F3 Knoxville


Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE:  Clear skies, calm winds, 66 degrees, 97% humidity

SSH x13, Cherry pickers x10, Imperial squat walkers x10, Baby arm circles x10 forward and backward

Jog length of parking lot, skip length of lot, jog length of lot, karaoke length of lot. (approx. 300 yards)

Completed 3 sets of partner suicide circuits followed by 0.34 mile circuit run.  Each suicide circuit consisted of 3 rounds of 80 yard runs and CMU workouts.

  • Suicide Circuit 1:  #1 PAX runs while #2 PAX bent rows CMU, switch.  #1 runs while #2 curls CMU, switch.  #1 runs while #2 CMU swings, switch.  Total distance 480 yards each.
  • 0.34 mile Circuit:  Running with three stops to perform 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats.  At the burpee stop each PAX inhales … holds … exhales and says, “As long as I can breathe, I can … (fill in the blank)”
  • Suicide Circuit 2:  #1 PAX runs while #2 PAX CMU lunges, switch.  #1 runs while #2 upright CMU row, switch.  #1 runs while #2 CMU single arm deadlifts, switch.  Total distance 480 yards each PAX.
  • 0.34 mile Circuit:  Running with three stops to perform 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats.  At the burpee stop each PAX inhales … holds … exhales and says, “As long as I can breathe, I can … (fill in the blank)”
  • Suicide Circuit 3:  #1 PAX runs while #2 PAX CMU clean & press, switch.  #1 runs while #2 bent CMU row, switch.  #1 runs while #2 CMU squats, switch.  Total distance 480 yards each PAX.
  • 0.34 mile Circuit:  Running with one stop to perform 10 merkins.  At the merkin stop each PAX inhales … holds … exhales and says, “As long as I can breathe, I can … (fill in the blank)”

Box cutter x10, flutter kicks x10, floor wipes x10, wide flutter kicks x10 (all 4 count).  Cashed out with little  baby crunches.
10 PAX present.
Recall those things you thought about when you called out the phrase, “As long as I can breathe, I can …”  What came to mind?  Now listen to these words spoken by Tommie Harris, former pro football player.

Did your “I can” expand its scope after listening to Tommie?  We all need to think about our “I cans” and utilize the strength derived from every breathe to make them happen today, tomorrow, next week, and in the years to come.
Keep all those involved with the day center drowning death of two 23 month old twins in our prayers.  There is a lot of pain, anger, guilt, and remorse.
August 11th is 3rd F at site behind Stephano’s Pizza.  Sign up for Bomb Shelter kickball team to support Garret on August 18th.  CSAUP on August 25th (see newsletter).