F3 Knoxville

7, 5, 3 + Some Miles


39 and Clear

Ruck to Bearden Hill Rec Center (app. 2 miles)

PT (All exercises with ruck unless noted)
Circuit x7:
10 Squats
10 Overhead Presses
10 Upright Rows

Farmer Carry the length of the field (ruck in the rt. hand going down, in the left coming back)

Circuit x 5:
10 Bent Over Rows
15 Ruck Swings
10 Russian twists
10 Curls

Farmer Carry the length of the field (ruck in the rt. hand going down, in the left coming back)

Circuit x3:
10 Lunges (each leg)
10 Ruck Sit-ups
10 Chest Presses
10 Tricep Extensions
10 Burpees (no ruck)

Farmer Carry the length of the field (ruck in the rt. hand going down, in the left coming back)

Ruck back to SP (app 2 miles)

Cash Out
40 4ct Flutter Kicks, 20 Chest Presses
30 4ct Flutter Kicks, 15 Chest Presses


Pray it out and crush the day!