on the importance of doing Good Work, the thing that I kept hearing over and over and over again both in the sermon and in the music was an emphasis on God’s Name. If it had been only one reference, I would have thought – well, ok we should certainly respect the name of God. However, this was such a frequent refrain throughout the event it I began to over analyze… again. Then, there was that Ahh ha moment – Why such emphasis on the word “Name”? and His Name in general? So, what I surmised is that the name of God and His son Jesus is above all others. The name represents all that God represents. Since His name is clean, and above all others, and His name is truly beyond reproach and should be exalted above all else, what does that say about our personal names? Yikes! That’s a high bar to set for ourselves, right? To respect our name as we would His own? Well heck, have any of us ever fallen short of these expectations? Have we done things that we are not so proud of? Have we disrespected our name or the name of others? And, are my own transgressions so great that I should just crawl in a hole and stop trying? That hardly seems fair. No, he is a fair God, and a righteous God – and thank God he offers Forgiveness. As each of us go out into our communities this week, I encourage us all to practice forgiveness of others and also of ourselves.
What I remember growing up is how my mother always told me that the most important possession in life is our reputation, and that our reputation is all we take with us when we are no longer here.
And so I I found the following excerpt from…
Bible, Matthew 6:14-15: “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”