F3 Knoxville

Ring Around The Mosey

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Nice and Warm in the Upper 40s

SSH x 15 IC

Cherry Pickers x 10 IC

Frankenstein Walk through parking lot

Walking Quad Stretch through parking lot

Walking side to side groin stretch through parking lot

We began with a mosey through the park.  We made sure to stay at a pace where everyone could stay relatively close together.

Stop 1 was at the Fountain and we did 10 Burpees OYO and held Al Gore until 6 up.

Continue the Mosey up the hill.

Stop 2 was at the top of the big hill at the back of the park and we did 20 merkins and 20 squats OYO.  Held Al Gore until 6 up.

Continue Mosey back down to Mt. Crumpet, which just so happened to be our 3rd stop.

At Mt. Crumpet, we did 5 ascents up the hill.

  • Ascent 1 was a bear crawl
  • Ascent 2 was a sprint
  • Ascent 3 was a bear crawl
  • Ascent 4 was a sprint
  • Ascent 5 was a bear crawl

Burpees OYO until 6 up.  Continued our ring around the mosey all the way around the park to the base of the hill that climbs to the grinder.  This was Stop #4.

We circled up and did a burpee circle of pain.  The circle held an Al Gore and we took turns doing a burpee until we reach 52 burpees, which was 4 rounds.  We sprinted the hill to the grinder and back.

Circle of pain merkins for same number as the burpees followed by a sprint to the burpees.

At this point, we had 7 minutes before I wanted to start Mary, so we just cashed out the beat down portion by doing an AMRAP of 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Merkins, 15 Squats.

Flutter Kicks x 30 IC

Slutter Kicks x 20 IC

Hello Dollys x 15 IC

Cash Out last minute with LBCs.
13 HIMs showed up to do some serious work.
In Romans 12, the Bible tells us to strip off every weight that so easily entangles us and run with endurance.  That really gets me thinking about Jesus telling his disciples that they and we would face trials and tribulations, but to take heart because he overcame the world.

A lot of times, we get caught wanting life to be a nice, easy mosey through to the end, but that will NEVER be the case.  We serve a very real God, but we also fight a very real enemy who seeks to destroy us and our families.  Life is going to be hard and it will throw curve balls at you.  How you respond to the difficult times and the mentality with which you attack those difficult times can and will make or break you.

Jesus telling his disciples to take heart in today’s terms is him telling his disciples to keep a positive mindset.  Don’t ever let negativity creep in or come out of your mouth because it is like a cancer that will infect those around you as well.  I apologized to the group for any times that I let negativity come out of my mouth during beat downs and vowed to try not to do that anymore.  It may suck, but we are fighting and winning the battle to be our best self.

Run the race of life with endurance and always keep a positive mindset.
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