F3 Knoxville

What’s the count Dora?

  1. THE SCENE: Cold after the rain
  • Welcome to F3: Fitness/Fellowship/Faith
  • My name is Skeletor
  • Couple of things before we begin:
    • Not a professional
    • This is a free workout
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • I don’t know the injuries you may or may not have – so modify as you need. Push yourselves don’t hurt yourselves and push the men around you when they need it.


  • SSH
  • Tempo squats
  • Tempo merks
  • Knox Cherry Pickers
  • Willy Mays Hayes
  • LBAC -F
  • LBAC – B
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Hallelujahs

PAX are separated into two teams to compete

One PAX will Dora to the fort and back while carrying a 40lb sandbag

The other members of the team will perform a single motion until Dora returns keeping count of total individual and team count. The sandbag will be handed off to the next member of the team for fort exploration until all members of the team have explored. Once all have explored the total score will be tallied and the winning team will get to stack one CMU by the flag, and the PAX with the highest count will also stack one CMU at the flag  most CMU’S at the end wins

Compete until 6:00


  • CMU curls
  • CMU Squats
  • Big Boys
  • Burpees
  • Toe merkins


Ephesians 4:1-7
“Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.”

Emphasis today on ‭‭verses 2-3, “with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

Lend a hand, a hug, or an ear for a brother in need. Be gentle with them, be patient with them, and bring peace to their situation.

Big giant T-claps to Feeny as he was able to complete 24 days in December of 100 Merkins a day earning the GO30 patch, well done!

Awesome to hear that Rampart represented well at F3 Smokies Convergence. With 10 or 11 HIM’S in attendance, well done!
Can’t think of any…..