F3 Knoxville

2018 Grit

The Dog Pound

THE SCENE:   9.   That right n-n-n-n-nine  d-d-d-degrees



  • SSH x 30
  • Merkins x 10
  • Squats x 15 (4 count)


  • Mosey to steep hill where the boats used to be parked
    • 11’s:   burpees at top / squat jumps at bottom
  • 2 laps around boat dock parking lot.  Stop at each light pole for exercises Route 66 style.
    • Lap 1:  Iron Mikes
    • Lap 2:  Big Boy Situps


Round Robin:

  • Bartman:  Box Cutters (4ct) x 20
  • Ratchet:  Side Crunch (4ct) x 10 each side
  • Tweet-E:  Peter Parker
  • Mayberry:  Floor Wipers (4ct) x 20
  • La-Z-Boy:  Mountain Climbers (4ct) x 20
  • Cash out with AMRAP Merkins for the last 20 seconds or so

5 PAX:  Ratchet, Tweet-E, Mayberry, La-Z-Boy, Bartman


A few months ago La-Z-Boy talked about a book he was reading at one of his BOMs.  The book was about Grit and the impact it has on people’s success.  I think Grit is an appropriate topic as we begin 2018.  Whatever your new year resolutions and goals are – at some point you are going to face adversity in achieving them.  That’s where Grit comes in.  When challenges arise, will you give up or dig down deeper and press forward?  I encourage all of the Knoxville PAX to spend some time thinking about this.  When you’re tired, when you don’t feel like getting out of bed, when its cold, when its hot, when your kids are on your last nerve, when your boss doesn’t understand, when you’re mentally exhausted, when you’re looking for a new job, when you’ve tried all options and still aren’t making progress…..you get the idea.   In all of those situations and more it takes GRIT to stay the course.   Gritty wishes to all as we begin a new year together!

Hats off to the Dog Pound crew today.   It definitely took some Grit to show up in 9 degree weather.  Tclaps brothers!